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11 Cards in this Set

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Define a soft field takeoff

Set flaps, pull back pressure , no stopping , rotate ASAP, stay in ground effect until the Vx (70) or the Vy (91) within 5 knots.

Define soft field Landing

Approach as recommended 1.3 times Vso (50 x 1.3= 65) within 5 knots, full flaps, minimum speed touchdown, light power as needed.

Define short-field takeoff

Set flaps, use all of the runway, engine check, level pitch, rotate rotate at Vr (55) and climb out at Vx (70) +5/-0 until clear of obstacles then Vy (91) +-5.

Define short field Landing

Steeper approach with full flaps, touchdown at recommended speed or 1.3 Vso ( 50 x 1.3=65) +-5 knots and apply full brakes

Define steep turn

Clearing turns, 50° Bank to the left for 360°, lead rollout by 25 degrees. 50° bank to the right for 360°. Altitude +/-100, airspeed +/-10 knots, bank +/-5° and roll out +/-10°.

Define chandelle

Cruise configuration, apply full power and bank to 30°, increase pitch first 90° while holding 30° bank, hold max pitch at 90° point and gradually reduce bank until turn is complete and aircraft is near stalling. Roll out +/-10°.

Define lazy 8

Cruise configuration, clearing turns, first 45° max pitch, 45° to 90° max bank, 90° to 135° recover to altitude +/- 100, airspeed +/-10 and reciprocal heading +/-10.

Define eights on pylons

Clearing turns, landing configuration, calculate pivotal altitude on down wind (GS x GS) / 11.3 = Entry Altitude AGL, cross perpendicular line at 45° angle, count to 5, bank 30° to 40°, maintain orientation about the point with altitude, cross 45 again, repeat around point two.

Define steep spiral

Clearing turns, establish downwind, cruise configuration, carb heat and fuel pump as needed, when a beam reference point pull power to idle, bank 50° to 60° not to exceed 60°, maintain distance from point for 3 revolutions adding power for each one revolution, maintain specified speed +/-10 rolling out on entry heading +/- 10°. Be prepared for emergency landing.

Define power off 180

Enter downwind at pattern altitude, complete landing checklist, picking landing point, pull power when abeam, do whatever you need to to land on the point or within 200 feet (two strips).

Define emergency descent

Clearing turns, reduce power to idle, prop full, extend landing gear and flaps, bank 30° degrees to 45°, descend at max speed Vfe (95) +0/-10 knots, level off at specified altitude +/- 100 feet.