The federations were made up of skilled workers or a mix of skilled and unskilled workers. In 1866 the National Labour Union was formed from an organization of local unions made up of skilled and unskilled workers. The NLU’s belief was that “owners and workers shared identical interests” (Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica) and therefore the NLU depended on political reforms rather than strikes to protest changes. In 1866 members of the NLU tried to persuade congress to pass an eight hour workday however they were unsuccessful and the federation made up of 500,000 members collapsed in 1873. Five years later in 1869 the Knights of Labour was formed in the United States by Uriah Stephens. The Knight’s “proposed a system of worker cooperatives to replace capitalism” (Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica) in order to improve working conditions and get higher wages. Lead by Terence V. Powderly, The KOL consisted of 750,000 members of skilled and unskilled workers of all races and genders. However conflicts arose when skilled workers became tired of “labor activity on the part of unskilled workers who were easily replaced” (Jackson, Bill). Terence also had only had half of the power over the Union which was also run by regional leaders who organized the strikes and demonstrations. The Union collapsed after the Haymarket Riot when the Knights …show more content…
The success of some unions being able to pass new reforms that restricted working hours and increased wages helped many grown workers get fairer pay and improved children’s education. The reforms that parliament passed also improved the workers health and allowed their families to have a decent lifestyle. To this day Labour Unions in the U.S. have helped to make sure workers get fair pay for the hours that they work. Labour Unions have also made sure that workers work no more than eight hours a day and have provided the workers with safe working conditions. Labour Unions also have made sure workers get fair treatment and that there are a separation of skill levels, so that people with different professions do not work in one field. Workers apart of Labour Unions have also gotten benefits, such as medical benefits. Labour Unions have also practiced collective bargaining to negotiate wages, working conditions. Benefits, and working hours with managers. Businesses also have labour union practices when employees negotiate wages or ask for raises from their bosses. To this day however Labour Unions are declining. The majority of people have high paying jobs such as business people, teachers, scientists and so on. Very few people work in factories anymore because machines have been made to create products. Factories are also not not dirty or unsafe and people