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68 Cards in this Set

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Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans, is from what famous speech?

John F. Kennedy, Inaugural 1960

Who will become Kennedy’s Attorney General?

Robert Kennedy his brother

Who left Ford Motor Company to take over the Defense Department (eventually helping the US to deepen involvement in Vietnam)?

Robert S. McNamara

What mistaken campaign slogan did Kennedy use against the Eisenhower’s administration which he will regret when he because POTUS and realize it didn’t exist?

That the US was facing a missile gap with the USSR. In actuality, the US was ahead of the USSR in missiles.

What did Kennedy begin with this campaign slogan?

Russian build-up of weapons

How did Kennedy want to stimulate the economy (good Republican tool)?

Slashing taxes and putting more money directly into private hands.

What other multi-billion-dollar program was launched by Kennedy which will be fulfilled on July 20, 1969? (BTW, he made the speech at Rice University in Houston)

To put a man on the moon and return him safely.

What structure was built in Germany in 1961 to prevent East German from leaving and fleeing to West Germany? What event in Germany sparked the building of this structure? What was the official name of the structure (not in the book)? What excuse did East Germany (GDR) give for building the wall? In what year did it start to be torn down?

Berlin Wall; Berlin Crisis; Berlin Wall was officially referred to as the "Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart" (German: Antifaschistischer Schutzwall) by GDR authorities, implying that neighboring West Germany had not been fully de-NazifiedNov. 1989

Why was it created REALLY created by the communists in East Germany?

To stop the embarrassing exodus of East Germans fleeing communism

This French President demanded an independent Europe, free of Yankee influence.

Charles de Gaulle

What was Secretary of Defense McNamara’s response to the many brushfire wars taking place in Southeast Asia?

A Flexible response—that is, developing an array of military “options” that could be precisely matched to the gravity of the crisis

This elite unit will be created during the Kennedy administration to react to the Southeast Asia problems.

Special Forces—Green Berets

How did Kennedy escalate US involvement in Vietnam?

Ordered the killing of Diem (South Vietnamese President) after the protests by the Buddhists monks, and then sent more than 16,000 “advisors” to help South Vietnam against the North.

This Kennedy plan was hailed as the Marshall Plan for Latin America?

Alliance for Progress

What failed invasion of Cuba in 1961, inherited from the Eisenhower administration, will set the Kennedy administration back on its heels until October 1962?

Bay of Pigs invasion

What major component was missing in the failed invasion of Cuba in 1961?

Air support

This event is considered the pinnacle of the Cold War between the US and USSR in October of 1962?

Cuban Missile Crisis

Why did this event occur?

Soviets were trying to place offensive missiles into Cuba (they did). Kennedy will “quarantine” Cuba preventing Soviet ships carrying missiles to Cuba from entering.

How was the crisis averted?

Khrushchev sent a note to Kennedy ask for the promise not to invade Cuba and to remove their offensive missiles in Turkey. But a second note came that only asked for the promise to invade Cuba. Kennedy will respond to the second letter and ignore the first. Khrushchev blinks!!!

After this crisis Kennedy will try and lay the foundations for a realistic policy of peaceful coexistence with the Soviet Union which will later be called ___________.


Why will Kennedy fail to fulfill his promise of Civil Rights during his presidency?

He needed the support of southern legislators to pass his economic and social legislation, especially his medical and educational bills.

Who ordered FBI director J. Edgar Hoover to wiretap Dr. Martin Luther King’s phone in late 1963? Why?

Robert Kennedy; thought Dr. King was linked to Communism

Who will become the 1st Black man to integrate University of Mississippi?

James Meredith with the help of 400 federal marshals and 3,000 troops.

What landmark Civil Rights speech will be made in August 1963 which helped to further the Civil Rights movement?

“I Have A Dream” speech

On the night of President Kennedy’s Civil Rights speech saying that the principle at stake “is as old as the Scriptures and is as clear as the American Constitution”, this man will be killed—a former WWII veteran and Civil Rights worker.

Medgar Evers

In September of 1963 what took place in Birmingham, AL which killed four black girls who had just finished their lesson called “The Love That Forgives”?

Baptist Church will be bombed

Kennedy in his inaugural address summoned Americans to do what?

“Ask not what your country can do for you: ask what you can do for your country.

What organization was Kennedy responsible for creating which is still in existence and helps to bring American skills to underdeveloped countries?

Peace Corps

These “rides” will take place during the 60s to try and help bring integration to the South, but many will end with violence.

Freedom Rides

What will take place on November 22, 1963?

Kennedy is assassinated

Who killed Kennedy? Who killed the assassin?

Lee Harvey Oswald; Jack Ruby

With the help of Republican Congressmen, Lyndon B. Johnson signed this landmark Civil Rights Act? What did the Act prohibit?

Civil Rights Act of 1964; discrimination based upon race, creed, color, age and gender.

In a turn of events, the presidential election of 1964 saw the Solid Democratic South change its allegiance to the Republicans by supporting this unsuccessful Presidential candidate.

Barry Goldwater

What did LBJ declare war on in 1964?


What was LBJ’s economic program called? How much money has been spent on the many programs contained in this economic program to date? Has well has it worked?

Great Society; 9 Trillion or about $225,000 per person currently living in American poverty; Poverty rate in 1965 = 14%; 2011 Poverty rate = 14.3%...I not sure, but don’t really think so, but we have spent a lot of money!!!

These two programs will be created to pay for elderly and the Poor’s medication.

Medicare and Medicaid

It was through this resolution that LBJ will be granted cart blanche in regards to military action in Vietnam?

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 1964

What famous commercial will be produced to help Johnson defeat Goldwater by portraying him as a person who was willing to use nuclear war to fight our battles?

Daisy commercial (little girls picking daisies – we will see it in class or check my website)

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 created this commission to eliminate discrimination in hiring?

EEOC—Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

These two new cabinet positions will be created by Johnson’s “war on poverty”?

Department of Transportation and the Department of Housing and Urban Development

Who will be the first black cabinet secretary in US history (leading HUD)?

Robert C. Weaver

This Great Society program still in existence tries to help educational performance of underprivileged youth?

Head Start

What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 do?

Outlawed the literacy test and put restrictions on states with past voting discrimination indiscretions to be monitored.

This amendment to the Constitution will eliminate poll taxes for Black voters?

24th amendment

Why was it important that LBJ pass the Civil Rights Act?

Southern White male

This man will be one of the most outspoken leaders of the Black Power movement? What was his original name? What group was he associated with? Why was he killed by this organization?

Malcolm X; Malcolm Little; Nation of Islam; because he had a conversion when he took his pilgrimage to Mecca and saw that Islam had many colors. He began preaching mainstream Islam and had changed his name to El Haj Malik El-Shabazz.

What great boxing champ will change his name from a former abolitionist to an African slave owner—ironic, don’t you think? What was his original abolitionist name?

Mohammad Ali; Cassius Clay Jr.

What Black Power group will be formed in Oakland, CA in 1966 with Huey Newton and Bobby Seale?

Black Panther Party

What was the difference between Malcolm X’s beliefs and Dr. King’s?

Violence vs Non-Violent; Dr. King—“We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.” Malcolm X—“Whoever heard of a revolution where they lock arms,…singing ‘We shall overcome?’ You don’t do that in a revolution. You don’t do any singing, you’re too busy swinging.”

This area in California will be the center of Black rioters in 1965? Why was Lyndon Johnson mad about the riots?

Watts in LA; He felt he had done a lot for African-Americans and that they were not greatful.

What will take place on April 4, 1968?

Assassination of Dr. King by James Earl Ray

What is the name of the area of Vietnam that will see the first ground troop fight involving American troops in Vietnam (We Were Soldiers)?

Ia Drang Valley

What will be the first major bombing of Vietnam by the United States in 1965?

Operation Rolling Thunder in March 1965

What year will see the height of US military presence in Vietnam?

1968; 500,000

How many men will eventually lose their life in Vietnam, the longest war in US history?


What was the name given to people who backed the war effort? Who didn’t?

Hawks and doves

What were the chants towards LBJ by the late 1960s concerning the Vietnam war?

“Hell no, we won’t go” and Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today”

It was after this North Vietnamese offensive that Walter Cronkite will announce that the US is losing the Vietnam War (except that the US was victorious in the offensive) crushing the spirit to continue fighting.

Tet Offensive

When LBJ decides not to run for re-election in 1968, what man will throw his hat into the ring which will stir passionate response among workers, Black Americans, Hispanics and young people? Will he get the Democrat’s nomination?

Bobby Kennedy; no he will be killed in June 1968

List the major events of 1968 in chronological order? Explain why 1968 could be seen as a pivotal year in the mid to late 20th Century?

Tet offensive, LBJ says he won’t seek another term, Dr. King is assassinated, Robert Kennedy is assassinated, Democratic National Convention in Chicago riots, Richard Nixon is elected President

What former governor of Alabama who promised “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever” will run as an American Independent in the 1968 Presidential election? He will run for POTUS again in 1972, but will happen to him in that campaign?

George Wallace; He will be shot, but not killed.

In this movie in 1955, James Dean will express the restless frustration of many young people.

Rebel Without a Cause

Author Tom Wolfe inspired young people to hit the road with his chronicle of a wild bus tour in his book ___________________________.

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

What was the name of the cultural that was created by many young people in the 1960s?


The upheavals of the 1960s could be largely attributed to what three Ps?

Youthful population bulge, protest against racism and the Vietnam War, and the apparent permanence of prosperity.

What was SDS fighting for in the early 1960s? What did SDS stand for? What founding members will friends with President Obama?

Antipoverty and antiwar campaigns; Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers

SDS spawned an underground terrorist group which tried to end the Vietnam War by the use of bombings?


Place the following in Chronological order: Astronauts land on moon, Cuban Missile Crisis, Bay of Pigs, Great Society legislation, Tet offensive, Operation Rolling Thunder, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Dr. King’s I Have A Dream speech, twenty-fourth amendment ratified, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

Bay of Pigs, Cuban missile crisis, I Have a Dream, 24th Amendment, Tonkin Gulf Resolution, Great Society legislation, Operation Rolling Thunder, Tet offensive, Astronauts