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26 Cards in this Set

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non-cognitive reactions. No thought to emotions. They occur very quickly without much thought. The greater contol you have on your emotions, generally the better your life is.
Your equ is always telling you "do what you want. What sounds good is what you should do."
Your iqu is always telling you "whatever you do there will be consequences that follow, so make sure you balance everything out first." Your equ and iqu are in constant battle with each other.
Emotional Contagion
Where your emotions pass on from you to someone else. Ex: If you're upset when you visit Paul...then shortly after Paul is upset for no reason other than the fact that your upset mood rubbed off on him. This could also happen if Paul were to be upset around you then shortly after you became upset.
Ownership of Emotions
You should always take ownership of your emotions. "It's not my fault I'm mad, she pissed me off." Do not make excuses, just take ownership of them.
Discomfort associated with physical and/or psychological discomfort.
The number one factor for stimulus to seek out relationships. Also the worst way to be when seeking out a relationship.
3 ways to avoid lonliness
1. Make sure at the end of the day, your bestfriend is you. If you like yourseld enough...then you will be ok with being alone. Develop hobbies/activities that allow you to know yourself by yourself.
2. Stay busy at all times! Volunteer somewhere so you feel better and to take up your time.
3. No matter where you are in your life, go back to school. If you get more of an education, you feel better about yourself which will make you like yourseld more. Also there is PLENTY of people to meet and organizations you can join.
2 types of lonliness
1. physical lonliness
2. psychological lonliness
physical lonliness
You miss your support group. (family, etc.) Generally happens to college students that move away and become home sick. Or brand new marriages when one or both of the spouses becomes home sick.
Psychological Lonliness
You're missing who you really want to be with. (boyfriend/girlfriend, bestfriend, etc.) Ex: Thanksgiving dinner little 15 year old Sally is upset because her boyfriend is not with her, so she is mad the whole holiday.
Maximize ______ and Minimize _____
pleasure, pain
Contact stage
You might meet someone but you have to continue communication.
2 types of contact in the contact stage
1. Physical contact
2. Interactual contact
Physical Contact
Go where they are to contact them.
Interactual Contact
Talk to them/contact them. You have to be able to carry on a conversation with that person.
Involvement Stage
Getting past superficial talk. (how's work? etc.) You carry on a deeper level of conversation.
When you start talking about love, marriage, how many kids you want, racism, political views, etc.
You have to spend time in this stage to make sure the person is everything you want as a partner/bestfriend.
Intimacy Stage
Most fun and joyful stage!
You would rather spend all of your time with this person versus anyone else.
Even though you already know everything about them from spending time in the involvement stage, you continue to find things that make them pretty/handsome at an older age.
Detioration Stage
The relationship is breaking up
3 ways to see if relationship is detiorating
1. Both of you spend less dissgretionary time (time where you take out of your schedule to spend time with the other person, simply because you want to spend time with them) together.
2. When you are together there is less laughter
3. More criticism/more fault. "It's your fault I'm late to work"...versus "I'm upset because I'm late for work".
You spend 18 months to 2 years in this stage. This stage doesn't always have to be bad.
Detioration Stage
2 ways to handle detioration
1. Repair
2. Dissolution
You want it to work. And you're both willing to fix it.
edit when he goes over it in class on 11/17
3 places NOT to go when trying to repair relationship
1. Mutual friend
-because they will eventually have to choose sides, and after that the friendship is never the same.
-they might be nice people, but they don't know how to counsel a marriage.
2. Family member
-Blood is thicker than water in most cases. So whosever family member it is, they will probably side with that person.
3. Church counseling
-because they will try to make it work no matter what since the bible says it is the right thing to do. (is Paul is beating Sally, Sally doesn't need to stay with him because it is biblically correct)
-They might be nice people, but they are not qualified to counsel a detiorating marriage.
2 places TO GO when trying to repair a relationship
1. Licensed marriage counselor.
2. A psychologist
-if you think you and/or partner have psychological issues.