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70 Cards in this Set

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The third stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development, which typically occurs between ages 7 and 11 years , is the ---- period.

Concrete operational

When children spend more time with people who have different perspectives on the world than does the child, the child tends to experience a reduction in ---.


Mental --- are cognitive actions that can be performed on objects or ideas.


The main limitation of concrete operational thinking is that such thinking is

Tangible, real life examples.

Text author Robert Kail won tickets to the Indianapolis 500 auto race by listing all the possible words that could be created from the words "safe race". This is an example of

Combinational reasoning

The ability to draw a conclusion from a set of facts reflects --- reasoning.


Thirteen year old Kiki is learning to play the piano, and her teacher is showing her the notes of a standard musical scale. She is struggling to remember which notes go on the lines and which notes go in the spaces, so the teacher says "to remember that the line notes are E, G, B, D, and F, just say to yourself 'every good boy does fine'." This type of memory strategy demonstrates ---.


The best example of meta memory would involve knowing that

A 10 word list of unfamiliar foreign words will be harder to recall than a 20 word list of familial words.

More than a 100 years ago, --- developed a theory of intelligence that suggested there was a singular factor, called "g", that was responsible for performance on all mental tests.

Charles Spearman

Your textbook notes that three of the types of intelligence proposed in Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences are included in traditional theories of intelligence. Those three include all of the following except?

Interpersonal intelligence

The first systematically constructed test of intelligence was devised in ---- around 1904 by Binet and Simon.


On modern tests of intelligence, IQ scores are determined

By comparing a child's score with the average score of the same age children.

Which of the following is not one of the individualized tests of intelligence used to assess children today?

Bender Visual Motor Gestalt

The primary explanation for why there is such a variety of intelligence levels among one particular group of same aged individuals is ---.


The textbook identifies three ways in which the environment can contribute to differences in test scores. Which of the following is not one of them?

Peer pressure

Israel's parents have been taking him to different places lately- the temple, the Jewish community center, and the headquarters. They are hoping that he will embrace his own religious background and cultures, as his older siblings have. This process of teaching a child the values, roles, and behaviors of a culture is known as ----.


Which of the following are the two dimensions that differentiate various parenting styles?

Warmth and responsiveness and parental control

According to Baumrind (1975, 1991) the four distinct parenting styles do not include which of the following?


The --- parenting style can be described as highly controlling but low in warmth.


As a typical parent in Latin America, Maria would place great emphasis on developing a strong sense of ---- in her children.

Family ties

A style of controlling a child's behavior where the parent tell them what to do, when to do it, and why it should be done is called

Direct instruction

Jordan sometimes watches his parents play Angry Birds....


When an aversive stimulus is applied or a desirable stimulus is removed in order to discourage the repetition of a specific behavior, ---- has taken place.


What does your textbook have to say about children observing disagreements between their parents?

When handled constructively through solution oriented discussion, disagreements can actually reassure children that their families are cohesive and cans handle problems.

Which best describes the relationship between parenting styles and children's temperaments?

Parenting styles may develop as the result of temperament.

As adults, children whose parents divorced are more likely to experience all except which of the following?

Domestic violence

Research described in your chapter has notes that by increasing the ---, one of a child's most important inter personal resources, parents can help the child experience better adjustment after his/her parents' divorce.

Mother-child relationship quality

Sexual abuse and physical abuse are both types of


Of the nearly three quarters of a million children who suffer from maltreatment or neglect, about --- percent of them are maltreated psychologically.


Although friendships begin early in life, the nature of friendships tends to change as children grow older. When we reach adolescence, another layer of complexity, ---, is added to friendship.


A dominance --- refers to the ordering of individuals within a group in which group members with lower status defer to those with greater status.


If the different categories of children found in most classrooms, researchers have come to have the best understanding of the --- and ----.

Popular, rejected

The primary purpose of hostile aggression seems to be

To intimidate, harass, or embarrass the victim

Intellectual disabilities was formerly called ----, a term that is still used in some laws.

Mental retardation

Many researchers have identified different components that are associated with more successful schools. They include all of the following except

A variety of extracurricular offerings

During the peak of adolescence, a healthy girl may gain as much as --- pounds in a year, while a healthy boy may gain --- pounds.

14, 16

The term puberty denotes --- specific types of changes that mark the transition from childhood to young adulthood.


Suzy has just begun her pubescent growth spurt, and her mother often says "that girl is growing like a weed". If Suzy's development is typical of most girls, she is probably about --- years old.


Social interactions between 11 and 12 years old boys and girls may be awkward because

The girls may be taller and look more mature than the boys, since their pubertal growth spurt begins earlier.

Which statement is most accurate about the brain of a person who is in early adolescence?

It has nearly reached its full size.

The key player in the physical changes that are experienced as puberty begins in the

Pituitary gland

Adolescents are notorious for worrying about their appearance. Who would you expect to be the most concerned?

Shannon, who often talks about appearances with her friend

The negative effects associated with being an early maturing female have been found to offset bt

Having warm, supportive parents

One result of too much fast food and other unhealthy eating practices is that many teenagers consume too much --- and not enough ---.

Sodium and fat, iron and calcium

In recent years, childhood and adolescent overweight and obesity has

Been described as an epidemic

In what way is genetics related to a child's risk of developing obesity?

Heredity contributes to tendencies to overeat, to be sedentary, or to be less able to convert fat to fuel.

Individuals with anorexia have a grossly distorted

Body image

Which risk factor is associated with eating disorders among males?

Childhood obesity

The most important risk factor for adolescents to develop an eating disorder is

Being overly concerned about one's body and weight and having a history of dieting

More than 7 million teens he regular exercise by participating in

Organized sports

Your grandmother recalls not so fondly recalls participating in high school physical education classes...

Similar, although only a minority of students participate and it is less frequent

A very serious problem related to participation in organized athletics during adolescence is

Use of illegal drugs to enhance peformabce

A primary cause of death that is common to both adolescent girls and boys is


According to ---, adolescents face a crisis between identity and role confusion. They must balance the desire to try out different selves with the need to select a single self.

Erik erikson

What type of reasoning skills, usually developed during the formal operational stage of Piaget's theory, are needed for an adolescent to experiment with different selves to learn more about possible identities?

Hypothetical reasoning skills

Patrick wakes up one morning to find that he has developed an enormous pimple on the end of his nose....

The imaginary audience

Which of the following phenomena do you think best explains why so many teenagers who engage in sex choose not to use contraception?

The illusion of invulnerability

Adolescents are more likely to achieve an identity when parents encourage discussion and recognize the adolescent's growing ----.


Which parents are most likely to raise a teenager who reaches identity achievement status?

Kate and Allie, who encourage autonomy in their children.

According to Phinney (1988), achieving an ethnic identity occurs in --- phase for young people who are members of a specific ethnic groups.


Every year, a local community has a Greek food festival....


Which of the following outcomes has not been found to be associated with the development of a strong ethnic identity during adolescence?

Being more harmed by ethnic related discrimination

The drop in self esteem often found when children first enter middle school appears to be due to

Peer comparisons

Which of the following best encapsulates the majority of relationships between adolescents and their parents?

The relationships are warm, loving, and satisfying.

By high school, roughly --- of us adolescents have had a romantic relationship within the last 18 months.


Which of the following individuals is most likely to have a host of problems in adolescence, such as drugs and lower grades, as well as less satisfying relationships in adulthood?

Samira, who has dated many people since she started dating

For adolescents, describing a first sexual partner as "someone I love" is to --- as describing a first sexual partner as "a casual date" is to ---.

Female, males

Among American adolescent girls who have had sexual intercourse one in -- will become pregnant.


The most effective sex education programs are those that are

Comprehensive and emphasize responsibility

According to a theory proposed by ---, identity is a primary force in an adolescent's choice of career.

Donald Super