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21 Cards in this Set

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What two things effect EWT

1) Anxiety

2) Misleading information

What were the aims of Loftus and Palmer's study?

To see the effects of leading questions on eyewitness testimonies

What was the procedure of Loftus and Palmer's study?

- 45 American participants were put into 5 groups

- Each group watched the same video and were then asked at what speed they thought the car was going using a different verb in the question eg contacted or smashed

What were the findings of Loftus and Palmer's study?

Contacted - 31 mph

Bumped - 38 mph

Smashed - 41 mph

Conclusions of Loftus and Palmer's study

The wording of a question could change peoples testimonies

3 Evaluations of Loftus and Palmer's study?

P - High control

P - Objective results, quantitative data

P - High ecological validity

What was the IV, DV, deign and method of Loftus and Palmer's study?

IV - The verb used

DV - The MPH of the car

Method - Lab

Design - Independent measures

What was the follow up study of Loftus and Palmer?

Loftus asked the ps a week later if they'd either seen 'the broken headlight' or 'a broken headlight' and they were twice as likely to say yes if they were asked for 'the' headlight

What were Johnson and Scott's aim?

To see what effect had on anxiety eyewitness testimony and look into the negative effects of anxiety

What is arousal focus?

Memory is most effective at moderate arousal level. Extremes of arousal decrease recall

What was the procedure of Johnson and Scott's anxiety experiment?

- They had participants take part in what they believed was a lb experiment and while in the waiting room all participants overheard the same heated argument

-However, they were split into two groups high and low anxiety

- high anxiety participants saw a man walk out of the room with a bloody knife

- low anxiety participants saw a man with a pen and greasy hands

What were the findings of the Johnson and Scott anxiety experiment?

- pick the man from 50 photos

- 49% from low anxiety

- 33% from high anxiety

What were the conclusion from Johnson and Scott's anxiety experiment?

Tunnel vision is a factor that can affect EWT due to the weapon being a source of anxiety

What was the aim of Yuille and Cutshall's study?

Aimed to see the positive effects of anxiety of EWT

What was the procedure of Yuille and Cutshall's study?

Analysed a natural real life shooting in Canada in a gun shop

13 participants and they were asked to reissue their statements 5 months after the event and rate their anxiety levels on a 7 point scale

What were the findings of Yuille and Cutshall's study?

Higher anxiety had better recall than lower

88% for higher

75% for lower

What is the 4 techniques used for the cognitive interview?





What was the aim of Geislemans study of CIT

The effectiveness of CIT

What was the procedure of Geislemans study of CIT

- 89 students shown a police training video of a violent crime and then asked to recall it 48 hours later

- They were interviewed either using CIT or the standard interview

What were the findings of Geislemans study of CIT?

- CIT had much higher recall rates compared to the standard interview technique

What are the weaknesses of CIT?

P - time consuming

E - sit takes a lot less time so is therefore cheaper also cit takes special training but people don't get this form of training

E - therefore the way officers are using cit is not the proper way