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62 Cards in this Set

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Compared to the nervous system, the endocrine system has:
A. more localized and long-lasting effects.
B. more widespread and long-lasting effects.
C. more localized and short-term effects.
D. more widespread and short-term effects.
B. more widespread and long-lasting effects.
Parathyroid hormone release depends on blood levels of calcium. Such an endocrine reflex is said to be initiated by:
A. hormonal stimulation.
B. humoral stimulation.
C. neural stimulation.
D. positive feedback stimulation.
B. humoral stimulation.
When a chemical messenger helps initiate a response by causing cellular changes in neighboring cells, it is demonstrating _________ signaling.
A. autocrine
B. paracrine
C. allomone
D. pheromone
B. paracrine
Lipid-soluble hormones, such as progesterone, exert their effects when they _________
A. activate a G-protein and second messenger cascade.
B. bind to DNA and initiate transcription.
C. open ion channels in the cell membrane.
D. activate adenylate cyclase.
B. bind to DNA and initiate transcription.
The term down-regulation refers to the process by which:
A. a glandular cell decreases the amount of hormone it secretes.
B. a large amount of hormone shuts down all metabolic activity in a target cell.
C. a cell decreases the number of receptors it has for a hormone.
D. a carrier protein increases the rate of degradation for a hormone and thereby decreases its blood concentration.
E. a carrier protein decreases the rate of degradation of the protein it ferries
C. a cell decreases the number of receptors it has for a hormone.
Glucagon and insulin work ________________ on blood glucose levels.
A. antagoonistically
B. permissevely
C. synergistically
D. together
A. antagonistically
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone is secreted by the:
A. hypothalamus and it increases release of thyroid-stimulating hormone from the anterior pituitary.
B. hypothalamus and it increases release of thyroid-stimulating hormone from the posterior pituitary.
C. anterior pituitary and it increases release of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland.
D. parathyroid hormone and it increases release of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland.
E. thymus and it increases release of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland.
A. hypothalamus and it increases release of thyroid-stimulating hormone from the anterior pituitary.
Mineralocorticoid is to aldosterone as glucocorticoid is to ________.
A. testosterone
B. estrogen
C. cortisol
D. epinephrine
C. cortisol
Which of the following is not a change that may be caused by hormonal stimulus?
A. a change in membrane potential
B. the stimulation of a genetic event resulting in protein synthesis
C. an increase in enzymatic activity
D. direct control of the nervous system
D. direct control of the nervous system
The secretion of the following hormones are all under the control of regulatory hormones released from the Hypothalamus, except
D. Insulin
E. Both B and D
E. Both B and D
What is the function of the mineralocorticoids secreted by the adrenal gland?
A. Regulate glucose levels in the blood
B. Act as secondary sex hormones
C. Stimulate metabolism of lipids
D. Regulate electrolyte concentration in body fluids
E. Stimulate metabolism of proteins
D. Regulate electrolyte concentration in body fluids
Which of the following cells can rise to all of the different formed elements in blood?
a. Proerythroblast
b. Myeloid Stem cell
c. Hemocytoblast
d. Megakaryocyte
c. Hemocytoblast
Blood plasma is slightly _____; if pH drifts out of the normal range, dire consequences can result from alterations in the structure of ________.
A. acidic, glucose
B. acidic, proteins
C. acidic, glycogen
D. basic, glucose
E. basic, proteins
E. basic, proteins
The clinical definition of the hematocrit refers to the percentage of:
A. erythrocytes in the blood.
B. leukocytes in the blood.
C. platelets in the blood.
D. plasma in the blood.
E. all formed elements in the blood.
A. erythrocytes in the blood.
An individual's hematocrit would vary with:
A. age.
B. sex.
C. altitude.
D. All of the choices are correct
D. All of the choices are correct
Which are characteristics of type O blood?
a: Has anti-A antibodies
b: Has anti-B antibodies
c: Has surface antigen O on its erythrocytes
d: Has surface antigen A on its erythrocytes
e. Has neither surface antigen A nor B on its erythrocytes
A. a, b, c
B. a, b, e
C. b, c, e
D. b, c, d
E. c
B. a, b, e
The following substances are released from hemoglobin on erythrocyte destruction except
a. bilirubin
b. bile
c. Iron (stored as Ferritin in liver)
d. carbaminohemoglobin
d. carbaminohemoglobin
The metabolic condition called __________ results from the destruction of the beta cells in the pancreas due to an autoimmune response.
_________ is due to overproduction of Growth Hormone after puberty
_________ is the condition referred to in adults with low Thyroxine production related to inadequate production of TRH and TSH.
Blood is a type of _________
_________ anemia is due to lack of Vitamin B 12 resulting from inability of stomach to produce intrinsic factor
Blood plasma is slightly ______; if pH is 7.25, dire consequences can result from alterations in the structure of _______________.
A. acidic, glucose in plasma
B. acidic, plasma proteins
C. acidic, water in plasma
D. basic, glucose in plasma
E. basic, proteins in plasma
B. acidic, plasma proteins
Which of the following is a regulatory function of blood?
A. delivery of oxygen to body cells
B. maintenance of adequate fluid volume
C. maintenance of normal pH in body tissues
D. maintenance of body temperature
C. maintenance of normal pH in body tissues
A person's blood type is determined by the
A. presence of agglutinogens on erythrocytes
B. shape of the red blood cells
C. number of red blood cells
D. presence of agglutinins on erythrocytes
A. presence of agglutinogens on erythrocytes
Which are all the characteristics of type O blood?
a: Has anti-A antibodies in plasma
b: Has anti-B antibodies in plasma
c: Has surface antigen A on its erythrocytes
d: Has neither surface antigen A nor B on its erythrocytes
A. a, b, c
B. a, b, d
C. b, c, d
D. b, c, d
E. c
B. a, b, d
The following substances are released from hemoglobin on erythrocyte destruction except
A. bilirubin
B. bile
C. Iron
D. oxyhemoglobin
D. oxyhemoglobin
The ratio between plasma and formed elements in whole blood is
A. 45:55
B. 55:45
C. 50:50
D: 40:60
B. 55:45
Plasma without albumin
A. will not clot
B. will not be able to form antibodies
C. will allow interstitial fluid to remain in tissue spaces to cause swelling of tissues
D. will clot
C. will allow interstitial fluid to remain in tissue spaces to cause swelling of tissues
_________________ is a condition in which the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is reduced due to lack of Vitamin B12
A. polycythemia
B. leukemia
C. anemia
D. pernicious anemia
D. pernicious anemia
Erythroblasosis Fetalis, also known as hemolytic disease of the newborn, most often occurs in _______ mothers carrying ______ fetuses.
A. Rh+; Rh-
B. Rh-: Rh+
C. Type A ; Type O
D. Type AB; Type A
B. Rh-: Rh+
Choose the correct order for the steps of hemostasis
A. blood coagulation, platelet plug formation, blood vessel spasm
B. platelet plug formation, blood coagulation, blood vessel spasm
C. blood vessel spasm, platelet plug formation, blood coagulation
D. blood vessel spasm, blood coagulation, platelet plug formation
C. blood vessel spasm, platelet plug formation, blood coagulation
Erythropoiesis increases when
A. oxygen levels in the blood increase
B. oxygen levels in the blood decrease
C. water levels in the blood increase
D. plasma protein level of blood increase
B. oxygen levels in the blood decrease
All of the following is true about neutrophils EXCEPT
A. granular leukocytes
B. chemotaxic
C. also known as polymorphonucleocytes
D. important in coagulation
D. important in coagulation
Hormones which are stored in the axon terminals in Pars Nervosa include
A. Growth Hormone
B. Oxytocin
E. Both B and D
E. Both B and D
The following are all functions of the growth hormone EXCEPT
responsible for maturation of ovum and sperm
The primary stimulus for release of adrenal medullary hormones come from
the sympathetic nervous system
Cellular responses to hormones that initiate second-messenger systems include _________.
formation of a specific protein kinase that acts on a series of extracellular intermediates
Steroid hormones exert their action by _________.
entering the nucleus of a cell and initiating or altering the expression of a gene
What stimulates the release of PTH from the parathyroid gland?
low levels of calcium an dphosphorus in blood
Lack of the hormone ___ causes Diabetes insipidus which has the same symptom of polyuria as Diabetes mellitus
Which hormone is NOT a hyperglycemic hormone
Virtually all of the protein or amino acid-based hormones exert their effects through intracellular _________.
second messengers
The condition known as goiter can result from too much
Thyroxine is a peptide hormone, but its mechanism is different from other peptide hormones. Which of the following statements is true concerning this difference?
It does not require a second messenger to effect a response.
Thromboembolic disorders _________
A. include thrombus formation, a clot in abroken blood vessel
B. are caused by Vitamin D deficiency
C. include embolus formation, a clot moving within the circulatory system
D. result in uncontrolled bleeding
C. include embolus formation, a clot moving within the circulatory system
Which of the following is not a cause of bleeding disorders?
A. A defect in the clotting cascade
B. Thrombocytopenia - decreased circulating platelets
C. Excess secretion of platelet derived growth factor
D. Vitamin K deficiency
C. Excess secretion of platelet derived growth factor
The coagulation process is an example of a
A. positive feedback mechanism
B. negative feedback mechanism
C. none of the above
A. positive feedback mechanism
Erythropoiesis increases when
A. protein level of blood increases.
B. oxygen levels in the blood increases
C. oxygen in the blood decreases
D. blood volume increases
C. oxygen in the blood decreases
Which type of anemia is associated with the absence of the Intrinsic Factor.
A. Aplastic anemia
B. Sicke Cell Anemia
C. Pernicious Anemia
D. Hemorrahagic Anemia
C. Pernicious Anemia
Which of the following is NOT a regulatory function of blood?
A. delivery of oxygen to body cells
B. maintenance of normal pH in body tissues
C. maintenance of body temperature
D. maintenance of adequate fluid volume
A. delivery of oxygen to body cells
Which organ in the body regulate erythrocyte formation?
A. lungs
B. kidney
C. brain
D. stomach
B. kidney
Which of the following is true of both the intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation pathways?
A. both require the same thirteen clotting factors
B. both require ionic sodium
C. both convert active clotting factors to their inactive form
D. both produce prothrombin activator
D. both produce prothrombin activator
Stem cells responsible for production of white blood cells originate in the
A. spleen
B. liver
C. bone marrow
D. thymus
C. bone marrow
The type of leukocyte that will increase during parasitic infections is ___
A. neutrophils
B. eosinophils
C. monocytes
D. basophils
B. eosinophils
Fred's blood was determined to be AB positive. What does that mean?
A. There are no antibodies to A and B or to Rh antigen in the plasma
B. The blood erythrocytes lack Rh factor
C. Antibodies to A and B are present on the red cell membrane
A. There are no antibodies to A and B or to Rh antigen in the plasma
Lack of albumin in blood will affect
A. blood clotting
B. maintenance of blood osmotic pressure
C. immunity
D. formation of erythrocytes
B. maintenance of blood osmotic pressure
Which of the following is not a phase of hemostasis
A. coagulation
B. vascular spasm
C. platelet plug formation
D. fibrinolysis
D. fibrinolysis
Leukocytes help blood to perform which of the following functions?
A. maintain pH
B. protect body from infection
C. transport hormones
D. maintain body temperature
B. protect body from infection
No visible granules are present in the cytoplasm of _________
A. monocytes
B. eosinophils
C. neutrophils
D. basophils
A. monocytes
If a person's plasma lacks globulin protein then which function of blood will be affected
A. transportation
B. defense mechanism with antibodies
C. clot formation
D. temperature regulation
B. defense mechanism with antibodies
Which of the following is a precursor of a basophil
A. myeloblast
B. lymphoblast
C. megakaryocyte
D. monoblast
A. myeloblast