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20 Cards in this Set

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What is Archaeology

The study of human cultural past using material culture


Any location modified by past humans


To uncover; to reveal

Cultural Anthropology

Concerned with the non-biological, behavioral aspects of society

Physical/Biological Anthropology

Deals with the study of human biological or physical characteristics and their evolution

Cognitive Archaeology

The study of past ways of thought and symbolic structures from material remains

The Law of Superposition

Is when the youngest layer is on top and the oldest is on the bottom

Each layer is younger than the one beneath

The Law of Stratigraphy

The further the layer is down, the older it is


A term used when referring to non-biological characteristics unique to a society


The period before the advent of writing

Ex. Viking Age , Neolithic hunters


The period of time after the advent of writing

Ex. Mesopotamia; Egypt

Archbishop Ussher (Usser)

- 1581-1656

- World was created on Oct. 23 710 JC or 4004 BCE

Sir William Dugdale

- 1605 - 1686 CE

- discovered stone tools and fossils pre-dated use of metal technology


- the earth was shaped due to singular cataclysmic events

Ex. Mountains form from earthquakes

Robert Hooke


-fossils are different in different layers of soil

- suggested the ability to date the based on groups and layers

Nicholas Steno


- Fossils were once living creatures

-Laws of Stratigraphy

Georges Cuvier

- 1769-1832

-Law of Correlation

-Not an evolutionist

-Resurgence of Catastrophism

Philippe - Charles Schmerling

- 1791-1836

- Found mammoth and human together

John Frere


-Found Stone tools and extinct sea fossils implying they lived at the same

Charles Lyell


- Principles of Geology
