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24 Cards in this Set

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what is organizational behaviour? and 4 points concerning it in the workplace

The pattern of shared values, beliefs, and assumptions considered to be the appropriate way to think and act within an organization. And what distinguishes it from other organizations

it is:

1. Shared

2. Taught to newcomers

3. Influences behaviour

4. Reinforced by behaviour

What are 7 primary things about what captures the essence of a culture??

1. Innovation and risk taking

2. Attention to detail

3. Outcome orientation

focuses on the attention to sales and numbers of outcomes

4. People Orientation

Focused on how people feel after outcomes

5. Team orientation

6. Aggressiveness

7. Stability

how much emphasize on holding a status quo over growth

What are the 4 different types of cultures based on competing values framework?

1. Collaborative and cohesive clan

2. Innovative and adaptable Adhocracy

3. Controlled and consistent Hierarchy

4. Competitive and cx focused market

Layers of culture: What is the Outside

See it as a volcano:

- (visible) where Artifacts are the smoke that comes out of the volcano, and are the things that are seen such as

1. Material symbols and physical structure logos, dress codes,

2 Stories/legends: stories about the past,

3. Rituals and ceremonies: special events, and 4. Language and Jargon such as words to describe things and phrases that capture the organization culture

Layers of culture: Whats inside of the volcano

2 Things

(hidden) Beliefs,values and assumptions are in the core of the volcano always brewing.

- Shared Values

1. conscious beliefs about what is right or wrong

2. Mission, goals of the company, to be the better bank or cx favourite place to eat.

- Shared assumptions

-Unconscious, taken for granted perceptions or beliefs

- mental models of ideas

What are Cultures functions?

1. It sets boundaries, as creates distinction between different cultures

2. It conveys a sense of identity

3. Helps commit to something greater than individuals

4. It enhances stability, as its a social glue that shows everyone what they should and shouldn't do

5. Acts as a control mechanism that shapes attitudes and behaviours

What is organizational Climate? and what does it help produce, and influence?

Refers to the shaped perceptions employees have of their organizational work climate. Like team spirit

- Climates can mix together to produce behaviours

- Climates influence the habits people have

What is the EWC, ECT, and ECI

EWC: the ethical work climate which is shared concept of what is right and wrong in the workplace. It reflects the true values of the organizations and shapes the behaviours of it.

ECT: Ethical climate theory is theory created 25 years ago that is used to study how ethical climates behave and how they can be changed

ECI: Ethical climate index is a way to rank and categorize the culture of an organization and the strength of influence on employees behaviours and attitudes

What are 5 factors that are most prevalent in organizations climates

1. Instrumental

ethical climate, Ex managers might assume that employees work in their best self interest

2. Caring

The idea that managers would want to make decisions that serve the best for their employees and stockholdders

3. Independence

Rely on each individuals personal morals to dictate their workplace behaviour

4. Law and code

Use a code of rules and conduct to help guide as a moral compass for employees

5. Rules

operates through internal rules set as the commanding law

What are core values

The primary or dominant values that are expected and accepted in the organization

What is dominant culture and Subcultures?

and what would happen if they were all comprised of subcultures

Dominant cultures are the majority core values of employees in the workplace. it is the distinctive, overarching personality of an organization

Subcultures: are subcultures that arise in big organizations that are issues, or fears that arise from parts inside the organization, it may enhance or oppose dominant values

Cultures would be in a whole very weak

What is strong culture vs weak culture?

Strong culture

If most employees and managers were to take a survey and answer and all were to answer similarly that would mean they have a strong culture.

If they answer all sporadic then it means that they have weak culture

In strong culture, when everyone has similar dominant culture it creates a sense of higher commitment and great pressure for conformity


What are 3 disadvantages of strong culture?

1. Increases resistance to change

2. limit diverse perspectives, pressure to conform

3. make mergers and acquisitions difficult

What are adaptive cultures?

Focus on external environment, organizational processes, continuous improvement, employee responsibility, proactive and speedy actions

What are rituals? Material symbols? Language

Rituals: Repetitive sequence of events that express and reiforce the values of the company

Material symbols: Cars, cubiles, and logos that help represent the hiararchy of the organization

Language: Subunit languages that help define things inside of the organization

What is the first step of the organization model?

and what 3 steps creates culture?


Founders should implement the vision of what they want the company to be. and small firm sizes allow for it to be implemented across the company.

1. Founders only hire people who they think can follow those visions

2. They indoctrinate and socialise those employees

3. The founders personality and behaviours help encourage the culture to keep going

What is the second step of the organizational socialization model? 3 steps to it

Selection criteria:

1. the first step is to hire someone who has the skills and abilities to be a great worker

2. Finally someone who can somewhat match the visions and culture of the company

3. It also allows for companies to present the culture to hires

What is the 3A part of the organizational socialization model?

Top management:

Top management is a key part of continuation the culture, as they are tasked with showing how much freedom and employee should have, or how sales focused they need to be.

What is the 3B part of the organizational socialization model? 3 step process


Socialization is the process that helps new employees convert into the new culture its a 3 step process

1. Prearrival: recognizes that all these employees have all these skills and talents and expectations of the workplace. what people know about the company and their personalities are key points to know if they will fit in well

2. Encounter stage:

This is when new employees see what the organization is really like, and it will only confirm what they know or it will be completely new to them, which is when recruiting and pre arrival should help reduce it, but for now existing employees come and help them ease into it

3. Metamorphosis stage:

The stage where workers workout any issues, and if the company has institutional practices then its likely they will be stripped off their existing ones and implemented those ones.

If they have individual practices then they will likely be creative and learn new skills

What are the 3 outcomes to the model?




What are liabilities to culture?

1. Barriers to change

Liabilities rise when shared values do not follow with the future effectiveness of the company. Strong cultures that no longer match the business environment their in leads to failure.

2. Barrier to diversity

Hiring employees who aren't part the dominant race, age, gender can lead to a paradox, where one hand creates diversity but also oppression

3. Barrier to merging cultures

When merging companies, there has to be culture compatibility. to make sure that there is synergy between two companies. 3 best ways to merge are:

1. One culture take over the other

2. Keep them separate

3. Merge together and just takes months/years for cultures to merge

When are culture changes most likely to happen?

1. Change in leadership

2. A dramatic crisis

3. Young and small organization

4. Weak Culture

What does a company need to do to have a hold a high ethical standard?

and how can managers create a high ethical culture

Work cultures that are likely to hold high ethical standards are those that high risk tolerance, low aggressiveness, focuses on means and outcomes

1. Being a visible role model

2. Communicate ethical expectations

3. Ethics training

4. Reward positive ethical decisions and punish negative ones

5. Provide protective mechanics that allow employees to discus ethical dilemmas

What are 4 positive organizational culture?

1. positive organizational culture

2. Building on employees strengths

3. Rewarding more than punishing

4. Emphasizing vitality and growth