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25 Cards in this Set

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Urinary system contains





Renal system

Blood fliteration- cleaning/filtration/Dialysis of blood

-urine formation

-urine transport

-urine storage and release

-regulates blood pressure

-stimulates erythropoiesis (blood cells formation)

-activation of vitamin D

-ph control

Renal system function

Produces, stores and eliminates urine

Urine travels from the kidneys through two thin tubes called ureters and fills the bladder when the bladder is full urine is removed through the urethra


Are paired organs enveloped by a Capsule and each kidney is divided into outer cortex and inner medulla

Stroma of cortex and medulla of kideny

Loose CT

Cortex: renal interstitial cortex cells as fibroblasts like cells and secrete erythropoirtin

Medulla: renal interstitial medullary cells, type 1- as fibroblast like cells, type II - mononuclear cells, type III - pericytes

Medulla of kidney

CT- collecting tubule

V- Vasa recta

N- Nucelus of interstitial cell

P- cytoplasmic processes of interstitial medullary cell

D- lipid droplets

C- collagen fibers


Renal corpuscle

Proximal convoluted tubule

Henle loop

Distal convoluted tubule


A concavity on the medial border of the kidney


1. Arteries vessels

2.vein vessels

3.lymphatic vessels

4. Nerves

5. Renal pelvis

Henle loop

Thick descending limb

Thin descending limb

Thin ascending limb

Thick ascending limb

-Distal convoluted tubule

Pars recta of the distal tubule

Macula densa

Distal convoluted tubule

Renal corpuscle

-Vascular pole: is the site on the bowman Capsule where the afferent glomerular arteriole enters the glomerulus and the efferent glomerular arteriole leaves the glomerulus

-urinary pole: is the site on the bowmans Capsule where the Capsule space becom3s continuous with the lumen of the proximal convoluted tubule

Bowmans capsule

-Parietal layer: is the simple squamous epithelium that lines the outer wall of tbe bowmans capsule

-Visceral layer: is the modified simple squamous epithelium (composed of podocytes) that lines the inner wall of the bowmans capsule and envelops the glomerular capillaries

-Bowman space: is the narrow cavity between the Visceral and Parietal layers into which the ultrafiltrate passes

Renal glomerulus

The tuft of capillaries that extend into the bowmans capsule

Glomerular endothelial cells:

-form the inner layer of the Capillary walls

-have a thin cytoplasm that is thicker around the nucleus

-posses large fenestrae but lack the thin diaphragms

Basal lamina:

-between the podocytes and the glomerular endothelial cells

Intraglomerular mesangium:

- the interstitial tissue between glomerular capillaries composed of intraglomerular mesangial cells and extracellular matrix


Highly modified epithelial cells that form the Visceral layer of bowmans capsule

-synthesize glomerular endothelial growth factor a signaling molecules that facilitates the formation and maintenance of the glomerular endothelial cells

-have complex shapes and posses several primary processes that give rise to many secondary processes called pedicels


Embrace the glomerular capillaries and interdigitate with pedicels arising from other primary processes

-their surfaces facing bowmans space are coated with podocalyxin

- pedicels posses integrin molecules that cause them to adhere to the basal lamina

-a filtration slit diaphragm

The renal filtration barrier

Permits passage of water,ions and small molecules from the bloodstream into the capsular space but prevents passage of large and or most negatively charged proteins, thus forming an ultrafiltrate of blood plasma in the bowman space

The proximal convoluted tubule

A single layer of irregularly shaped epithelial cells that have microvilli forming a prominent brush border

Juxtaglomerular apparatus

Macula densa cells: may monitor the osmolarity and volume of the fluid in the distal tubule

JG cells l: synthesize renin and stores it in secretory granules

Extraglomerular mesangial cells

Mesangial cells

Also known as lacis cells and lie between the afferent and efferent glomerular arterioles

Collecting tubules

Principal (light) cells possess a round central nucleus and a single primary cilium responsible for concentrate urine

Intercalated (dark) cells are less numerous than principal cells and possess microplicae on their apical surfaces

Medullary collecting tubules: contain both principal and interclated cells

Papillary collecting tubules: Lined by simple epithelium composed of columnar and empty at area cribrosa


Transitional epithelium

Rericular, elastic fibers

A few inner longitudinal and outer circular smooth muscle fibers

Urine from collecting tubules empty into minor calyces

Renal pelvis

Transitional epithelium

Reticular, elastic fibers

Inner longitudinal outer circular layer of smooth muscle

Expanded upper portion of tbe ureter receives urine from the major calyces


Conveys urine from tbe renal pelvis of each kidney to the urinary bladder

Transitional epithelium

Possesses two layer of muscles

Urinary bladder

Tunica mucosa: transitional epithelium and lamina mascularis

Tunica mascularis: longitudinal, circular

Adventitia and Tunica serosa


conveys urine from tbe bladder to outside of the body

In male the urethra also carries seven during ejaculation

Male urethra

Prostatic: transitional epithelium, fibroelastic vascular CT

Membranous: pseudostratified or stratified columnar, fibroelastic stroma

Cavernous: pseudostratified or stratified columnar, replaced by erectile tissue of corpus spongiosum of corpus spongiosum