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18 Cards in this Set

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______ _____ remains the single most important piece of federal legislation for persons with brain injury. What year?

TBI Act of 1996

What did the TBI Act do?

Acknowledged the incidence and prevalence of brain injury; 3 major impacts:

1) conduct research 2) improve services 3) Prevent TBIMode

Model Systems of Care

Centers that do research to figure out the best outcomes of diagnostic and treatment

CTE is known as _______ in the sports world and _______ _______ in the medical field

Punch drunk

Dementia pugilistica

What is the incidence of mTBI?

1.1 million in the US each year (75% of all TBIs)

mTBI definition used in textbook

_____ologic disruption

Traumatically induced physiologic disruption of brain function

mTBI criteria

has at least one of the following: 1) any period of loss of consciousness 2) any loss of memory right before/after incident 3) any alteration in mental state


Temporary in nature

LOC duration for mTBI

PTA/confusion duration for mTBI

0-30 minutes

PTA - confusion less than 24hours

Term used to describe adverse chemical changes in the brain

Metabolic alterations

mTBI is diagnosed solely by use of _____ definitions


mTBI symptoms occur ______ after injury, and resolve within a short period of time, usually ______weeks? months?


2-4 weeks

mTBI symptoms can be divided into 3 subcategories:

Physical/somatic, cognitive, behavioral/emotional

PPCS acronym & meaning

Persistent post concussive symptoms

- continued symptoms weeks to months after mTBI

_____ is the most common complaint after mTBI and are primary reason patients seek medical attention


PPCS percentage of incidence

10-15% of those who had a mTBI

Factors that increase risk of PPCS

Headache, dizziness or nausea; PTA lasting more than 1 hour

Explain how chronic treatment of PPCS compares to the acute period

All areas of focus can continue past acute stage, with the addition of Psychological and psychiatric care (as needed)