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19 Cards in this Set

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Spasticity is a motor disorder caused by damage to the _____ motor neuron

Upper motor neuron

Hyperreflexia: Increase in ______. Exaggerated _______

The involuntary increase in muscle tone, exaggerated tendon reflexes

What are contractures?

Fixed loss of joint range of motion

HO acronym and meaning

Heterotopic ossification: formation of new bone around joints

Cranial nerve: motor to most muscles of the tongue

XII Hypoglossal

Cranial nerve: motor and sensation from pharynx and larynx

X vagus

Examples of perception deficits

Agnosias, unilateral neglect, discrimination difficulties, apraxias

What is one sign of apraxia?

Inability to imitate gestures, inability to perform automatic task

Individuals with SCI and brain injury are the most vulnerable to what?

Pressure sores

What are the 5 peak maturation periods in normally developing children?

3-5, 8-10, 14-15, 17-19 and 21-22 years

What period of growth/maturation is characterized by overall rapid growth, those governing executive, visiospatial somatic, Visio auditory

3-5 years

What period of growth/maturation is characterized by executive system beginning to accelerate development, elaboration of the visiospatial and Visio auditory (motor system)


What period of growth/maturation is characterized by a big increase in neuronal development as the frontal executive function matures

17-19 years

Define Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Requirement for schools to provide free appropriate public education (FAPE) by providing special services

Define Individual Transition Plan (ITP)

At 16, IEP team must develop this to plan for life after high school

What questionnaire with the family could be helpful after a brain injury?

Family Needs Questionnaire

Family reports of post injury challenges include (3)

Changes in mood/emotional health or family members, unequal sharing of household responsibilities and lack of resources

Which theory is grounded in the notion that the whole is greater then the sum of its parts? Related to family

Family Systems Theory (FST)

Military families often face rehabilitation from ____ - trauma injuries
