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45 Cards in this Set

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A virus is a?

Micro organism

Are viruses alive?


Size of viruses

Smallest pathogen

Structure of a virus

Strand of genetic material (DNA and RNA)

+ inner and outer protein coat

How do viral diseases work

They infect a single cell in a host

Use single cell to copy their genetic material and protein coats

Cells split open, release new infecting particles to repeat cycles

Called strains

Measles are what type of disease?

Viral disease

Measles are normally transmitted between


Young children (highly infectious)

How measles spreads

Airborne transmission (tiny droplets when someone sneezes)

Symptoms of measles


Red skin rash

Complications of measles

Sterility in adults

Foetal abnormalities

HIV/AID's is what type of disease


What does HIV stand for

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

How is HIV/AIDs transmitted

Transmitted when body fluids are shared, during sex, shared use of needles and mother to child

Immediate symptoms of HIV

Flu-like illnesses

Usually no other symptoms

Year later symptoms of HIV

Attacks body immune cells and they are less able to fight off cancer or infections

What is this stage called?


What does AIDs stand for

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Cure of HIV

No cure

Antivetroviral drugs (slow development of disease)

Bacterial diseases are called

Pathogenic bacteria

Structure of bacteria


How do bacterial diseases spread

Live inside hosts (mouth, nose and throats)

Reproduce asexually (binary fission - clones)

Produce toxins as they grow

Are bacteria alive


Salmonella is what type of disease

Bacterial disease

Who does salmonella affect?

Cold and warm blooded animals

Symptoms of salmonella





How is salmonella spread

In unhygienic conditions

Gonorrhea is?

An STD and a bacterial disease

Symptoms of gonorrhea

Painful burning sensation when urinating

Production of thick yellow/green fluid

Treatment of gonorrhea

Penicillin (antibiotics)

Prevention of gonorrhea

Condoms that stop transmition

Structure of Fungal Disease


Walls made from chitin instead of cellulose

Appearance of fungal diseases

Single celled yeast fungus

Multicellular mushrooms

What is chitin?

A polymer made from sugars that forms the cell walls of fungi and the exoskeleton of insects

Fungal disease reproduction

Produce spores for reproduction

Rather than pollen and ova

Athletes foot is what disease

Fungal disease

Symptoms of athletes foot




Ideal condition for athletes foot

Warm and moist feet

Treatment of athletes foot

Keep feet dry

Antifungal cream or spray

Ringworm is what type of disease



Produce ring like red rash

Protist Disease structure

Eukaryotic micro organisms

Lave group of dissimilar organism

Always unicellular or multicellular

Without tissues

Malaria is what type of disease?

Protist - caused by 5 different species of Plasmodium protists

Symptoms of malaria





Transmission of Malaria

From one individual to another by the vector (mosquitos)

Mosquitos bite and suck blood, plasmodium infected organisms

Then pass pathogen from their saliva to blood of other organisms when they bite

Pathogens travel to the hosts liver and reproduce

Prevention of malaria

Dont get bitten - mosquitos nets and insect repellent

Drugs (malarone) - prevent transmission and kill pathogen

No vaccination

Remove stagnant water - mosquitos lay eggs