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200 Cards in this Set

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Most common cause of neural tube defects
Folate deficiency
Most common cause of congenital malformations in the US
Alcohol use
Most common cause of congenital mental retardation in the US
Hyperflexible joints, arachnodactyly, aortic dissection, and lens dislocation
Marfans syndrome
Hereditary nephritis, cataracts, sensorineural hearing loss
Alport Syndrome
Unilateral facial drooping involving the forehead
Bell's Palsy
Ptosis, Miosis, and Anhidrosis
Horner's syndrome
Amyloid deposits in gray matter of brain
Alzheimer disease
Drooling farmer
Organophosphate poisoning
Inability to breastfeed, amenorrhea, cold intolerance
Sheehan's Syndrome
Infertility, galactorrhea, bitemporal hemianopsia
Most Common causes of Cushing Syndrome
Exogenous cortisol
Ectopic ACTH secreting tumor
Cushing Disease
Adrenal Adenoma
Most common tumor of adrenal
Benign non-functioning adenoma
Most common tumor of the adrenal medulla (adults)
Most common tumor of the adrenal medulla in kids
Most common cause of primary hyperaldosteronism
Adrenal Adenoma
Medical treatment for hyperaldosteronism
Spironolactone; eplerenone
Medical treatment for pheochromocytoma
Non-selective alpha block; phenoxybenzamine, phentolamine
Pheochromocytoma, medullary thyroid cancer, and hyperparathyroidism
Pheochromocytoma, medullary thyroid cancer, mucosal neuromas
Adrenal disease associated with skin hyperpigmentation
Addison's disease
HTN, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis
Conn's syndrome
Most common thyroid cancer
Cold intolerance
Enlarged thyroid cells with ground-glass nuclei
Papillary carcinoma
Most common infections seen in chronic granulomatous disease
Infections by catalase (+) organisms:

S. aureus, E. coli, Klebsiella, Aspergillus, Candida
Eczema, recurrent URI, high serum IgE
Job's syndrome
Large lysosomal vesicles in phagocytes
Dark purple nodules on the skin in an HIV patient
Kaposi's sarcoma (HHV-8)
Large cells with owl's eye inclusions
Treatment for CMV
Most common opportunistic infection in HIV patients
PCP pneumonia (Pneumocystis jirovecii)
Drug used to prevent Pneumocystis pneumonia
Dysphagia, glossitis and iron deficiency anemia
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Hematemesis with retchin
Mallory-Weiss tear
Specialized columnar epithelium seen in a biopsy from distal espophagus
Barrett Esophagus
Biopsy of a patient with esophagitis reveals pink intranuclear inclusions and host cell chromatin that is pushed to the edge of the nucleus
Biopsy of a patient with esophagitis reveals enlarged cells, intranuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions, and a clear perinuclear halo
CMV esophagitis
An esophageal biopsy reveals lack of ganglion cells between the inner and outer muscular layers
Biopsy of mass in parotid gland reveals a double layer of columnar epithelial cells resting on a dense lymphoid stroma
Warthin's tumor
Protrusion of the mucosa in the upper esophagus
Plummer-Vinsons syndrome
Outpouching of all layers of the esophagus found just above the LES
Epiphrenic diverticulum
Basal cell hyperplasia, eosinophilia, and elongation of lamina propria papilla seen in biopsy of esophagus
Chronic reflux esophagitis
Goblet cells seen in the distal esophagus
Barrett Esophagus
A PAS stain on biopsy obtained from a patient with esophagitis reveals hyphate organisms
Candida esophagitis
Esophageal pouch found in the upper esophagus
Zencker diverticulum
Stomach biopsy reveals neutrophils above the basement membrane, loss of surface epithelium, and fibrin containing purulent exudate
Acute gastritis
Stomach biopsy reveals lymphoid aggregates in the lamina propria, columnar absorptive cells, and atrophy of glandular structures
Chronic gastritis
Diffuse thickening of the gastric folds, elevated serum gastrin levels, biopsy reveals glandular hyperplasia without foveolar hyperplasia
ZE syndrome
Mucin filled cell with peripheral nucleus
Signet ring cell
Most common type of stomach cancer
Ovarian mets from gastric cancer
Kruckenberg tumor
Gastric ulcerations and high gastrin levels
ZE syndrome
Acute gastric ulcer associated with elevated ICP or head trauma
Cushing Ulcer
Acute gastric ulcer associated with severe burns
Curling ulcer
Painless jaundice
Pancreatic cancer
Most common cause of acute pancreatitis
Gallstones (the ladies) and alcohol (males)
Most common cause of chronic pancreatitis
Alcohol abuse
Standard treatment for DKA
IV insulin, fluid replacement, K+ replacement
Standard treatment for T1DM
Insulin plus low sugar diet
Standard treatment for T2DM
Oral hypoglycemics, low sugar diet, weight loss, and possibly insulin
Weight loss, diarrhea, arthritis, fever, adenopathy, and hyperpigmenation
Whipple's disease
Anti-transglutaminase/anti-gliadin/anti-endomysial antibodies
Celiac sprue
Vitamin given to pregnant women to prevent neural tube defects
Folic acid (folate)
Triglyceride accumulation in hepatocytes
Fatty liver disease
Eosinophilic inclusions in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes
Mallory bodies
Cancer linked closely to cirrhosis
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Severe hyperbilirubinemia in a neonate
Crigler Najjir Type 1
Mild, benign hyperbilirubinemia
Gilbert syndrome
Hepatomegaly, abdominal pain, ascites
Budd-Chiari syndrome
Green/yellow corneal deposits
Wilson's Disease
Low serum ceruloplasmin
Wilson's disease
Cirrhosis, diabetes, hyperpigmentation
Treatment for chronic hepatitis
Interferon alpha and Ribavirin
Preferred anticoagulant for immediate anticoagulation
Heparin, LMWH
Preffered anticoagulant for long term anticoagulation
Preferred anticoagulant during pregnancy
Heparin, LMWH
State where each of the following types of hemoglobin is found and it structure:

1. Hb A
2. Hb A2
3. Hb A1c
4. HbF
5. Hb Gower
6. Hb S
7. Hb C
8. Hb Bart's
9. Hb H
1. 97 % of normal hemoglobin; a2B2
2. 2% of normal hemoglobin; alpha2delta2
3. Poorly controlled diabetes; alpha2beta2 glucose
4. Fetal hemoglobin; alpha2gamma2
5. Embryonic hemoglobin; zeta2epsilon2
6. Sickle cell hemoglobin; alpha2beta2(glu to val mutation)
7. Hemoglobin C disease; alpha2beta2 (glu to lys mutation)
8. Severe alpha thalassemia; gamma4
9. Severe alpha thalassemia; beta4
A boy with self mutilating behavior, mental retardation, gout
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Elevated uric acid levels
Gout, Lesch-Nyhan, Tumor lysis, Loop and thiazide diuretics
Bluish colored lines on the gingivae
Lead poisoning
Causes of hypochromic, microcytic anemia
Iron deficiency
Hypersegmented neutrophils
Megaloblastic anemia
Skull x-ray shows a "hair on end" appearance
beta-thalassemia and sickle cell anemia
Basophilic stippling of RBC's
Lead poisoning
Painful cyanosis of the fingers, toes, with hemolytic anemia
Cold agglutinins
Red urine in the morning and fragile RBC's
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Basophilic nuclear remnants in RBC's
Lead poisoning
Sickle cell disease
Drug used to treat sickle cell disease
Antiplatelet antibodies
Immune thrombocytic purpura
Bleeding disorder with gp1b deficiency
Bernard-Soulier disease
Most common inherited bleeding disorder
Von willebrand disease
Most common lymphoma in the US
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Reed-Sternberg cells
Hodgkin lymphoma
Particularly associated with EBV
Burkitt and Hodgkin's lymphomas
Associated with long term celiac disease
Intestinal T cell lymphoma
Lymphoma equivalent of CLL
"Starry-sky pattern" due to phagocytosis of apoptotic tumor cells
Burkitt lymphoma
Associated with Sjogren syndrome, Hashimoto thyroiditis, and H pylori
Marginal cell maltoma
Cancer most commonly associated with noninfectious fever
Hodgkin lymphoma
Smudge cells
Punched out lytic bone lesions
Multiple myeloma
Sheets of lymphoid cells with "starry sky" appearance
Burkitt's lymphoma
RBC's clumped together like a stack of coins
Multiple myeloma
Monoclonal antibody spike
Multiple myeloma
Reddish pink rods in the cytoplasm of leukemic blasts
Large B cells with bilobed nuclei and prominent "owl's eye inclusions"
Hodgkin lymphoma
Treatment of choice for rickets or osteomalacia
Vitamin D (D3)
Swollen gums, poor wound healing, bleeding mucous membranes, and spots on the skin
Most common vitamin deficiency in the U.S.
Hypersegmented neutrophils
Megaloblastic anemia
Dilated cardiomyopathy, edema, and polyneuropathy
Vitamin B1 deficiency
Most common cancer of the appendix
Carcinoid tumor
Most common surgical emergency
GI hamartomas, hyperpigmentation of the mouth and hands
Puetz-Jeghers syndrome
Multiple colon polyps, osteomas, soft tissue tumors
Gardner's syndrome
Severe RLQ pain with rebound tenderness
Appendicitis (McBurney's sign)
"Apple core" lesion on barium enema
Colon cancer
Most common site of colonic diverticula
Sigmoid colon
"String sign" on contrast x-ray
Crohn's disease
"Lead pipe" appearance of colon on contrast x-ray
Ulcerative colitis
Food poisoning due to exotoxin
S. aureus or B. cereus
Osteomyelitis in sickle cell disease
Ring enhancing lesion in HIV patient
Toxoplasma gondii
Treatment for Trichomonas vaginalis
Most common protozoal diarrhea
Giardia lamblia
Most common helminth infection in the US
Enterobius vermicularis
Second most common helminth infection in the US
Ascaris lumbricoides
Chronic sinusitis, infertility, and situs inversus
Kartagener's syndrome
Elevated D-dimers
Hypercoagulability, endothelial damage, stasis of blood
Virchow's triad
Blue bloater
Chronic bronchitis
Pink puffer
Curschmann's spirals
Most common cause of pulmonary hypertension
Bilateral hilar adenopathy, uveitis
Vasculitis and glomerulonephritis
Goodpasture, Wegener's granulomatosis
Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies
Honeycomb lung on x-ray
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
"Tennis racket" shaped cytoplasmic organelles
Langerhan's cell histiocytosis (Birbeck granules)
Most common cause of nosocomial pneumonia
Klebsiella, E. coli, pseudomonas
Lung cancer associated with SIADH
Small cell carcinoma
Iron-containing nodules in the alveolar septum
Ferruginous bodies of asbestosis
Most common bacteria implicated in exotoxin-mediated food poisonings
S. aureus
Branching gram positive rods with sulfur granules
Actinomyces israelii
Calcified granuloma in the lung, plus hilar lymphadenopathy
Ghon complex
Back pain, fever, night sweats, and weight loss
Pott's disease
Standard regimen for TB
Isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol
Standard treatment for T pallidum
Penicillin G
Cellulitis from a dog or cat bite
Pasteurella multocida
A non-painful indurated, ulcerated genital lesion
Treponema pallidum (chancre)
Moist, smooth, flat, white genital lesion
Condyloma lata (secondary syphilis)
Large bull's eye rash
Erythema chronicum migrans
Continuous machinery like heart murmur
Patent ductus arteriosus
Boot shaped heart
Tetralogy of fallot
Rib notching
Aortic coarctation
Most common congenital anomaly
Most common congenital cause of early cyanosis
Tetralogy of Fallot
Cor pulmonale
Right heart failure due to left heart failure
Nutmeg liver
Right heart failure; Budd-Chiari syndrome
Bounding pulses, head bobbing, diastolic murmur
Aortic regurgitation
Most common congenital heart murmur
Mitral valve prolapse
Splinter hemorrhages under the fingernails
Bacterial endocarditis
Retinal hemorrhages with pale centers
Roth Spots
Heart valve most commonly involved in bacterial endocarditis
Mitral valve
Heart valve most commonly involved in an IV drug user with bacterial endocarditis
Granulomatous nodules in the heart
Aschoff bodies
Most common cardiac tumor in adults
Most common primary cardiac tumor in children
Most common cause of constrictive percarditis
Lupus (U.S.)

TB (developing countries)
Cold, pale painful digits
Raynaud's phenomenon
Wegener's granulomatosis
Microscopic polyangiitis

Treatment for Buerger disease
stop smoking
Treatment for temporal arteritis
High dose corticosteroids
"Worst headache of my life"
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Lucid interval following head trauma
Epidural hematoma
Bloody CSF on LP
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Most common cause of subdural hematoma
Rupture of bridging veins
Most common cause of epidural hematoma
Middle meningeal artery rupture
Toe extension upon stimulating the sole of the foot with a blunt instrument
Babinski sign (UMN lesion)
Hyperreflexia, increased muscle tone, and positive babinski sign
UMN lesion
Hyporeflexia, decreased muscle tone, and muscle atrophy
LMN lesion
Depigmentation of the substantia nigra
Parkinson's disease
Chorea, dementia, and atrophy of the caudate and putamen
Huntington's disease
Eosinophilic inclusions in the cytoplasm of neurons
Parkinson's disease Lewy bodies
Conjugate lateral gaze palsy, with nystagmus and diplopia during lateral gaze
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Degeneration of the dorsal columns
Tabes dorsalis
Demyelinating disease in young women
Multiple sclerosis
Mixed upper and lower motor neuron disease
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Newborn with arm paralysis following a difficult labor
Erb-Duchenne palsy
Bone enlargement, bone pain, and arthritis
Paget disease of the bone
Vertebral compression fractures
Most common cause of hypercalcemia
Primary hyperparathyroidism
Most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism
Parathyroid adenoma
Most common cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism
Chronic renal failure
Most common cause of hypoparathyroidism
Accidental parathyroidectomy
Facial spasm when tapping on the cheek
Chvostek sign
Parathyroid, pancreatic, and pituitary tumor