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96 Cards in this Set

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The roof of the oral cavity of the mouth is formed by the anterior hard plate and the _____________
Soft palate
An extension of the soft palate of the mouth which hangs in the posterior midline of the oropharynx is the _____________
The tongue is attached to the hyoid bone and th styloid process of the temporal bone and is connected to the floor of the mouth by the ___________
The sub-mandibular glands open under the tongue through openings called ______________
Wharton's ducts
The rich blood supply of the nose serves to _________________
Warm the inspired air
The nurse is preparing to examine the sinuses of an adult client. After examining the frontal sinuses, the nurse should proceed to examine the ________________
Maxillary sinuses
An adult client visits the clinic complaining of recurrent ulcer. The nurse should document the presence of ______________
aphthous stomatitis
A nurse assesses the mouth of and adult male client and observes a rough crusty eroded area the nurse should__________
refer the client for further evaluation
An adult client visits the clinic and tells the nurse that she has been experiencing frequent nosebleeds for the past month. the nurse should?
Refer the client for further evaluation
The nurse is assessing the mouth of an older adult and observes that the client appears to have poorly fitting dentures. The nurse should instruct the client that she may be at greater risk for?
An adolescent client tells the nurse that her mother says she grinds her teeth when she sleeps. The nurse should explain to the client that grinding the teeth may be a sign of?
stress and anxiety
The nurse is planning a presentation to a group of high school students about the risk factors for oral cancer. Which of the following should be included in the nurses plan?
Diets low in fruits and vegetables are a possible risk factor for oral cancer.
Before examining the mouth of an adult client the nurse should first?
Don clean gloves for the procedure.
A client visits the clinic and tells the nurse that she has painful cracking in the corners of her lips. The nurse should assess the clients diet for a deficiency of ?
The nurse is assessing a client who has been taking antibiotics for an infection for 10 days. The nurse observes whitish curd like patches in the clients mouth. The nurse should explain to the client that these spots are most likely?
Candida albicans infection
The nurse is assessing and adult clients oral cavity for possible oral cancer. The nurse should explain to the client that the most common site for oral cancer is the?
area underneath the tongue
The nurse is planning to inspect an adult clients mouth using a tongue depressor the nurse should plan to
depress the tongue blade slightly off center
An adult client visits the clinic complaining of the sore throat. After assessing the throat, the nurse documents the clients tonsils as 4+. The nurse should explain to the client that 4+ tonsils are present when the nurse observes tonsils that are?
touching each other
The nurse is preparing to inspect the nose of an adult client with an otoscope. The nurse plans to?
position the handle of the otoscope to one side
This set of salivary glands is located below and in front of the ears and they empty though which of the ducts?
Parotid glands, and they empty through the Stevensons ducts.
The _____________ glands are located in the lower jaw and open under the tongue on either side of the frenulum through ducts known as ____________.
Submandibular glands and they empty through the whartons ducts
The ______________ located behind the mouth and nose serves as a muscular passage for food and air
The upper part of the throat is known as the _______________
Just below the nasopharynx is the __________
Below the oropharynx is the __________
The __________ are located on both sides of the oropharynx at the end of the soft palate between the anterior and posterior pillars
Palatine tonsils
The ___________ lie at the base of the tongue
Lingual tonsils
____________ or adenoids are found high in the nasopharynx.
Pharyngeal tonsils
What is the function of the tonsils?
Lymphoid tissue that help protect against infection.
The front of the nasal septum contains a rich supply of blood vessels and is known as ____________?
Kiesselbach's area
The superior middle and inferior __________ are bony lobes sometimes called conchae.
What is the function of the turbinates?
Increase surface area that is exposed to incoming air.
_____________ mucosal cells capture an propel debris toward the throat.
A meatus underlies each turbinate and receives drainage form the______ sinuses and the __________ duct.
Paranasal; nasolacrimal
Receptors from this cranial nerve are located in the upper part of the nasal cavity and septum.
Cranial nerve I Olfactory
What are the four pairs of nasal sinuses and their locations.
Frontal: just about the eyes
Maxillary: In the upper jaw
Ethmoidal: Deep in the skull just across from the eyes
Sphenoid: Deep in the skull just below the eyes.
What is an aphthous?
Cranker sore
What are the warning signs of mouth cancer?
Mouth or tongue sores that do not heal, red or white patches that persist, a lump or thickening, rough crusty or eroded area that are all warning signs.
Red swollen gums are a sign of?
Destruction of the gums with tooth loss is _____________
_______________ may be seen in esophageal disorders anxiety poor fitting dentures or neurological disorder.
Hoarseness is associated with upper respiratory infections allergies hypothyroidism overuse of the voice, smoking, or inhaling. If it last longer them two weeks what should the nurse do?
Refer the client for further evaluation.
What is the percentage of oral cancers.
Grinding the teeth or ________ may be a sign of stress or slight malocclusion.
Thick white patches of cells aka mouth sores.
______________ is a precancerous condition
More than 90% of oral cavity can oropharyngeal cancers are _________________ cell cancers.
____________ is one of the most common illnesses in the US affecting between 30 and 40 million people each year
Chronic sinusitis
___________ around the lips is a sign of anemia and shock.
Circumoral Pallor
__________ lips may result from cold or hypoxia
Reddish lips are seen in patients with this disorders
Ketoacidosis, carbon monoxide posoning, and COPD with polycythemia
___________ commonly occurs in local or systematic allergic reactions.
Paients who smoke drink large quantities of coffee or tea have an excessive intake of fluoride may have ___________ colored teach
Yellow or brownish
______________ may appear as brown dots or cover more extensive areas of chewing surfaces.
Tooth decay or caries
A ______________ area will turn darker with time when a cavity is present
White chalky area
___________ of the teeth is seen when the upper or lower incisors protrude.
_________ spots on teeth may result from antibiotic therapy.
Red swollen gums that bleed easily are seen in gingivitis and ______________
This is known as enlarged or swollen gums
A bluish black or grey white line along the gum line is an indicator of what?
Lead poisoning
Deep longitudinal fissures indicate?
A black tongue indicates this.
Bismuth toxicity
A smooth reddish shiny tongue without papillae means?
Deficiencies in niacin or B12, certain anemia's, and antieoplastic therapy.
An enlarged tongue suggests?
Hypothyroidism, acromegaly, or downs syndrome
An atrophied tongued suggests damage to cranial nerve?
CN 12 Hypoglossal
Is it normal for an older client to have varicose veins on the ventral surface of the tongue?
What is the most common site of oral cancer?
Underside of the tongue
True or false
Canker sores may be seen on the sides of the tongue in patients receiving certain kinds of chemotherapy.
Is the Wharton s ducts visible under the tongue?
What is the piece of skin that attaches the tongue to the bottom of the mouth?
Decreased tongue strength may occur when damage or a defect has occurred in this cranial nerve.
CN 12 Hypoglassal
Loss of taste occurs with a deficiency in this ____________
When a client has lost his sense of taste it may indicate a defect in this cranial nerve.
CN 7 Facial
A nurse notices a yellow tint to the hard palate. What is this an indicator of?
Jaundice because bilirubin adheres to elastic tissue collagen.
A fruity or acetone breath is associated with _______________
Diabetic ketoacidosis
__________ odor is often associated with kidney disease
___________ breath odors occur when a bowel obstruction is present.
Sulfur odor or ___________ occurres in end stage liver disease.
Fetor hepaticus
A ______________ looks like it is split in 2 or partially severed.
Bifid uvula
A bifid uvula is common in____________
Native americans
Asymmetric movement or loss of movement may occur after a CVA (stroke) When palate fails to raise and uvula deviates from the mid-line this indicates that damage has occurred to the _____________ cranial nerve.
CN X Vagus
Tonsillistis grading guide
1+ Tonsils are visible
2+ Tonsils are midway between tonsillar pillars and uvula.
3+ Tonsils are touching uvula
4+ Tonsils are touching each other
Press up with thumbs on sinuses
Method used to palpate maxillary sinuses
This is a grade 3+ of the tonsils
tonsils are touching the uvula
Most common site of tongue cancer
Side of the tongue
Cracking at the corner of the lips seen in riboflavin deficiency
Method used to test for fluid in the sinuses
Sinus filled with air
Significance of a red glow with transillumination
Press up on brow on each side of the nose
Method used to palpate frontal sinuses
Openings found on the buccal mucosa across from second upper molars.
Stensens ducts
Bony protuberance in the midline of the hard palate
Torus palatinus
Sinus filled with fluid or pus
Absence of a red glow with transillumination
Common site of nasal bleeding
Kiesselbach area
A variation that looks split or partially severed and my be associated with a sub-mucous cleft palate
bifid uvula
Normal variation that occurs in the crease between the upper and lower lip
Lip pits
Openings found on either side of the frenulum of the floor of the mouth
Wharton ducts