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41 Cards in this Set

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Major depressive episode: what is this and when is it commonly seen in patients?

Loss of interest and at least 4 other changes: 1 loss of appetite 2 weight loss/gain...

Diagnosis is made by at least 2 weeks

What is the traditional diagnosis for individuals who develop a personality disorder (ex avoidant, paranoid and schizoid) following TBI?

Organic Personality Disorder

In psychometrics, ______ is a type of outcome measure that estimates the consistency of a measure; provides normative scores

Ex: consistency of 2 different therapists assessing 1 person


In psychometrics, _____ is a type of outcome measure that addresses the meaning of a measure (answers the question, Does it measure what it supposed to measure?)


When is GCS used and what 3 things does it look for?

Early measure; eye opening, verbal response, motor response

AIS acronym and when during the post-injury recovery is it used?

Abbreviated Injury Scale (for the Head); early after injury

LOC acronym and when during the post-injury recovery is it used?

Loss Of Consciousness; early stage

Which measure in the acute phase can assess the end of loss of consciousness? About what score would they have?

GCS; motor score of 6 (the person can obey commands)

Related to a way to early measure...the duration of _____ is a good predictor or indicator of long-term issues following brain injiry


How is PTA often assessed?

Non standardized; orientation questions (person, place, time) early measure

GOS acronym and when during the post-injury recovery is it used?

Glasgow Outcome Scale: early measure

What is FIM and when during the post-injury recovery is it used?

*FAM was developed as an adjunct

Acute rehab; most widely used, 18 questions that helps determine progress and amount of assistance the individual will need after discharge

Floor effect

Ceiling effect

Floor: too challenging

Ceiling: too easy

DRS: when during the post-injury recovery is it used? It is not a clinical tool, it’s a _____ instrument

Disability Rating Scale

Acute rehab; research instrument

Rancho Los Amigos Level of Cognitive Functioning Scale (LCFS) when during the post-injury recovery is it used?

What specific pop. is it used for related to level of consciousness?

Acute rehab; post-coma

when during the post-injury recovery are CHART assessments used? What do they measure?

Post-acute; participation

What is PART-O and when during the post-injury recovery is it used?

Measure of participation; post acute

Education, surveillance and prevention for TBI are all values of what federal legislation for persons with brain injury?

TBI Act of 1996 - the most important piece of federal legislation

Incidence of TBI is a factor of ______ (fraction and %) of all Injury related deaths in the US

1/3. 30.5%

Out of the 2.5 million people who sustain a TBI yearly, how many are hospitalized? (Number and %)

284,000, 16%

What percentage of people are living with a brain injury in the US? (Prevelance)


Discuss number of TBI changes in rate and deaths between 2001 and 2010

TBI have gradually gone up, but deaths have dropped

Which age has the highest TBI related hospitalization and death? What is the cause?


Falling and firearms

Percentage of children with TBI from physical abuse


Non-accidental trauma is the cause of at least ______ (percent) deaths from head trauma in children under 2


Name 3 activities that have the most sports related TBIs

Bicycling, football, playground activities, basketball, soccer, horseback riding, all terrain vehicle

Among children 9 or younger, most injuries are from these 2 activities:

Bicycling and playground activities

A study found that ____ % of women victims of violoncello also had symptoms associated with brain injury

67% (same as child abuse)

Which Federal Program/Legislation passed allowed for “no segregation, same opportunities, no discrimination”

Olmsted Decision of 1999

Which federal program was established in 1987 by NIDRR/ACL and conducts prospective longitudinal research of TBI at 16 centers?

Model Systems of Care 1987

How does TBI relate to disease?

Can cause disease and accelerate disease

Persons with a TBI have a life expectancy reduction of _____ years

7 years

What does epilepsy, sleep disturbances, AD and CTE have to do with TBI?

They are all neurological conditions associated with TBI

Rancho Los Amigos Level of Cognitive Functioning Scale (LCFS): describe range of number scores assigned

1 is total assistance; the higher the # the better; 10 is modified independence

The Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory (MPAI) is used for what stage?

What does the measure evaluate?

Post-acute; participation and how much of a disability they have (normed)

Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique- Short Form (CHaRT-SF) measures what?

Participation in community

Level of Cognitive Functioning Scale- when is it used during post injury recovery?

Acute stage

Employment rate post TBI reported to be less than ___%- ____%


Gender and age factors that contribute to poor employment


Older age at time of injury

What is the gold standard in measuring success of rehabilitation for brain injury?

Return to work

AHT is most often committed by whom?

Biological father