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29 Cards in this Set

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Arrhythmia in damaged heart tissue trx

Class Ib anti-arrhythimics (Lidocaine, Tocainamide, Mexiletine)

*Class 1c contraindicated (Flecanide, Propafenone)

Breast cancer in post-menopausal woman trx

Aromatase Inhibitors (Anastrozole)

*may increase risk of osteoporosis!

Carinoid syndrome trx


Cryptococcous neoformans trx


DI trx

If central -- DDVAP

If nephrogenic -- HCTZ, Indomethacin, Amiloride (especially if Lithium induced)

Enterococci trx

Vanco/Amp + Aminoglcycoside

Wegeners Trx

Cyclophosophamide, corticosteroids

Hyper-TG-emia trx



* Chloroquine (blood schizont)

*Primaquine for dormant P. vivax/ovale hypnozite

*Mefloquine or atovaquione/proguanil if resistant

MS trx (x3)



Natalizumab (anti-alpha4 integrin to prevent leukocyte adhesion. May increase risk of PML in pts w/ JC virus)

Trx for SIADH

Demeclocycline (ADH antagonist), Lithium, Vassopression Receptor anatagonists (Spironolactone, Eplereone)

Sporothirx schenckii trx

Oral KI

Strep. pneomo systemic/pulmonary and meningitis trx

Pulm/systemic = Penicillin/Cephalosporin

Meningitis =vanco

Toxoplasmosis gondii trx

Sulfadiazine + Pyrimethathine

Trigeminal neuralgia trx


Benign Melanocytic Nevus

Spitz Nevus

*Most common in 1st two decades of life

Bleeding D/O w/ Gp1b def.

Bernard-Soulier Syndrome

*defect in plt adhesion to vWF

Most common type of breast cancer

Infiltrating ductal carcinoma (DCIS)

Most common cause of constrictive pericarditis in developing world and developed world

Developing word: TB

Developing world: SLE

Chronic gastritis in fundus/body

Type A (Autoimmune)

*AB's against parietal cells leading to anemia & Achlorhydria

Chronic Gastritis in antrum

Type B (Bacterial - secondary to H. pylori)

*Increased risk of MALToma and gastric adenocarcinoma

Chronic Gastritis w/ gastric hypertrophy (brain gyri appearance), parietal cell atrophy and increased mucus cells

Menetrier DIsease

*Causes protein (mainly albumin) loss leading to edema

*Precancerous for gastric adenocaricnoma

Most common cause of death in CML

Blast Crisis

*Sudden acceleration in spleenomegaly and the production of myeloblasts w/ the transformation to AML or ALL

Most common malignancy associated w/ noninfectious fever

Hodgkin Lymphoma

2 most common malignancies in kids

ALL and Medulloblastoma

Ostemyolitis in IV drug user

Pseudomonas or Staph aureus

Benign Bilateral Ovarian tumor

Serous Cystadenoma

*Malignant form = Serous cystadenocarcinoma

Condition Temporal arteritis is often associated w/

Polymyalgia rheumatica

Most common leukemia in very young and most common leukemia in very old

Very Young = ALL

Very Old = CLL