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34 Cards in this Set

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Who were the first people to migrate to the West Indies?
The LITHIC people
The lithic people used what kind of tools
flake stone
The first SOUTH AMERICAN people to migrate to the West Indies were the
ARCHAIC people
The archaic people introduce what kind of technology?
Ground stone
These people were mostly found in the Leeward Islands and Lesser Antilles
The ____ people ring in the Ceramic Age at __BC
Saladoid, 500
Saladoid activity begins in
Puerto Rico
After the emergence of the Taino, there was shift from____ to ___
Community to Individual Lineage
Suggests that some people are better than others
Individual Lineage
These were the setting when elites tried to resolve their disputes
Ball courts
For communal celebrations held by elites
A very large habitation site with no ball court or stone lined plazas
The Ostionoid expansion was from:
6-900 AD
Social intensification of Pre-Taino chiefdoms took place
- AD 900-1200:
Taino chiefdoms emerged during
1200 BC
This person rounded the Cape of Good Hope, originally Storms, and proved the Indian Ocean was accessible by the Atlantic.
Bartholemew Diaz
The first European who went to India by sea- "Admiral of the Indian Seas" did a fair amount of pirating
Vasco De Gama
This person was responsible for the first circumnavigation of the glove, though he himself was killed by a poison arrow on the journey
Ferdinand Magellan
This divided the non Christian world in two
Portugal got lands to the east of meridian, Spain the west
Spain faired much better
Treaty of Tordesillas
Established by Columbus's men in Haiti
La Navidad
Columbus's second voyage was to
Dominica, the Leeward Islands
This was established as a trading post, but only lasted 4 years and suffered from hunger and disease
La Isabella
Columbus's third Voyage was to
South America, landed in Trinidad
Columbus was marooned for a year in
From 1500-1520 in the West Indies this occurred in the West Indies
Massive indigenous population decline, disease, starvation, mistreatment
This helps to spread diseases from Asia to Europe
The Silk Road
In the late Pleistocene period conditions were
Cool and arid
Conditions became warmer and moister with more tropical forests during the
Early Holocene period
This researcher did the first archaeological work in The Bahama Archipelago, Jamaica and Hispaniola, and The Virgin Islands
Theodore De Booy
The father of modern Caribbean archeology and inventor and custodian of the taxonomy of West Indian Culture
Irving Rouse
The Lithic Age was from
4500-2500 BC
The Archaic Age was from
2500 to 500 BC
The Ceramic Age was from
500 BC to 1500 AD
A woody shrub