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43 Cards in this Set

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The process of guiding the development maintenance and allocation of resources to attain organizational goals


People in the organization responsible for developing and carrying out the management process

Managerial process

Anticipating potential problems were opportunities and designing plans to deal with them

Coordinating and allocating the resources needed to implement plans

Guiding personnel through the implementation

Reviewing results and making any necessary changes


Using the least possible amount of resources to get work done


The ability to produce a desired result

Management functions

Planning leading organizing controlling


Begins by anticipating potential problems or opportunities the organization may encounter

Types of planning

Strategic, tactical, operational, contingency

Strategic planning

Involves creating long range broad goals for the organization and determining what resources will be needed to accomplish them; often done by top management/directors

External factors that affect strategic planning

Economic technological and social issues

Tactical planning

A level of mid range goals for implementation created by middle management That begins the implementation of strategic plans

Operational planning

Create specific standards methods policies and procedures that are used in a specific functional areas of the organization created by supervisory management For current operations


Plans that identify alternative courses of action and for unusual or crisis situations, Created by top and middle management


The process of coordinating and allocating a firm's resources in order to carry out its plans

Functions of organizing

Dividing up tasks, grouping jobs and employees, assigning authority and responsibilities

Top management

A small group of people at the head of the organization such as the CEO president and vice president that develop strategic plans and addressed long range issues such as which industries to compete in, how to capture market share, and what to do with profits

Middle management

Division heads departmental managers and regional sales managers that are responsible for the beginning of implementation of strategic plans that carry out tactical plans in specific areas of the company

Supervisory 1st line management

The most numerous of managers at the bottom of the managerial Pyramid that design and carry out operational plans for the on going daily activities, guiding and motivating employees


The process of guiding and motivating others towards the achievement of organizational goals


The ability to influence others behaviors

5 types of power

Legitimate- position

reward- control over reward

coercive- threaten neg. outcomes

expert- extensive knowledge

referent- charisma/respect

Leadership styles

Patterns of behavior where each individual has a tendency to react to people and situations in a particular way

Autocratic leaders

Directive leaders allowing for very little input from subordinates preferring to make decisions and solve problems on their own; ex. Military

Participative leaders

Leaders who shared decision making with group members and encourage discussion of issues and alternatives using a democratic consensual consultative style [ex. Meg Whitman of HP]

Free rein leaders

Laissez faire style wherein manager turns over virtually all authority and control to the group the manager doesn't get involved unless asked

democratic leaders

Solicit input from all members of the group and then allow the group members to make the final decision by vote

Consensual leaders

Encourage discussion about issues and require that all parties involved agreed to the final decision [ex. Labour union leaders]

Consultative Leaders

Confer with subordinates before making a decision but retained the final decision making authority


French for "leave it alone"

Drawbacks of free reign leadership

Could be accompanied by unclear expectations and lack of feedback which can be frustrating, Employees may perceive managers being uninvolved and indifferent

Situational leadership

Leaders that recognize employee growth and select a leadership style that matches the maturity and competency levels of those completing tasks


Giving employees increased autonomy and discretion to make their own decisions as well as control over the resources needed to implement them

Corporate culture

The set of attitudes values and standards of behavior that distinguish one organization from another, Utilizes underlying philosophy and values


The process of assessing the organization's progress towards accomplishing its goals including monitor of implementation and correcting deviation

Steps of control

One set performance standards and goals

To measure performance

3 compare actual performance to established standards

4 take corrective action

5 use information gained to set up future standards

Roles of management

Informational- info gather/distribute

Interpersonal- lead/Liaison

Decisional- entrepreneurship

Programmed decision

Made in response to routine situations that occur frequently in a variety of settings throughout the organization

Non programmed decision

Infrequent unforeseen or unusual problems and opportunities that have no precedent

Steps of decision making

1- recognize/ define the situation

2- gather info

3- select 1 or more alternatives

4- put into action

5- obtain feedback

Technical skills

Specialized areas of knowledge and expertise and of the ability to apply that knowledge

Human relations skills

The interpersonal skills managers used to accomplish goals through the use of human resources

Conceptual skills

The ability to view the organization as a whole understand how various parts are indeed interdependent and assess how the organization relates to its external environment

Global management skills

The ability to operate in diverse cultural environments