Economic forces were responsible for the new imperialism that began in the late 19th and 20th centuries. This shows up in Documents 1 and 2. Document 1 says that the makers of cotton and …show more content…
This shows up in Documents 1, 3, 8, and 9. Document 1 says that “shipowners demanded coaling stations for their vessels and naval bases for protection” (Document 1). Shipowners wanted coaling stations and naval bases because it makes their country look more powerful. Coaling stations and naval bases also help ships explore new territories, which expand their country’s territory and spheres of influence. The author of Document 3 says that the causes of imperialism were the political forces, that every country wanted more power. “None of the colonial undertakings was motivated by the quest for capitalist profits; they all originated in political ambitions ... the nation’s will to power ... glory or national greatness” (Document 3). Every country wanted more power and that’s why imperialism happened. Or at least that’s why most imperialism happened. Economic and social forces had an effect, but it was mostly political forces. Every natio wanted power, glory, and national greatness. Imperialism wasn’t just a time of growth and expansion, it was also a time of nationalism. In Document 8, Phan Thanh Gian, governor of a Vietnamese state described how the French invaded Vietnam. Phan Thanh Gian said that “the French had immense warships, filled with soldiers and armed with huge cannons. No one could resist them. They went where they wanted to, the strongest ramparts fell before …show more content…
This shows up in Documents 4, 5, 6, and 7. The British colonized because of social forces. In Document 4, Cecil Rhodes said that “[the British] are the finest race in the world, and the more of the world [they] inhabit, the better it is for the human race” (Document 4). The British thought that they were the best and that it was their duty to colonize everyone else. They wanted to colonize people to make them more like the British. It also says that “more territory simply means more of the Anglo-Saxon race, more of the best, the most human, most honourable race the world possesses” (Document 4). They are expressing Social Darwinism, the idea that one race is better than all the rest. Cecil Rhodes believes the reason for imperialism is the social forces. Document 5 also expands on the idea of Social Darwinism, by saying that it was used as a scientific proof for why some cultures were better than others. Many Europeans thought that since they were more technologically advanced, it was their job to colonize “all the little brown people” (Mrs. Selden), using principles such as the “‘survival of the fittest’” (Document 5). In Document 6, The White Man’s Burden, it is evident that many people viewed colonization as a duty to the poor and uncivilized cultures. America also colonized because of social forces. In Document 7, President William McKinley said that “[America] could not