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35 Cards in this Set

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What are the 6 key elements in organizational design
1. work specialization
2. chain of command
3. span of control
4. departmentalization,
5. centralization and decentralization
6. formalization
What is organizing?
Arranging and structuring work to accomplish the org's goals
What is organizational structure?
formal arrangement of jobs within an org
What is an organizational chart?
a visual representation of an org's structure
What is organizational design?
creating or changing an org's structure
What are the purposes of organizating?
1. divides work into specific jobs/depts
2. assigns tasks by job
3. coordinates diverse org tasks
4. clusters jobs into units
5. establishes relationships between groups/depts
6. establishes lines of authority
7. allocates org resources
What is work specialization?
dividing work activities into separate job tasks
What is departmentalization?
basis by which jobs are grouped together
What is a cross-functional team?
team composed of individuals from different functional specialties
what is a chain of command?
line of authority from the bottom to the top of the org defining who reports to whom
What are 5 common forms of departmentalization?
funcitional departmenalization
geographical dept
product dept
process dept
customer dept
What is functional departmentalization?
grouped based on function:
managers from various departments in the company working together
What is geographical departmentalization?
grouped according to location
all sales directors from all regions
what is product departmentalization?
grouped based on product line
all sub departments from a particular branch group together from top to bottom
What is process departmentalization?
grouped on basis of product of customer flow
What is customer departmentalization?
grouped based on specific and unique customers who have common needs
Define authority
rights inherent in a managerial position to tell people what to do and to expect them to do it
Define acceptance theory of authority.
view that authority comes from the willingness of subordinates to accept it
Define line of authority.
authority that entitles a manager to direct the work of an employee
Define staff authority.
positions with some authority that have been created to support, assist, and advise those holdng line authority.
Define responsibility.
the obligation or expectation to perform any assigned duties.
Define unity of command.
the management principle that each person should report to only one manager
Define span of control.
the number of employees a manager can efficiently and effectively manage.
Define centralization.
degree to which decision making is concentrated at upper levels of the org
Define decentralization.
degree to which lower level ees provide input or actually make decisions
What is employee empowerment?
giving ee's more authority power to make decisions
What is formalization?
How standardized an org's jobs are and the extent to which ee behavior is guided by rules and procedures
What is mechanistic org
an org's design that's rigid and tightly controlled
What is organic org
an org design that's highly adaptive and flexible
What is unit production
production of items in units or small batches
works best as organic org
What is mass production
production in large batches
works best as mechanistic org
What is process production
production of items in continuous processes
works best as organic org
What is simple structure
an org's design with low departmentalization, wide spans of control, centralized authority, and little formalization
What is functional structure
an org design that groups together similar or related occupational specialities
What is divisional structure
an org structure made up of separate, semiautonomous units or divisions