Spread Of Malaria In Africa

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Africa is the home of many diseases such as HIV, measles, diarrhea, but one in particular is malaria. Malaria is disease cause by an Anopheles mosquito. Malaria can be spread from one person to another. Parasite known assporozoite travels through the bloodstream into the kidney and infects the blood cells. When the infected mosquito bites the victim, the parasites goes into the bloodstream causing illness. Malaria is harming a specific population group, which is young children. Children in Africa dies from malaria every minute in results this is the most death. Many children that are in their stable transmission area who hasn’t develop protective immunity against most forms of diseases are at risk of getting malaria. Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites. Malaria is influence/control due to certain …show more content…
The change in climate affects malaria causing it to spread faster and harms children, and children dying from malaria can be cured and prevented from it. Researchers claims there is a little chance Africa's vulnerability is affected because of climate change, if the climate changes to a high temperature then it is easier to get sick due to the amount of diseases (Peter Byass, 2009). Volker, Andreas, Andrew & Heiko (2012) supports Peter’s research, the climate system of the earth affects human life which causes health issues. Infectious diseases tend to be the first to look out for change in temperature (Peter Byass, 2009). Peter Byass (2009) research that heat is one of the major factor for diseases to make an impact on the health. He supports a large majority of the population in parts of Africa are exposed to high extreme temperature (Peter Byass, 2009). Peter Byass (2009) research Malaria is one of the most documented disease that is involved with climate change. Hermenegilde, Albrechet, and Jurgen (2010) agrees with Peter Byass research, that temperature is one of reason for the increase of malaria.

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