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87 Cards in this Set

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The term fenestration is associated with the
a. Loop of Henle
b. Bowman's capsule
c. Juxtamedullary nephrons
d. Glomerulus
d. Glomerulus
The glomerular filtration rate is regulated by all of the following except
a. autoregulation
b. sympathetic neural control
c. cardiac output
d. the hormone ADH
d. the hormone ADH
Which of the following molecules are not removed from the blood during filtration
a. glucose
b. amino acids
c. sodium ions
d. large proteins
d. large proteins
Digestion of carbohydrates within the small intestine involves enzymes that come from the:
a: mouth.
b: stomach.
c: pancreas.
d: lining of the small intestine.

A. a, b
B. b, c
C. c, d
D. a, d
E. a, b, c, d
E. a, b, c, d
Water reabsorption does not take place in the
a. PCT
b. DCT
c. Thick ascending loop of Henle
d. Thin descending loop of Henle
c. Thick ascending loop of Henle
The mechanism that establishes the medullary osmotic gradient depends most on the permeability properties of the
a. Loop of Henle
b. PCT
c. Glomerular filtration membrane
d. DCT
a. Loop of Henle
You have just eaten french fries, buttered toast, ice cream and whole milk. Which of the following glands would be active in helping you to digest this food?
a. the pancreas
b. the buccal glands
c. the gall bladder
d. the parotid gland
a. the pancreas
Specific digested foods are able to pass through the cells of the digestive tract and into the bloodstream and the lymphatic system. Accordingly, which of the following molecules are absorbed?
a. triglycerides, polysaccharides, peptides
b. glycerol, glycerides and fatty acids
c. peptides, amino acids, glycerides and sucrose
d. monosaccharides, fatty acids, amino acids, glycerides
d. monosaccharides, fatty acids, amino acids, glycerides
Select the correct enzyme/substrate combination
a. amylase: starches
b. chymotrypsin: fats
c. nucleases: proteins
d. pepsin: lactose
c. nucleases: proteins
The thought and smell of food initiates the _________ phase of stomach secretion and motility.
a. cephalic
b. buccal
c. gastric
d. intestinal
a. cephalic
Which is not a function of the kidneys
a. Regulation of blood pressure
b. Removal of wastes from the blood
c. Regulation of erythrocyte production
d. Regulation of lymphocyte production
e. Regulation of acid-base balance
d. Regulation of lymphocyte production
Which class of nephron is crucially important in establishing a salt concentration gradient in the kidney so that urine concentration can be regulated?
a. Intercalated nephrons
b. Juxtamedullary nephrons
c. Adrenal nephrons
d. Cortical nephrons
b. Juxtamedullary nephrons
The capillaries of the glomerulus differ from most other capillary networks in the body because they:
a. carry only deoxygenated blood.
b. drain into an arteriole instead of a venule.
c. contain no endothelium.
d. absorb nutrients from the glomerular capsule.
e. secrete mucus.
b. drain into an arteriole instead of a venule.
In the process of urine formation, first:
a. filtrate is formed, then tubular fluid, then urine.
b. tubular fluid is formed, then filtrate, then urine.
a. filtrate is formed, then tubular fluid, then urine.
How are the processes of reabsorption and secretion related?
a. They both involve movement of material from the blood into the tubular fluid.
b. Materials move in opposite directions: reabsorption moves materials into the blood, whereas secretion removes them from the blood.
c. Materials move in opposite directions: secretion moves materials into the blood, whereas reabsorption removes them from the blood.
d. They both involve movement of material from the tubular fluid into the blood.
b. Materials move in opposite directions: reabsorption moves materials into the blood, whereas secretion removes them from the blood.
Nutrients such as glucose and amino acids within the tubular fluid:
a. are completely secreted.
b. are completely reabsorbed.
c. have half of their plasma concentration secreted.
d. have a little less than half of their tubular fluid concentration reabsorbed.
e. have concentrations in the filtrate and urine that match their transport maximum.
b. are completely reabsorbed.
An organ that helps break down food but is not part of the tube through which the foodstuffs pass is referred to as a(n):
a. chemically digesting organ.
b. accessory digestive organ.
c. alimentary canal organ.
d. diffuse ingestive structure.
e. organ of mastication.
b. accessory digestive organ.
Cholecystokinin is a(n) _______ released by the ____________.
a. enzyme, stomach
b. enzyme, small intestine
c. enzyme, gall bladder
d. hormone, small intestine
e. hormone, gall bladder
e. hormone, gall bladder
Protein digestion begins in the _______.
a. stomach.
b. mouth.
c. esophagus.
d. small intestine.
e. large intestine.
a. stomach.
a. are found only in the large intestine.
b. absorb the products of fat digestion.
c. secrete intestinal juice.
d. connect directly to the liver.
e. all of the choices are correct
b. absorb the products of fat digestion.
Chewed food mixed with saliva is called a _____, which is swallowed once mastication is complete.
The gallbladder is part of the gastrointestinal tract.
Increases in NFP result in increases in GFR.
The tubuloglomerular feedback and myogenic mechanisms are both components of renal autoregulation.
________ are emulsified fat droplets covered with bile salts.
Mechanical and chemical digestion begins in the
a. stomach
b. mouth
c. esophagus
d. duodenum
b. mouth
Absorption of nutrients occurs primarily in the
a. stomach
b. small intestine
c. colon
d. pancreas
b. small intestine
The phase in which both endocrine gastrin and gastric reflex plays an important role is _______
a. cephalic
b. buccal
c. gastric
d. intestinal
c. gastric
Most carbohydrate digestion takes place in the
a. mouth
b. stomach
c. small intestine
d. large intestine
c. small intestine
Trypsin and chymotrypsin are
a. fat digesting enzymes
b. protein digesting enzymes
c. carbohydrate digesting enzymes
d. gastric juices
b. protein digesting enzymes
Nervous control of gastric secretion is provided by
a. somatic neurons in the spinal cord
b. the vagus nerve
c. the sympathetic nerve
d. enetric nerve
b. the vagus nerve
A fluid secreted into the small intestine during digestion that contains cholesterol, emulsification agents and phospholipids is
a. bile
b. pancreatic juice
c. intestinal juice
d. gastric juice
a. bile
Digestion of which of the following woul be affected the most if the liver were severely damaged?
a. lipids
b. carbohydrates
c. proteins
d. starches
a. lipids
The enzymatic breakdown of any type of food molecule is called _________.
a. diffusion
b. anabolic reaction
c. hydrolysis
d. dehydration synthesis
c. hydrolysis
Which of the choices below is not a function of the urinary system?
a. helps maintain homeostasis by controlling the composition, volume, and pressure of blood
b. regulates blood glucose levels and produces hormones
c. maintains blood osmolarity
d. eliminates solid, undigested wastes and excretes carbon dioxide, water, salts, and heat
d. eliminates solid, undigested wastes and excretes carbon dioxide, water, salts, and heat
The juxtaglomerular apparatus is responsible for _____________________.
a. the secretion of drugs
b. the secretion of acids and ammonia
c. reabsorption of organic molecules, vitamins, and water
d. regulating the rate of filtrate formation and controlling systemic blood pressure
d. regulating the rate of filtrate formation and controlling systemic blood pressure
Which hormone causes an increased output of enzyme-rich pancreatic juice and stimulates gallbladder contraction to release bile?
a. gastrin
b. Histamine
c. Cholecystokinin (CCK)
d. gastric inhibitor peptide (GIP)
c. Cholecystokinin (CCK)
A hormones that slows down gastric emptying, inhibits gastric secretion and neutralizes acid chyme is
a. secretion
b. secretin
c. gastrin
d. histamine
b. secretin
Specific digested foods are able to pass through the cells of the digestive tract and into the bloodstream and the lymphatic system. Accordingly, which of the following will not be absorbed?
a. diglycerides
b. disaccharides
c. monosaccharides
d. amino acids
b. disaccharides
Select the correct enzyme/substrate combination
a. amylase: peptides
b. chymotrypsin: fats
c. nucleases: fats
d. pepsin: protein
d. pepsin: protein
A fluid secreted into the small intestine during digestion that contains trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase and amylase is
a. bile
b. pancreatic juice
c. intestinal juice
d. gastric juice
b. pancreatic juice
The hormone _______ increases the activity of parietal and chief cells in the stomach
a. Gastrin
b. CCK
c. Enterin
d. Secretin
a. Gastrin
The wavelike rhythmic contractions that move food through the digestive tract are called
a. deglutition
b. peristalsis
c. mucosal contractions
d. absorption
b. peristalsis
Tubular reabsorption and tubular secretion differ in that
a. tubular secretion adds materials to the filtrate; reabsorption removes materials from the filtrate
b. tubular secretion is a passive process; tubular reabsorption uses active transport
c. tubular reabsorption tends to increase urine volume while tubular secretion tends to decrease urine volume.
d. a, b, & c are correct
a. tubular secretion adds materials to the filtrate; reabsorption removes materials from the filtrate
Urine formation involves
a. filtration of substances across the filtration membrane
b. reabsorption of substances from the filtrate
c. secretion of materials into the filtrate
d. all of the above
d. all of the above
Removal of posterior pituitary will immediately cause _________ in urine volume.
a. increase
b. decrease
a. increase
Anatomically, the glomerulus differs from other capillaries in the body in that it
a. has a basement membrane
b. is impermeable to proteins
c. is drained by an efferent arteriole
d. has a blood pressure much lower than other tissue capillary beds
c. is drained by an efferent arteriole
The kidneys are stimulated to produce Renin
a. when the peritubular capillaries are dilated
b. when the pH of the urine decreases
c. by a decrease in blood pressure
d. decrease in red blood cells
c. by a decrease in blood pressure
An increase in the permeability of the cells of the collecting tubule to water is due to
a. a decrease in the production of ADH
b. an increases in the production of ADH
c. a decrease in the production of aldosterone
d. a decrease in the concentration of the blood plasma
b. an increases in the production of ADH
The descending limb of the Loop Of Henle
a. is not permeable to water
b. is freely permeable to sodium and urea
c. pulls water by osmosis into the lumen of the tubule
d. contains fluid that becomes more concentrated as it moves into the medulla
d. contains fluid that becomes more concentrated as it moves into the medulla
Which of the following acts as the trigger for the initiation of micturition (voiding)?
a. the stretching of the bladder wall
b. motor neurons
c. the pressure of the fluid in the bladder
d. the sympathetic efferent fibers
e. both a and c are correct
e. both a and c are correct
The filtration slits on the visceral layer of Bowman's capsule prevents passage of
a. nutrients
b. small proteins
c. large proteins
d. formed elements
d. formed elements
The cells of the Macula dense and the Granular cells form the
a. renal corpuscle
b. filtration membrane
c. juxtaglomerular apparatus
d. juxtamedullary nephrons
c. juxtaglomerular apparatus
One of the main determining factor for glomerular filtration rate is
a. number of nephrons
b. mean arterial pressure of the circulatory system
c. parasympathetic stimulus
d. the hormones - aldosterone and ADH
b. mean arterial pressure of the circulatory system
The cells of the proximal convoluted tubule normally reabsorb all of the following except
a. approximately 60% of the volume of the filtrate produced in the renal corpuscle
b. creatinine
c. cations such as sodium, calcium
d. virtually all of the organic nutrients
b. creatinine
Which of the following molecules are not removed from the blood during filtration
a. glucose
b. amino acids
c. sodium ions
d. large proteins
d. large proteins
Reabsorption is the movement of molecules from the ____________ into the ____________.
a. tissues, DCT
b. renal tubule, peritubular capillaries
c. glomerulus, renal tubule
b. renal tubule, peritubular capillaries
The hormone which works by inserting aquaporin on Principal cells is:
a. ADH
b. Aldosterone
c. Rennin
d. Angiotensin
d. Angiotensin
For enzymes to work at their optimum level in the digestive organs, the most important factor is
a. level of hormones in the organs
b. sympathetic stimulation
c. muscle contraction
d. pH of the digestive juices
d. pH of the digestive juices
Gastric mixing changes:
a. foodstuffs into bile.
b. food into chyle.
c. a bolus into chyme.
d. chyle into pepsin.
e. proteins into lipids.
c. a bolus into chyme.
The first structure in the kidney to collect newly formed urine is the:
a. renal capsule.
b. minor calyx.
c. renal pelvis.
d. renal sinus.
e. renal cortex.
b. minor calyx.
The primary mechanism of water reabsorption in the kidney is:
a. primary active transport by means of a protein pump.
b. osmosis through aquaporins.
c. secondary active transport by means of a sodium-water symporter.
d. bulk transport by means of endocytosis.
b. osmosis through aquaporins.
For glucose to be reabsorbed from the tubule lumen, it is transported into the tubule cell by means of a:
a. glucose uniporter.
b. Na+/glucose symporter.
c. glucose protein channel.
d. Na+/glucose antiporter.
b. Na+/glucose symporter.
Which of the following is a nitrogenous waste product produced from nucleic acid breakdown in the liver?
a. Urea
b. Deoxyribose
c. Uric acid
d. Creatinine
b. Deoxyribose
The word "countercurrent" within "countercurrent multiplier" refers to the opposite direction of flow of:
a. sodium and potassium across the wall of the nephron.
b. tubular fluid within the ascending and descending limb of the nephron loop.
c. salts and water across the wall of the renal tubule.
d. tubular fluid in the proximal convoluted tubule and collecting tubule
b. tubular fluid within the ascending and descending limb of the nephron loop.
Microvilli on the columnar epithelial cells is an essential structural element required for
a. absorption of nutrients
b. ensuring proper motility
c. secretion of bile
d. completion of the chemical digestion of polymer food components
d. completion of the chemical digestion of polymer food components
Reabsorption of substances is regulated by hormones in the
a. Renal Corpuscle
b. Distal Convoluted tubule
c. Loop of Henle
d. Proximal Convoluted tubule
b. Distal Convoluted tubule
________ are vesicles containing triglycerides transported in circulation
a. chyme
b. bolus
c. chylomicrons
d. micelles
c. chylomicrons
Digestion begins in the
a. duodenum
b. esophagus
c. stomach
d. mouth
d. mouth
Intrinsic Factor is produced by the
a. Brunner's glands
b. Chief Cells
c. parietal cells
d. goblet cells
c. parietal cells
The crypts of Leiberkuhn are
a. gastric pits
b. intestinal glands
c. mucous glands
d. lymph nodes
b. intestinal glands
Gallstones are formed from the fusion of crystallized
a. bicarbonate ions
b. calcium
c. cholesterol
d. bile salts
c. cholesterol
Hormones that inhibit gastric secretion include
a. secretin
b. gastrin
c. secretion
d. histamine
a. secretin
Chemical digestion reduces large complex molecules to simpler compounds by the process of
a. mastication
b. anabolism or synthesis
c. catabolism or hydrolysis
d. fermentation
c. catabolism or hydrolysis
The three processes of cellular Respiration includes all of the following EXCEPT
a. transamination
b. Electron Transport Chain
c. Glycolysis
d. Kreb's cycle
a. transamination
Chyme is created in the
a. esophagus
b. stomach
c. liver
d. small intestine
b. stomach
Shortchain triglycerdies found in foods such as butter fat molecules in milk are split by a specific enzyme in preparation for absorption. Which of the following enzymes is responsible?
a. renin
b. trypsin
c. pepsin
d. lipase
d. lipase
How are most nutrients absorbed through the mucosa of the interstitial villi?
a. facilitated diffusion
b. simple diffusion
c. osmosis
d. active transport
d. active transport
The cells of the macula dense and the juxtaglomerular cells form the
a. juxtaglomerular apparatus
b. filtration membrane
c. juxtamedullary nephrons
d. renal corpuscle
a. juxtaglomerular apparatus
The main regulator of Facultative water reabsorption is
a. Aldosterone
b. Rennin
c. ADH
d. Angiotensin
c. ADH
The mechanism that establishes the medullary osmotic gradient depends most on the permeability properties of the
a. Loop Of Henle
b. DCT
c. Glomerular filtration membrane
d. PCT
a. Loop Of Henle
The chief force pushing water and solutes out of the blood across the filtration membrane is
a. the size and pores in the basement membrane of the capillaries
b. the design and size of the podocytes
c. glomerular hydrostatic pressure
d. the thickness of the capillary endothelium
c. glomerular hydrostatic pressure
A disease caused by inadequate secretion of ADH by the pituitary gland with symptoms of polyuria
a. diabetes mellitus
b. diabetes acidosis
c. ketosis
d. diabetes insipidus
d. diabetes insipidus
The glomerulus differs from other capillaries in the body in that it
a. is impermeable to proteins
b. has a basement membrane
c. has a blood pressure much lower than other tissue capillary beds
d. is drained by an efferent arteriole
d. is drained by an efferent arteriole
The kidneys are stimulated to produce Renin
a. when the peritubular capillaries are dilated
b. when the pH of the urine decreases
c. decrease in red blood cells
d. by a decrease in blood pressure
d. by a decrease in blood pressure
Glomerular filtrate is produced as a result of
a. tubular secretion
b. facilitated diffusion
c. hydrostatic pressure
d. reabsorption
c. hydrostatic pressure
Which of the following is not reabsorbed by the PCT
a. Na+
b. K+
c. glucose
d. Creatinine
d. Creatinine