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43 Cards in this Set

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What was meant by the term “yellow press” in the late nineteenth century?

The use of the press to spread an agenda by the publishers.

Which two men were famous publishers in the late nineteenth century which helped to involve the United States in the Spanish-American War?

Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst

Which of those two men will have their grand-daughter kidnapped by the Symbioses Liberation Army in the 1970s who had convinced her to rob a bank along with other illegal activities? What was her name?

William Randolph Hearst; Patty Hearst

“We assert that one nation can long endure half republic and half empire, and we warn the American people that imperialism abroad will lead quickly and inevitably to despotism at home” was the Democrat’s platform in 1900. What famous speech did they take this idea from?

Lincoln’s speech from 1858. “House divided” speech

What message did Reverend Josiah Strong send in his book “Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis”?

He trumpeted the superiority of Anglo-Saxon civilization and summoned Americans to spread their religion and their values to the “backward” peoples.

Whom did Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge use as an argument to use the power of the United States to rule over weaker nations?

Charles Darwin

Who wrote the book The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660—1783?

Alfred Thayer Mahan

What was the message of the book in question #7?

That control of the sea was the key to world dominance. Mahan helped to stimulate growing national Navies.

What plan by James Blaine (from Maine) aimed to rally the Latin American nations behind Uncle Sam’s leadership and to open Latin American markets to Yankee traders?

“Big Sister” policy

What caused a possible war between Chile and the United States in 1892?

Two sailors were killed in the port of Valparaiso.

She was the Queen of Hawaii who will be deposed by the Americans in the late Nineteenth Century?

Queen Liliuokalani

When will Hawaii finally be annexed by the United States?


What honor did some Latin American republics pay to the passing of Grover Cleveland in 1908? Why?

They lowered their flags to half-mast. Because he had helped them and their independence movement.

What country owned Cuba in 1898?


Who will William Hearst send to Cuba with the instructions, “you furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war”?

Frederic Remington

What mysterious explosion will lead to US intervention in the Spanish-American War?

The explosion of the USS Maine’s boiler.

How did the newspapers report on this explosion?

Said that the US had been attacked in Havana harbor by the Spanish.

What will be the battle cry during the Spanish-American war?

“Remember the Maine, To hell with Spain!”

Who will be known as “Wobbly Willie” after the battle ship Maine exploded? Why?

William McKinley; He was slow to ask for a declaration of war from Congress

What was Theodore Roosevelt’s opinion of William McKinley?

He said that the “white-livered” occupant of the White House did not have “the backbone of a chocolate éclair”.

What was unique about the Teller Amendment (Democrat party inspired) that was added to McKinley’s war message from Congress? What amendment will replace the Teller amendment concerning American withdrawal from Cuba?

It stated that the United States would grant Cuba independence as soon as the Spanish had been removed from Cuba; Platt Amendment

Where else did the United States fight the Spanish during the Spanish-American war?


What great Filipino leader will help the United States rid Spain from their island?

Emilio Aguinaldo

After freeing the Philippine Islands in 1898 from Spanish rule what did the United States do with the Island nation?

Claimed it as a new territory—but they had to kill 1 out of 5 Filipinos on the island.

What new territories did the United States acquire after the Spanish-American war?

Guam, Philippines and Puerto Rico

What was the name of Theodore Roosevelt’s invading army in Cuba?

Rough Riders

What famous hill did TR lead his men up on July 1, 1898?

San Juan Hill, but it really was Kettle Hill.

What was responsible for killing more men during the Spanish-American war?

Malaria and Typhoid fever (5,000 compared to 400 by bullets)

Why was William McKinley’s statement about “Christianizing” the Filipino people wrong?

The Spanish had “Christianized” them before the founding of Jamestown

What was “Czar” Reed’s response to America acquiring the Philippines?

He resigned in protest.

What famous protest movement came into being because of the United States taking of foreign territories?

Anti-Imperialist League

What was the Democratic slogan post Filipino acquisition?

“Republic forever, An Empire Never”

This man was responsible for penning the famous poem “The White Man’s Burden”.

Rudyard Kipling

What was the premise of “The White Man’s Burden”?

The Americans must help to uplift (and exploit) the underprivileged, underfed, and underclad of the world.

What unexpected help came to William McKinley’s side to pass the treaty through the U.S. Senate ending the Spanish-American war?

William Jennings Bryan convinced Democratic Senators to vote for the treaty hoping this might lead to Filipino independence shortly after—not!!! He thought it would make the Republicans look like imperialists and the US citizens would hate it…but they didn’t!

What question was answered by the Insular Cases in 1901?

If the newly acquired territory inhabitants might enjoy all of the rights of Americans. SCOTUS stated that the flag outran the Constitution and that the inhabitants did not have the same rights as American citizens.

What did the Platt Amendment make the Cubans write into their Constitution?

They become a protectorate of the United States with the ability to intervene with troops to restore order and to provide mutual protection. They also agreed to sell or lease Guantanamo to the US

What was the nickname of the Spanish-American war? Who coined that phrase?

“Splendid Little War”; John Hay (future Secretary of State)

How long did it last?

113 days

Why did the US want to acquire the Philippines?

They wanted to have influence in the Asian hemisphere and later help the US with our Open Door policy with China.

The “bloody chasm” between Northern and Southerners was somewhat mended by the Spanish-American war. How?

The Northern and Southerners fought together again in a war and tried to lay to rest their deep seeded hatred towards each other.

What famous mistaken phrase will gray-bearded Confederate General Joseph Wheeler make while fighting during the Spanish-American war?

“To hell with the Yankees! Dammit, I mean the Spaniards.”

Place the following in chronological order: Mahan publishes The Influence of Sea Power upon History, Explosion of the Maine, Teller Amendment, Venezuelan boundary crisis with Britain, Insular Cases, Filipino’s originally Christianized.

Filipino Christianized, Mahan’s book, Venezuelan crisis, Maine explosion, Teller Amendment, Insular Cases.