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25 Cards in this Set

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At puberty the female breasts enlarge in response to estrogen and _________
Elevated sebaceous glands, know as Montgomerys glands are located in the breasts ____________
The functional part of the breast that allows for milk production consists of tissue termed__________
Fibrous tissue that provides support for the glandular tissue of the breasts is termed __________
Coopers ligaments
The size and shape of the breasts in females is related to the amount of _____________
Fatty tissue
The lymph nodes that are responsible for drainage form the arms are the ______________
Lateral Lymph nodes
After assessing the breasts of a female client the nurse should explain to the client that most breast tumors occur in the _____________
Upper outer quadrant
A female client tells the nurse that her breasts become lumpy and sore before menstuation
Fibrocycstic breast disease
The nurse has discussed the risks for breast cancer with a group of high school seniors. The nurse determines that one of the students needs further instruction when the student says the one risk factor is ?
Having a baby before the age of 20 yrs
Cultural beliefs about the causes of breast cancer do not always agree with medical findings. Hispanic Americans often associate breast cancer with.
Physical stress
The nurse is working with a community group to set up teaching programs to increase awareness among African American women about preventive screening techniques for breast cancer. In the teaching program the nurse should plan to include
Breast cancer patients of the same race
The nurse is caring for an adult female client when the client tells the nurse that she has had a clear discharge from her nipples for the past month. The nurse should ask the client if sh has been taking?
The nurse is assessing an adult male client when the nurse observes gynecomastia in the client. The nurse should ask the client if he is taking any medications for
The nurse is caring for a female client who has received a diagnosis that the client needs further instructions with the client says she should avoid drinking.
Grape fruit juice
The nurse plans to instruct and adult female client with regular menstrual cycles who is not taking oral contraceptives about breast self examination. The nurse should plan to instruct the client to perform breast self examination
right after menstruation
The nurse observes and orange peel appearance or pear d organge of the areolae of a clients breast . The nurse should explain to the client that this is most likely due to ?
Blocked lymphatic drainage
The nurse is assessing a 50 yr old clients breasts and observes a spontaneous discharge of fluid form the left nipple the nurse should
refer the client for a cytology examination
The nurse observes dimpling in a adult females patients breasts. The nurse should explain to the patient that dimpling of the breast my indicate a ?
The nurse is preparing to examine the breasts of a female client who had a left radical mastectomy 3 yrs ago. When examining the client the nurse observes redness at the scar area. The nurse should explain to the client that this may be indicative of ?
An infectious process
Lypphatic obstruction causing edema which thickens the skin , exaggerates the hair follicles and gives the breast an orange peel or pigskin look
Peau De orange
Darkly pigmented area surrounding the nipple of the mammary gland
Enlargement of one or both male breasts seen more frequently in adolescent boys and elderly men
Reservoirs for storing milk located behind the nipple
Lactiferous sinus
Pigmented projection at the tip of each breast which allows passage for milk from the breast
Specialized bland of the skin of females which secrets milk for nourishment of the young.
mammary gland