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140 Cards in this Set

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DNA = polymer
nucleotide = ___ unit of DNA
nucleotide has 3 parts...
deoxyribose sugar
phosphate group
nitrogenous base
4 types of nitrogen bases...
cytosine and thymine are...
single-ringed pyrimidines
guanine and adenine are...
double-ringed purines
nucleotides are connected through phosphate bonds
DNA is read...
DNA forms a double stranded helix
nitrogen base on the inside...sugar facing outside
A pairs with...
G pairs with...

a-t form ___ hydrogen bonds

g-c form ___ hydrogen bonds
a-t form 2 hydrogen bonds

g-c form 3 hydrogen bonds
what factor determines strength of strands?
number of G-C there are since a triple bond is stronger and closer than a A-T double bond

also more G-C, requires higher temperature to denature
antiparallel arrangement of strands...

complements of one another...


5' end has OH or phosphate group bound to 5' carbon of terminal sugar
while the 3' end has an OH on number 3 sugar
DNA undergoes semi-conservative replication...
each strand contains 1 original parent strand and a complementary copy...
the 1'/2' are complements while the 1/2 are original parent strands
how can you tell the parent from the daughter strands?
-aged DNA strands will have methyl groups while newly synthesized daughter strands will not
origin of replication is the site on the strand where the helix...
1 origin of replication and 2 replication forks...


the slashes = replication forks...
the line = origin of replication
helicase is a protein enzyme that...
unwinds the DNA helix
single strand binding proteins will bind to the individual strands to...
keep them separated
-stabilize the strands
as helicase unwinds the helix at one point..it is supercoiling it at the other points not unwound....to compensate this action, DNA gyrase relieves the overwound DNA and introduces negative supercoils
supercoil = similar to phone cord that wraps around itself...relieves tension
DNA polymerase is the enzyme responsible for....
adding complementary nucleotides to the strand(parent)
DNA polymerase requires...
an RNA primer
Primase is the enzyme that...
generates the RNA primer
synthesis covered on pg 346
leading strand is the continously read strand
lagging strand is broken into okazaki fragments and is not continously read
fragmented strands are put together by DNA ligase
RNA is similar to DNA but there are exceptions..
1. RNA = single stranded
DNA = double stranded

2. RNA has Uracil
DNA has Thymine

3. RNA has ribose sugar
DNA has deoxyribose

4. DNA is only found in nucleus
RNA is found in the cytoplasm and nucleus
RNA is found in...
RNA participates in both transcription and translation
mRNA = messenger RNA
-created during transcription/translation
created during transcription
mRNA carries info from nucleus to the cytoplasm
in eukaryotes, mRNA is monocistronic = each mRNA molecule translates into 1 product
prokaryotes/bacteria are polycistronic = each mRNA molecule translates to more than 1 product...
different proteins can be formed by starting translation at different positions on the mRNA
tRNA is found in the cytoplasm and carries amino acid sequence complementary to RNA
tRNA is involved in translation from mRNA to protein

-makes polypeptide chain
there are 20 AA
synthesized in the nucleolus
hnRNA = heterogeneous nuclear RNA
larger, precursor to mRNA and includes riboproteins in structure
DNA --> RNA =
-occurs in the nucleus
DNA --> RNA requires RNA polymerase
U substituted for T
DNA regions called promoters signal RNA polymerase where to start transcription
termination sequences built into DNA to stop transcription
newly formed RNA = hnRNA
before hnRNA can leave the nucleus, must be prepped to move into cytoplasm through a few processes
the hnRNA must

1. have a 5'guanosyl cap at beginning
2. 3' poly-adenine tail
3. removal of introns
eukaryotic genes contain
1. exons = coding genes
2. introns = noncoding genes
removal of introns
hnRNA --> mRNA = splicing
hnRNA ==> mRNA occurs in the nucleus
each codon represents 1 AA...
1 AA is represented by multiple codons
proteins are made of AA, not nitrogenous bases...
reason for transcription and translation...
translation occurs in cytoplasm and requires...
1. tRNA
2. mRNA
3. ribosomes
4. AA
5. energy
ribosomes are site of translation
anticodon is what the tRNA carries and it is complementary to the codon of the mRNA
each tRNA has a tRNA synthetase enzyme
binds amino acid to tRNA using GTP
tRNA + AA = aminocyl-tRNA complex
ribosomes have 2 subunits
-composed of rRNA and ribosomal proteins
large subunit
small subunit
ribosomes have 3 binding sites
1 is for mRNA
2 is for tRNA
tRNA binding sites =
A site
P site
A site = holds aminoacyl-tRNA complex

P site = binds tRNA attached to growing polypeptide chain
polypeptide synthesis
3 stages..
mRNA and small ribosome bind using initiation factors

-starts at codon AUG
=start codon
methionine tRNA base pairs with start codon...recruits large ribosome subunit
tRNA is in P site
tRNA binds to A site, peptide in P site shifts to A site polypeptide, kicks off the P site empty tRNA and the A site tRNA shifts over to the P site...repeat
peptidyl transferase uses energy stored in aminoacyl-tRNA complex when loaded to catalyze formation of peptide bond
needs termination codon
recruits a release factor to the A site, releases ribosomal subunits etc
polyribosome = many ribosomes that translate at same time
after translation is complete, the polypeptide is subjected to folding into a 2ndary structure
polypeptide can have sugars added to it or be cleaved
some additional modifications to the polypeptide include
mutation types
-base pair mutations
-base pair insertions
-base pair deletions
base pair mutations are known as...
point mutations
insertions and deletions are known as...
frameshift mutations
-since they shift the reading frame by inserting/deleting base pairs
base pair mutations are known as...
point mutations
point mutations
occurs on a single nucleotide
-it may or may not have an effect in overall expression/mutation
point mutations can form in noncoding and coding regions of strand...
have the potential of not causing any harm even in the coding region
no effect from a mutation is known as...
silent mutation
which nucleotide of a codon is more important? less important?
the more important is the first two nucleotides of the codon
-the less important nucleotide is the last one
a point mutation at the first/second position in the codon is...
missense mutation
-one AA is substituted for another
silent mutations are result of degeneracy of the genetic code
nonsense mutation is one that produces a premature termination of the polypeptide chain by changing one of the codons to a stop codon
thalassemia = ex) of previous mutation where RBC are produced with ineffective Hb content
sickle cell anemia is an example of a missense mutation where the 3nd nucleotide is substituted
lack of biconcave RBC shape
frameshift mutations
mess up the reading frames = codons = 3 back-to-back nucleotides
frameshift mutations include insertion/deletion
changes AA sequence or premature truncation of protein
cystic fibrosis is an example of a frameshift mutation
defective chloride ion channels
mutations can arise from
1. DNA polymerases mistakes
2. ionization radiation from UV
3. self-damaging DNA
elements called transposons can remove and insert themselves into the genome
-can disrupt reading frame in the process
mutations that are inheritable occur within the sex chromosome
mutations in the somatic cells will not be inherited
UV light is capable of breaking chemical bonds between pyrimidine bases
most commonly occurs at CC (next to one another) aka pyrimidine dimer
viruses can only infect cells that have receptors that recognize the viruses protein coat called the capsid
viruses can fuse and completely insert (HIV) or can insert genetic material and leave capsids outside(bacteriophage)
DNA-containing viruses have easy access to nucleus
-use DNA/RNA polymerases of cell
some DNA viruses can carry out replication in the cytoplasm
-although must bring own DNA/RNA polymerases
RNA-containing viruses process occurs in the cytoplasm
viruses can equip RNA replicase
RNA replicase is an enzyme used to replicate RNA from an RNA template
some RNA viruses are retroviruses
create a DNA copy from RNA using reverse transcriptase enzyme

-host cell will replicate this DNA strand as though it were its own...
translation of viral RNA --> proteins requires
virions = viral particles
A complete virus particle with its DNA or RNA core and protein coat as it exists outside the cell
viral progeny can be released in two ways..
1. host cell may lyse as a result of filling with viral particles

2. viral invasion may also cause apoptosis= cell death
cell lysis and release of viral particles has a disadvantage...
virus can no longer use the cell to replicate itself
virions can fuse to the plasma membrane and be excreted aka extrusion
similar to budding
-but advantage is it allows cell to live and allow viral replication
productive cycle involves extrusion
bacteriophages are viruses that specifically attack bacteria
bacteriophages insert DNA and keep all other structures outside the cell
virus can enter two stages depending on growth conditions and specific phage...
1. lytic
2. lysogenic

-only for bacteriophages though
lytic cycle
-virus makes maximal use of cells machinery with little regard to damaging the cell
during lytic cycle, cell will swell with virions inside and the cell lyses and release virions
bacteria in the lytic cell are called virulent
lysogenic cycle
-no lysing of the bacteria
integrates itself into host genome as a provirus
-as bacteria preproduces, so will the virus
lysogenic cycle; if stil dormant or attached as provirus, radiation, light or chemicals can trigger the provirus to release itself from the strand and enter the lytic cycle
bacteria are prokaryotes
single-celled organisms with circular DNA genome and no organelles
many bacteria contain plasmids
extrachromosomal DNA
episomes = type of plasmid
capable of integration into the genome
transcription occurs in ...
the nucleus
translation occurs in...
bacteria, having no membrane bound organelles, transcription and translation are not separate processes
can occur simultaneously
bacteria can produce polycistronic mRNA to which multiple proteins are coded in the same mRNA molecule
since bacteria genome is circular, it contains far less information and therefore...
require less origins of replication
-usually only have 1!
bacteria utilize binary fission as replication process
asexual reproduction
bacteria have 3 approaches to increase genetic diversity since asex. reprod. produces identical daughter cells
1. transformation
2. conjugation
3. trandsuction
results from the integration of foreign chromosomal plasmids into host genome
-becomes distinctively different from the parent cells
2 bacterial cells form a bridge(cytoplasmic) and transfer genetic material between them
transfer of cytomplasmic bridge and conjugation is ONE way
from the male(+) to receiving female(-)
bridge is made from appendages called sex pilli
these are found within the male(+)
to form the pili(bridge material), bacteria must contain plasmids known as sex factors
F+ = has sex factors
F- = does not have sex factors
process of conversion from without to with
sex factor is a plasmid, but through processes of transformation, it can become integrated into host genome
usually during transaction processes with bridges, the bridge will collapse half-way though and not send/receive the entire genetic material package...
cells that have experienced this are called Hfr...or high frequency of recombination
accidental process
-bacteriophage inserts DNA
-host dna broken up
-virions form inside with host dna and phage dna
-break out and attack other bacteria
-dna inserted and becomes integrated into the host DNA
in prokaryotes, ability to transcribe a gene is based on RNA polymerases access to the genome
operons are a series of genes that control transcription
operons are made up of..
1. structural genes
2. operator gene
3. promoter gene
structure gene codes for protein of interest
operator site
nontranscribable region of DNA that is capable of binding a repressor protein
promoter site is similar in function to seen in eukaryotes
provides a place for RNA polymerase to bind
a protein that can bind to the operator sequence and acts as a roadblock
-stops/stalls RNA polymerase
inducible and repressible systems
inducible- require presence of compound known as inducer to cause transcription of structural gene

repressible do not have inducer to promote transcription
inducer blocks the repressor so it can not bind
without inducer, the repressor would bind and prevent transcription
lac operon = codes for enzymes that allow bacterium to digest lactose in place of glucose
basteria use this option only when lactose is high concentration and glucose is in low concentration
repressible systems
allow constant production of a protein product
repressor remains inactive until binds to a co-repressor
allows repressor to bind to operator region and prevent transcription
repressor systems act like negative feedback
product can act as the corepressor
ex) trp operon