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12 Cards in this Set

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What is collaborative problems

—certain physiological complications that a nurse monitor to detect onset or change in status

—problem where teamwork is needed

—nurse monitors problems with physician prescribed and nursing prescribed interventions to minimize complications of the events

Other name for collaborative problems

Potential problems or potential complications

Who is responsible for collaborative problems

Rn because she/he is the eyes and ears of the doctor and have a duty to report any abnormal findings

How is collaborative problem different than nursing diagnosis

—collaborative problems comes from nursing, medicines, other disciplines

—collaborative problems need to be identified early

—nursing diagnosis: nurse prescribed the treatment

—with collaborative problems treatment is both the nurse prescribed and doctor prescribed

Example of collaborative problem such as heart failure what to do

—think about:

Pulmonary edema being a potential problem


-cardiogenic shock


What do nurses do with collaborative problems

—focus on monitoring and reporting to the physician/provider any changes in health status

You the nurse caring for patient with heart failure and the patient becomes short of breath, O2 sat drops. What is the role of the nurse?

—sit patient up, ask to deep breathe and cough(independent nurse action)

—place o2 on the patient per provider’s order (dependent nursing action) monitor respiratory status

—notify doctor that patient has dyspnea and hypoxia or any acute changes

—obtain CXR per provider’s orders

—administer treatment of LAsix 20 mg ivp (per provider order)

—collaborative problem needs teamwork

What happens if patient has chest pain

—get them a wheel chair and to bed

—call the doctor

—get vitals, get EkG and labs

Where do collaborative problems go

Incorporate into the problem list

—eg the nurse will manage and minimize the effects of hypoglycemia

What are components of collaborative problem statements

Potential complications: increase intracranial pressure


The nurse will manage and minimize the effects of increased intracranial pressure


Monitor neuro exams every 2 hours

-report changes

—monitor vitals signs every 2 hours and report abnormalities

—keep room environment quiet

Nursing interventions with collaborative problems

—monitor and report specific findings

—nursing intervention and prescribed prescribed

How to communicate with a provider if needed

—assess prior to calling the provider using SBARQ

—introduce yourself and state location, patient information and date of birth

Situation: give information on

why you are calling in 10 seconds. Make sure you have all important data

Background: give circumstances that matter

Assessment: State the problem and your assessment sap changes from prior

Recommendation: State what you think will help or what you need from the provider

Question: Allow an opportunity to ask/answer any questions