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16 Cards in this Set

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Describe the provisions of the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act. Explain the motives behind their enactment and evaluate the success of each (24)

the act and regulations on railroads were general and did not change the problem with farmers.

The act in the end was ineffective because throughout the 1890s more tests were occurring and the act also restrained trade.

Business leaders of the late nineteenth century have been characterized both as greedy and unscrupulous “robber barons” and as great “captains of industry” whose entrepreneurial skill and tactics produced economic growth. Which view do you find more persuasive? Why?

Thus, during the nineteenth century, “robber barons” existed; such as, Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford, in which they all did everything possible to protect their industries.

John D. Rockefeller was well known for being very wealthy, but all the wealth came from him monopolizing his business and dominate all of the products he sold. Subtopic 2: With no intentions of becoming a monopolizer, Andrew Carnegie monopolized in order to take control of his steel company. Subtopic 3: Henry Ford became famous for his car industry and had to monopolize his company in order to not have competition with any other industries.

Compare and contrast the National Labor Union, Knights of Labor, and American Federation of Labor in regard to their origins, goals, and leadership. Account for the failure of the first two and for the success of the AFL.

National Union Labor Led by William H. Sylvis.Founded in 1866.Less working hours Better working conditionsHigher wages Bring unskilled and skilled workers together.Succeeded in granting workers 8 hours working days.The Great Depression was the reason for the end of NUL because worker rights were being ignored and workers just wanted money, no certain amount. The knights of Labor Founded in 1869 as a secret society right after the NULL failed.Led by Terence V. Powderly.Less working hours Lower Wages Bring unskilled and skilled workers together to join forces.Blacks and women were able to get involved. Failed because the union used in strikes unskilled and skilled labor workers which brought lots of chaos.Some members were involved with a “terrorist” attack known as the Haymarket Square Bombing.American Federation of Labor Founded in Ohio in 1886 with the leadership of Samuel Gompers.Better wagesBetter working conditions.Shorte

The arrival of immigrants on American shores in the late nineteenth century involved both “push” and “pull” factors. Describe the major motives that caused emigrants to leave Europe and come to the United States during this period.

Subtopic 1: Immigrants decided to move from their country because of the harsh living condition that were happening in Europe. Subtopic 2: The United State was well known for being “the land of opportunities, “ which is why more immigrants rushed to the U.S rather than any other country. Thesis: Thus, in the late nineteenth century many immigrants decided to move to the United States in order to get away from the problems back in Europe and find triumph in a country that is known for achieving it.

Fear of newly arriving immigrants has been a constant in American history. With respect to the New Immigrants of the late nineteenth century, describe what the native-born Americans were concerned about. Do you think their fears were well founded? Why or why not? (25)

With a larger population than the country, native-born Americans were more concerned about jobs and also feared the whole land being taken away from them.

Do you think that the United States needed laws restricting immigration in the nineteenth century? List the kinds of restrictions actually imposed and state whether you agree with each restriction. Why or why not?

Subtopic 1: Restrictions ranging from tests to shutting borders were enforced in the United States in order to stop the immense population of immigrants coming into the country. Subtopic 2: The United States decided to create restrictions towards the situation to protect the country. Thesis: Overall, America decided to place different laws towards incoming immigrants for safety reasons and also too somewhat stop the immigrants from coming to the country,

The text’s authors allege that “women were growing more independent in the urban environment of the cities” in the late nineteenth century. What did the city environment have to do with women’s liberation, and what forms did their new independence take?

Thesis: Women’s liberation occurred more in a city environment because as more businesses were being created more jobs were available and women were not as isolated living in a city rather than living in a farm.

In what way did the mining, ranching, and farming frontiers respond to theindustrial revolution in the same way as entrepreneurs and laborers?

Mining, ranching, and farming frontiers responded to the Industrial Revolution in the same way as entrepreneurs and laborers because every group was being replaced or changed by major businesses and especially machines.

What is the “safety-valve” theory? Do you find it plausible? Why or why not? (Include discussion on the frontier thesis) (26)

The safety-valve theory sent unemployed citizens to the west so they can prosper but in reality farmers moved to the cities rather than in the farm. The theory can not be reasonable because of the living conditions.

The Homestead Act was less successful than hoped. Why? Consider the provisions of the law and its loopholes, and environmental conditions on the Great Plains

Thesis: The Homestead Act was less successful than hoped because of the living conditions and the how phony some citizens were when obtaining the land.

Explain the ultimate defeat of the Plains Indians by whites. Select and discuss at least three major reasons for the decline of the Plains culture; then tell which you think was the most important and why

Thesis: The ultimate defeat of the Plain Indians by the whites was because of the Buffalo beginning to disappear, encounters with the US army and also their land was taken away by other tribes

If you were a farmer in Kansas in 1887, what would be three or four of your major problems? How would you try to solve them? Would you be likely to seek help? Where? Why?

Thesis: 3 major problems that a farmer suffered in Kansas in 1887 is enough water, money and transportation of harvest.

Describe each of the following as a cause of war in 1898. (Define how each term contributed to the war and rank its importance.) Which do you consider the key cause of war? Why? (27)

Business interests: Business caused the war because the US by the late nineteenth century wanted to trade with more countries and wanted to control more spanish colonies because of their natural resources.

Public opinion. Public opinion caused the war for two main reasons: the De Lome Letter and the explosion USS Maine.

Yellow Journalism: Yellow Journalism was a cause for war because of the exaggeration the two newspapers publishers, Hearst and Pulitzer, created exaggerated and false stories

Strategic interests: Strategic interest was least likely to be the start of the war although the US was interested in in helping Cuba earning its independence from Spain.

Assess the wisdom of the following in regards to the new Americans acquisitions following the Spanish American war. (Define each term and how each affected U.S. foreign policy)

Teller Amendment: This amendment was created to benefit the cubans. The amendment explained that the U.S will fight against Spain for Cuba, and once the U.S wins the war then Cubans get to have the freedom that they pleased

The Platt Amendment: This amendment occurred when the U.S somewhat removed itself away from Cuba, with conditions

decisions rendered in the insular cases: The insular cases explains that when the U.S takes control of an area, the area can ruled how all Americans are ruled but those people do have the same rights as the American citizens.

Rank the following in terms of their ability to explain American interest in “imperialism” at the end of the nineteenth century: (Define and rank each term)

Trading interests: Trading interests is the major factor to why the US became an imperial power because during the end of the nineteenth century, the US was all about trading. They wanted to begin to allie with as many countries in order to trade and have a better economy.

International rivalry: The international rivalry was another reason to why the US became an imperial power because after US and Spain got in a war for cuba, US after winning took control of cuba, Puerto Rico, Guantanamo bay and Phillipines.

Racial theories: Racial theories helped the US have more imperialism because the book known as Our Country which states that white europeans were the superior civilization and those white europeans had a duty to spread the word out of their superiority. Also the poem “White Man’s Burden”

Religious Humanitarianism: Religion was least involved in American imperialism.

The text authors claim that “America did not start the [Spanish-American War] with imperialistic motives, but [because of the war], it wound up with imperial and colonial fruits in its grasp.” Do you agree with this version of American actions in 1898? Why or why not?

Thesis: The US went to war with Spain not trying to help Cuba from the horrific treatment but for selfish reasons; such as, gaining spanish colonies, expanding their trade system, and becoming a more wealthy country