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46 Cards in this Set

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Corporate culture

The values, expectations and beliefs shared by members of an organisation, which influences their behaviour

Business Objective

A desired goal or specific outcome or specific result that a business intends to achieve over a period of time


Actions that a business takes to achieve objectives

What are the five areas of management responsibilities?

Sales & marketing, Human Resources, operations, finance and technology support

Sales and marketing

Area responsible for promoting the business and selling its products in the market

Human Resources

The area responsible for managing the relationship between the employer and employees


Area that oversees the conversion of inputs to outputs/ the production of the business’s goods or services


Area responsible for managing the financial, monetary and accounting aspects of the business

Technology support

Are responsible for installing and maintaining technology, and providing assistance to the technology users of the business

What are the five types of management styles?

Autocratic, persuasive, consultative, participative, laissez-faire

Benefits of autocratic style

Less time consuming, little uncertainty, performance is managed easier

Drawbacks of autocratic style

Low employee morale, limited ideas, potential conflict from employees competing from approval

Benefits of persuasive

Manager can gain some trust, some acceptance of negative situations, instructions remain clear

Drawbacks for persuasive style

Limited ideas, poor/one-way communication, employees remain frustrated

Benefits of consultative style

Greater variety of ideas, employees have more internet in the business, more efficient

Drawbacks of consultative style

Slow, if process is inconsistent it can lead to confusion, resentment from ignored ideas

Benefits of participative stule

High trust, high commitment, higher job satisfaction, positive relations

Drawbacks of participative style

Not every employee may want to contribute, internal conflict, role of manager is unclear, time-consuming

Benefits of Laissez-faire style

Can promote outstanding results, encourages creativity, open communication

Drawback of laissez-faire style

Can breed conflict, loss of control by manager, no focus on business objectives


Transfer of authority and responsibility from a manager to an employee to carry out specific tasks


Transfer of a message from a sender to a receiver


Setting objectives and deciding on the process used to achieve them


The ability to influence or motivate people to work towards the achievement of business objectives


The ability to identify the options available and then choose a specific course of action from the alternatives

Interpersonal skills

The ability to deal or liaise with people and build positive relationships with staff

Steps in the planning process

SADIM: Set objectives, analyse the market, develop alternative strategies, implement a strategy, monitor the strategy

Corporate social responsibility

A business going above and beyond the legal requirements (in the triple bottom line)

Conflict between employees and shareholders

Employees expect good working conditions and wages but this can reduce business’s profits and dividends to shareholders

Conflict between management and customers

Management could attempt to maintain profit and high dividends by raising the prices of products but this may upset customers who expect reasonably priced products

Conflict between suppliers and community

Suppliers expect to be paid fairly and quickly, but they may use socially irresponsible practices which can upset the community

Conflict between Management and suppliers

Management wishes to keep costs down to improve productivity but suppliers providing ethical materials require higher prices to cover their costs

Management style

The way a manager works with and through other people to achieve the objectives of the business

Management responsibility

One of the various functions a business must perform in order to achieve its business objectives

Management skill

The abilities or competencies a manger uses to achieve business objectives

How does operations help achieve business objectives?

When managed effectively, business spends less in creating their end product. Increases profit margins and market share

How does finance help a business achieve business objectives?

Transactions are recorded accurately and financial info is passed on to management. When done effectively, can tell when KPIs drop and quickly make changes to address business objectives

How does HR help a business achieve business objectives?

HR do their job. If staff are well-trained, motivated and well-paid, more likely to help the business achieve objectives

How does sales and marketing help a business achieve business objectives?

They study the market, and ensure the business meets customer needs and monitors competition. When they continuously meet their customer needs, can retain their market share and increase profits

How does technology support help a business achieve business objectives?

If tech is effective, business can be more efficient in achieving business objectives (getting minimum input for maximum output)

Official corporate culture

The culture based defined by the business’s policies, objectives or slogans

Official corporate culture

The culture based defined by the business’s policies, objectives or slogans

Real corporate culture

The unwritten or informal rules that dictate how people in the business behave

Official corporate culture

The culture based defined by the business’s policies, objectives or slogans

Real corporate culture

The unwritten or informal rules that dictate how people in the business behave

Strategies to develop culture

Rewarding staff, changing management style, changing style of dress in the workplace, communicating desired values to staff, recruiting staff who agree with values, training