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92 Cards in this Set

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What factors led the Democrats to have gloomy prospect for the 1952 presidential election?

Military deadlock in Korea, Truman’s clash with MacArthur, war-bred inflation, and whiffs of scandal from the White House.

Who will Republicans enthusiastically nominate on the first ballot for their presidential candidate in 1952?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Who will be nominated by the Republicans as the Vice-President in 1952?

Richard Nixon

What will be the slogan for the Republicans in the 1952 Presidential election?

“I Like Ike”

Why was Eisenhower seen as a great candidate in 1952?

Authentic hero’s credentials as wartime supreme commander of the Allied forces in Europe, army chief of staff after the war, and the first supreme commander of NATO from 1950 to 1952 and also served as president of Columbia University from 1948 – 1952.

What event will almost cost Richard Nixon the Vice Presidential nomination?

He had secret “slush fund” he had used while holding a seat in the Senate.

What will save the nomination for Richard Nixon?

He will make a speech which explained that he spent the money on the family cocker spaniel, Checkers. This became known as the “Checkers” speech

What will foreshadow future political advertising in the 1952 presidential election?

Short “spots” of brief answers from the candidates.

What effect will television have on the future of politics?

It will allow lone-wolf politicians could go straight to the voters without the mediating influence of parties or other institutions. It stood as a threat to the historic role of political parties, which traditionally had chosen candidates. Candidates must look good and brought entertainment and advertising into political messages—show business.

What are “sound bites” in relation to elections?

Ten-second television bites which shows a quote from a particular candidate. Can be taken out of context greatly.

With the Republicans taking control of Congress in 1952 what amendment will be passed to prevent another FDR term? Which future Republican president could have been elected to more than two terms?

22nd Amendment (1951); Ronald Reagan

What armistice will be signed in early 1953?

Korean. They are still at war.

What was the consequence of this armistice?

Korea was still divided along the 38th parallel. Americans could not find solace that communism had been “contained”. Korea still has great tensions between North and South

How did Eisenhower calm the fears of the 2nd Red Scare?

He was seen as distinguished and well-loved grandfather figure.

Who was known as “Tailgunner Joe”? What State was this freshman Senator from?

Joseph McCarthy; Wisconsin

What famous speech did this freshman Senator make in February of 1950 about the State Department?

He will accuse Secretary of State Dean Acheson of knowingly employing 205 communists—2nd Red Scare”

What will this speech lead to?

Senate trials of many Americans who were asked if they had communist ties—many from Hollywood.

What will be the fall-out from McCarthyism?

Many people will be black listed from their jobs, damage to the morale and effectiveness of the professional foreign service (a number of Asian specialists who might have counseled a wiser course in Vietnam were ousted.

What was HUAC? What was their job? What future POTUS served on HUAC while a representative from CA?

House on Un-American Activities; It was a House committee to investigate “subversion”. Caught Alger Hiss; Richard Nixon

These laws were a set of antiquated rules that governed all aspects of black life in the South?

Jim Crow Laws

The laws in #20 created what type of Southern culture?


What did Swedish scholar Gunner Myrdal expose in his notable book of 1944, An American Dilemma?

The contradiction between America’s professed belief that all men are created equal and its sordid treatment of black citizens

Who will be the first Black American to integrate Major League Baseball in 1947? What team did he play for? What was the manager of that team?

Jackie Robinson; Brooklyn Dodgers; Branch Riche

In 1944 the Supreme Court ruled this type of primary unconstitutional in the South?

White primary

Which political party will be hurt by this ruling?


This Supreme Court in 1950 will rule that separate professional schools for blacks failed to meet the test of equality established in Plessy v. Fergusson.

Sweatt v. Painter

In which SCOTUS decision 1954 will the Supreme Court rule segregations in the public schools “inherently unequal” and thus unconstitutional (HUGE case of importance!)?

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

What event is seen as the spark of the modern day Civil Rights Movement?

In December of 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat.

This event will lead to what boycott? Who will lead this boycott? How long did it last?

Montgomery bus boycott; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; Almost a year

Whom did Dr. King get his non-violent principles from?

India’s Mohandas Gandhi and Jesus (3rd Great Awakening)

According to Mr. Hjort, the Civil Rights movement of the 1950’s and 1960’s can be seen as the 3rd ________ _________________?

Great Awakening

The appointed of _________________ as Supreme Court Chief Justice by Eisenhower, he will call his greatest mistake.

Earl Warren

Why was this appointment so shocking?

Everyone thought Warren would be a conservative judge, but he became one of the most “activists” justices in SCOTUS history.

What SCOTUS cases did the Brown decision overturn?

Plessy v. Ferguson

What would be the southern congressional reaction to Brown decision?

More than a hundred southern congressional representatives and senators signed the “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” in 1956, pledging their unyielding resistance to desegregation.

How did many Southern states get around the Brown decision?

They created many “private” schools

Which president was responsible for desegregating the US Armed Forces? In what year were they desegregated? Why do you think the president desegregated the military in this year?

Harry Truman; 1948; Presidential election year and he needed the vote of the African-American population.

Who were the “Little Rock Nine”? Who was the Governor of Arkansas who prohibited the integration of Central High School?

They were the nine Black students who tried to enter Little Rock’s Central High School; Governor Orval Faubus

How did the Little Rock Nine gain access to desegregation?

Eisenhower sent in the 101st Airborne to stop the state from segregation. (Similar to Jackson’s threat, but fulfilled)

What type of protest took place on February 1, 1960 in Greensboro, North Carolina?

“Sit-in” by 4 back men at a Woolworth’s “whites-only” lunch counter

In April 1960 SNCC was formed. What did SNCC stand for?

Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee

How was SNCC different from the SCLC and the NAACP?

SNCC consisted of young people who didn’t want to wait for the legal system or non-violent system to work. They would later join the Black Power movement

What was unique about Eisenhower’s budget spending compared to Harry Truman? Why is this opposite of what you would think Eisenhower would do?

Eisenhower wanted to spend less on the military—even though it still soaked up some 10% of the GNP.; He was a US General during WWII.

What did Eisenhower warn against in his farewell speech—Ironic coming from a former General during WWII?

Increasing size of the United States Military Complex

What was different about the Mexican Governments view towards illegal immigration in the 1950s versus the present view?

The Mexican government was worried that illegal immigration would undercut the bracero program of legally imported farm workers—and it did.

This future farm Unionizer would also stand against illegal immigration to the United States by Mexican workers because they would undercut the farm unions wages.

Cesar Chavez

How many illegal immigrants were returned to Mexico in Operation Wetback (named for the Rio Grande trek from Mexico to the US)?

1 million

What did Eisenhower want to do with the American Indians?

Wanted to return to a plan similar to the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887—assimilation.

This Act was similar to the German autobahn system?

Interstate Highway Act of 1956

Why were the overpasses on Interstate highways designed at no lower than 15’?

To allow flatbed trucks to carry nuclear weapons from site to site.

What must happen every five miles of interstate highway built?

One mile of straight road for jets to land.

What policy is Secretary of State John Foster Dulles responsible for creating in relation to the ability of the US and USSR to completely destroy each other many times over with nuclear weapons?

MAD—Mutually Assured Destruction

This policy created by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said that the US should bring a nation to the brink of war, but never try and start a full out nuclear war.


During the summer of 1956 this Eastern European country tried to revolt against the USSR and pleaded in vain for US aid, but none came and the Soviets sent in troops and put down the revolt.


This leader of French Indochina pleaded with Woodrow Wilson and Harry Truman for independence of their French rulers, but both times was denied.

Ho Chi Minh

It was after the battle of ___________________ in 1954 that the French would end their occupation of Vietnam.

Dien Bien Phu

What promise will be made to Ho Chi Minh in order to prevent a communist take over of the entire country in 1954?

Free elections would be held, but when the South realized that the communists would probably win they refused to have the elections.

Who was the leader of South Vietnam which Eisenhower and Kennedy would support?

Ngo Dinh Diem

What Eastern European group was formed in reaction to West Germany joining NATO?

Warsaw Pact—made up of the Soviet puppet states

Which Soviet premier announced in 1953 that Joseph Stalin was a bloody dictator and removed Stalin’s body from Lenin’s tomb?

Nikita Khrushchev—also remained many cities including Stalingrad

What Middle Eastern intervention by the US will leave a bitter legacy of resentment among many Iranians which will come back to bite us in the late 1970s and even today?

CIA engineered a coup in 1953 to install a youthful shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlevi

What was the Suez Crisis over?

President Nasser of Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal placing Western Europe’s oil supply in jeopardy.

What will be the result of the Suez Crisis?

Egypt nationalized the Canal and after the British and French had to stop their war with Egypt because the US wouldn’t release their oil reserves to help, the UN send in a policy force for the first time.

What was different about the US and its oil supply in 1940 and 1948?

In 1940 the US was an exporter of oil, by 1948 the US had become a net oil importer from the Middle East

What does OPEC stand for and what nations joined by 1960?

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela

What was meant by the Eisenhower Doctrine?

The US would pledge military and economic aid to Middle Eastern nations threatened by communist aggression.

What will cause the US to spend more money on Science and Mathematics courses post 1957?

Launching of Sputnik I

What space program will get its start during Eisenhower’s administration?

NASA—National Aeronautics and Space Administration

What was the name of the first man in space?

Yuri Gagarin

What was the name of the first US man in space?

John Glenn (Alan Sheppard—sub space launch)

What happened on the eve of the May 1960 Paris “summit conference” which will ratchet up tensions between the United States and Soviet Union?

U-2 spy plan will be shot down (Gary Powers was the pilot)

It will be after this dictator takes over Cuba in 1959 that relations between the US and Soviet Union will grow even more distant.

Fidel Castro

What famous debate will take place between VP Richard Nixon and Nikita Khrushchev over the prosperity that their two countries were experiencing?

“Kitchen debate” because it was being held in a kitchen of the future

Who did the Republicans and Democrats nominate as their parties candidates for the Presidency in 1960?

R – Nixon; D – John F. Kennedy

What was the reaction of the American public towards these two candidates during their debates?

People who saw the debates on TV said Kennedy won. People who listened to the debates on Radio said Nixon had won.

When Kennedy finally won the Presidency in 1960. What was the name of his new plan for the US?

New Frontier

What two states were most responsible for the Kennedy victory in 1960?

Illinois (voting twice and three times) and Texas (delivered by Lyndon Johnson)

What was the fear of Kennedy when he became President?

That he would be more allegiant to the Pope than the Constitution

What two characteristics distinguished Kennedy from former Presidents of the US?

Youngest and Catholic

These two states attained became the last to be granted statehood in 1959?

Alaska and Hawaii

When during what decade were the first electronic computers assembled? By whom?

1940s; US military

What company will introduce the first passenger jet in 1957? What was the attire that most people wore on airplanes until the mid 1970s?

Boeing Company—707; business dress.

In the 1950s how did television create a “cult of domesticity”?

By showing the idyllic suburban family with a working husband, two children and a wife who did not work outside the home.

Why did this idyllic change?

40 million new jobs created three decades after 1950, with 30 million being clerical and service work

What feminist gave focus and fuel to women’s feelings in 1963 when she published The Feminine Mystique which launched the modern women’s movement? What was the focus of her struggle?

Betty Friedan; That women should be paid the equally and should be able to be Rosie the River and come home and be mom. Very difficult!!!

This fast-food establishment would get its start in San Bernardino, California by Ray Kroc?


This Baptist preacher became a popular “televangelist” in the 1950s and still is greatly respected?

Billy Graham

Where did Rock and Roll get its roots?

From African American Jazz and Bebop

Who will become the King of Rock and Roll?

Elvis Presley

What book by Joseph Heller dealt with the improbable antics and anguish of American airmen in the wartime Mediterranean?


What Arthur Miller play in 1953 will treat the Salem witch trials as a dark parable warning against the dangers of McCarthyism?

The Crucible

Place the following in Chronological Order: Hemingway publishes Castro leads Cuban revolution, The Old Man and the Sea, Berlin Crisis, Brown v. Board of Education, Sputnik launched, SCLC formed, U-2 incident, Kennedy defeats Nixon

Hemingway, Brown, SCLC formed, Sputnik, Berlin Crisis, U-2 incident, Castro, Kennedy President