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22 Cards in this Set

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What are the things to remember when applying Natural Law to GE/GM
-Deontological and teleological

-Similar to Roman Catholic View

-5 primary precepts: 'continuation of species through reproduction'-this can be argued for and against Genetic Engineering

- Blastocyst used as source for embryonic stem cells: primary precept 'preserve life'

-secondary precept: 'do not murder'

Is natural Law useful in decision making?
No, as same primary precept can be argued both ways.

Yes, if you are religious can be useful to 'glorify God' by following precepts literally.

Does Natural Law allow or prohibit GM?
-Prohibits: precept states to carry out the continuation of species through 'reproduction'

-Allow: to ensure continuation of species for parents who cannot have children.

-Roman catholic allow genetic enhancement

-Blastocyst: adhering to primary precepts of 'preserving life' -can naturally stop developing, so does not have potential to become human life. Roman Catholic disagree.

what are the strengths of applying Natural Law to GM?
-clear decisions

-maintains dignity 'God creates life'

-Effectively efficient

-Based upon reason

-Promotes natural procreation

what are the weaknesses of applying Natural Law to GM?
-only if you are religious

-prevents research and cloning embryos which may save other lives

-putting obedience to God before treating illnesses so can be seen as uncompassionate

what are the things to remember when applying Utilitarianism to GE/GM?
-'is it right to experiment on human genetic material?'

-focuses on consequences: Teleological

-would GM bring about more pleasure and less pain? scientists would argue yes.

-RULE: laws around GM-useful for limits

-ACT:concentrate on the maximum pleasure for greatest number

Is Utilitarianism useful for decision making?
-Yes, as it considers everyone involved


-looks at consequences and greatest pleasure

Would Utilitarianism allow or prohibit GM?
Allow: scientists would argue that the consequence of GM reduces pain and increases pleasure

-illnesses are prevented

-parents can protect their children from inherited disease eg. cystic fibrosis.

Prohibit: consequences undesirable. GM person may feels individuality is modified.

what are the strengths of applying Utilitarianism to GM?
-focuses on greatest pleasure

-benefits majority 'greatest good for greatest number'

-RULE: has limits surrounding GM so can guidelines


-compassionate as situation dictates action

what are the weaknesses of applying Utilitarianism to GM?
-society could be divided and undermined as people pay to have their children GM

-certain characteristics 'cleansed' from embryo: slippery slope to eugenics

-uncompassionate for individuals

-complicated to apply hedonistic calculus

what are things to remember when applying Kantian ethics to GM/GE?
-Humans are an end in themselves and not a means to end

-devise universal maxim answering the question 'should we use technology to prevent suffering and enhance attributes of a person?'

-act on the assumption and we all act the same way

-preserve life

Is Kantian ethics useful for making decisions about GM?
-clear and simple

-absolutist so follows set rules

But interpretation on a means to an end would only work f embryos was classed as a 'person'

-not flexible

Does Kantian ethics allow or prohibit GM?
-prohibit: -as by enhancing attributes for society benefit is treating them as a means to end- saviour siblings

-applying universal law would mean everyone GM's their children- eventually human race would cease to exist

-embryo has intrinsic value- end in itself

-allow: when applying universal law, only applies to embryos who were artificially produced and intended for GM to improve health.

-allow GM if embryo is thought not to have intrinsic value.

-Duty to save life

what are the strengths of applying Kantian Ethics to GM?

-protects the innocent

-sees embryo potential human life

-no chance of the embryo being abused eg.clone

-people treated as individuals and have value

-trys to be equal for everyone

-preserve life


what are the weaknesses of applying Kantian Ethics to GM?
-hard to apply categorical imperitive

-hard to universalise the maxims

what are the things to remember what applying religious ethics to GM?

-Roman catholic view: GM leads to new from of eugenics:

- karl popper: eradicate members in society who are considered 'undesirable'

-sanctity of life

-life begins at conception

-God has known and given purpose and talents and abilities according to his will


-Don't know long term effects of GM and genome&DNA

Is religious ethics useful when making decisions about GM?
-no attitudes vary


-no, agape contradicts this -show unconditional love by using embryo stem cells to improve health

How does religious ethics prohibit GM?
-object to only research which would result in death of an embryo.

-NL scholars say no right to interferer with God. Is playing God and consequences are unknown.

-life is sacred and god is the only one who should be in control

-The Roman Catholic pope prohibits GM and said it leads to a new form of eugenics

-Karl Hooper said it can be seen to 'eradicate those members of society who were considered 'undesirable''

How does religious ethics allow GM?

- some Christians, God is loving and doesn't want humans to suffer. God has made humans stewards of earth- a steward to improve what he or she is in charge of.

-Double effect: morally good act to preserve life has secondary effect~death of an embryo.
-Liberal Christian: situation ethics: God has given humans intelligence and ability to develop GM to eradicate disease and suffering-AGAPE

-Christian may say God loves his children and so gave this antidote for suffering as his parental love and creation of 'saviour-siblings'

What do other scholars say to allow GM when applying religious ethics?

-John Hicks says: immanence of God in creation, medical treatment is part of his immanence

-Pierre Teihard de Chardin: GE part of evolution and 'will not end until humans achieve their final telos, in being with God'

-G.W Harris expresses in a non-religious way it is virtuous to want the best for your child- normative thoughts of parental love.

what are the strengths of applying religious ethics to GM?
-dignity of human regardless of talents, intelligence and physical conditions

-values human life

-intrinsic value

what are the weaknesses of applying religious ethics to GM?
-have to be religious and have faith in God

-uncompassionate- follows obedience to God before curing human suffering

-different views and interpretations so hard to apply