American Imperialism Research Paper

Improved Essays
Imperialism was a proper and legitimate policy for the United States to assume at the turn of the century. The U.S. economy prospered due to the spread of imperialism. The United States had one of the top military forces in the world, making it easy to take control over other countries. Manifest Destiny also contributed to the idea of imperialism in the United States. There were many factors in place in the United States that were improved by imperialism and helped imperialism flourish. Due to spread of imperialism, the economy of the U.S. improved. Businesses grew due to the grow in trade with other countries, including Cuba and China. Cuba had been a “monoculture”: an economy based on sugar production in a world market dominated by U.S. imperialism (Lotta). With control over the Cuban sugar industry, the U.S. was able to benefit from trade by placing low tariffs which boosted the fortunes of both countries’ economies, making it easier for US to take over Cuba. In China, the US wanted to have an open door policy for trade. It was easier for the U.S. to uphold this policy and trade with China since the U.S. had control over the Philippines. …show more content…
Their strong military force made it easier to take over countries if fighting or war broke out. During subsequent U.S. interventions in Cuba, American forces used Guantánamo Bay as their staging point; it soon became the major U.S. naval installation in the Caribbean (Muir). Guantánamo Bay provided a naval base for the military, which helped in the process of spreading imperialism over Cuba. The U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor was a port facility that would provide crucial support to any American fleet that sailed from California to Asian waters (Davenport). Pearl Harbor was resourceful for trade with China and other countries as well as military use. Pearl Harbor was also useful as a stopping place for U.S. ships travelling between the U.S. and

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