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15 Cards in this Set

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The term divided government refers to

a period in which one party controls the persidency and another controls at least one chamber of the Congress

American exeptionalism refers to

the idea that America is unique and cannot be compared to other countries

Which of the following statements BEST describes the approach of the U.S goverment to economic management?

All of these oprtions are statements that describe the approach of the U.S. government to conomic management

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

In general, distributive policies tend to receive more public support than redistributive plicies

Amendments to the Constitution, passed since the Bill of Rights, have generally focused upon

extending democratice election procedures and changing procedural deficiencies in the original Consitution

Each of the following has helped lead to increases in the presidentional power relative to Congres EXCEPT

Supreme Court rulings have been in favor of the presidency rather than Congress

Which of the following is TRUE

The size of the federal bureaucracy had been in steady decline since the 1980s but new security and military responsibilities in wake of the 9/11 attacks have reversed this trend.

Marbury v. Madison established

the principle of judicial review

Which of the following is NOT true?

Both state and local governments are a form of federalism

Which of the following BEST describes the policy-making process in the United States

All of these options are true statements

All of the following are examples of Congress seeking to limit presidential power EXCEPT

allowing the Office of the Budget to prepare the federal budget

Which of the following contributes to a two-party system in the United States?

All of these optionns describe factors that contribute to a two-party system in the United States

Which of the following is NOT true

As is the case in other electoral democracies, voter registration in the United States is controlled by the national government

The core values of American political culture are

liberty, equality, democracy

Which of the following BEST describes civic involvement in the United States?

All of these options are true statements