Just like metalElectricity would soon be the start of the future. One of the most remembered inventions to impact theworking class was the creation of the light bulb, invented by Thomas A. Edison in 1879. The lightbulballowed for longer shifts to be imposed on workers because they could now work through the night,without the risk of an oil lamp starting a fire. The combination of the light bulb and skyscraper created theperfect working conditions in the eyes of employers, but prolonged the normal hours for workers andmade working conditions worse.The mistreatment of workers caused for the creation of Labor Unions, to fight for workers’ rights.The first form of a Labor Union was the Knights of labor in 1869, an organization of workers fromdifferent job areas united to get better treatment for Industrial workers. The Knights wanted to replace the“wage system” with a “cooperative system” which would allow workers to control their work places.Some other prominent Labor Unions were the National Labor Union, organized in 1866, which fought forthe eight hour work day. The American Federation of Labor, which unlike the Knights of Labor was …show more content…
The federation sought out better wages, hours, andworking conditions. If these conditions were not met the federation called for a general strike on May 1,1886. On that day, strikes and demands for a shorter work day took place all over the country. In Chicago,another strike was in progress at the McCormick Harvester Company. Due to the harassment from policeon strikers, laborers, and radical leaders, a protest was called for at Haymarket Square on May 1. During the protest a bomb was thrown into the crowd killing seven police men, this event made the unions looklike anarchist in the public’s eyes. Although these unions focused on different aspects of American society, they all fought for reform in the American industrial workforce. These Labor Unions negotiated with employers and held strikes, which with time proved that the industrial worker made very few gains,the laws established by the unions were rarely enforced.In the late nineteenth century the industrial worker also started to fear the immigration coming into America. Most immigrants came to America trying to escape poverty or violence from their homecountries. They took available jobs for less pay, putting native born Americans out of work. Which created ethnic tensions and resentment within the working class. In 1887, Henry Bowers created the American Protective Association, a group determined to stopping immigration, but many argued thatwithout immigration America’s