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49 Cards in this Set

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Nervous tissue is made up of __ main cell types


Neuroglia of the peripheral nervous system include __ and __

oligondendrocytes and astrocytes

___ are the functional units of nervous tissue


These branching neuron processes serve as receptive regions and transmit electrical signals toward the cell body. They are ___



Axons are neuron processes that generate and conduct nerve impulses.


Most axons are covered with a fatty material called ____, which insulates the fibers and increases the speed of neurotransmission.

myelin sheath

Neuron fibers (axons) running through the central nervous system form __ of white matter.


Neurons can be classified according to structure. __ neurons have many processes that issue from the cell body.


Neurons can be classified according to function. __ or motor neurons carry electrical signals from the central nervous system primarily to muscles or glands.~


Within a nerve, each axon is surrounded by a covering called the __.~


The basic functional unit of the nervous system is the neuron. What is the major function of this cell type?

To transmit messages from one part of the body to another in the form of nerve impulses

Name four types of neuroglia in the central nervous system.

1. astrocytes 2. Oligodendrocytes 3. microglial cells 4. ependymal cells

Function of astrocytes

assists in exchanges between blood capillaries and neurons

Function of oligodendrocytes

composes myelin sheath

Function of microglial cells

can transform into phagocytes in areas of neural damage/inflammation

Function of ependymal cells

lines the central cavities of the brain and spinal cord

Name the Peripheral Nervous system (PNS) neuroglial cell that forms myeline

Schwann cells

Name the PNS neuroglial cell that surrounds dorsal root ganglian neurons

satellite cells

the brain and spinal cord collectively

central nervous system

specialized supporting cells in the CNS


junction or point of close contact between neurons


a bundle of axons inside the CNS


neuron serving as part of the conduction pathway between sensory and motor neurons


ganglia and spinal and cranial nerves


collection of nerve cell bodies found outside the CNS


neuron that conducts impulses away from the CNS to muscles and glands

efferent neuron

neuron that conducts impulses toward the CNS from the body periphery

afferent neuron

chemicals released by neurons that stimulate or inhibit other neurons or effectors


region of the cell body from which the axon originates

axon hillock

secretes neurotransmitters

axon terminal

receptive region of a neuron


insulates the nerve fibers

myelin sheath

site of the nucleus and most important metabolic area

neuronal cell body

involved in the transport of substances within the neuron


essentially rough endoplasmic reticulum, important metabolically

chromatophilic substance

impulse generator and transmitter


What substance is found in synaptic vesicles of the axon terminal?


What role does neurotransmitter play in neurotransmission?

diffuses across the synaptic cleft to bind to membrane receptors on the next neuron; initiating an electrical current (synaptic potential)

What anatomical characteristic determines whether a particular neuron is classified as unipolar, bipolar, or multipolar?

the number of processes attached to the cell body

Which neuron types are unipolar?

afferent (sensory) neuron

Which neuron are multipolar?

interneuron (association)

Describe how the Schwann cells form the myelin sheath and the outer collar of the perinuclear cytoplasm encasing the nerve fibers.

they wrap themselves very tightly around axons in a jellyroll fashion; and the neurilemma is an exposed plasma membrane, has many schwann cells and is a discontinuous sheath

What is a nerve?

a bundle of axons (neuron fibers) wrapped in connective tissue covering that extends to and from the CNS and visceral organs/structures of the body periphery

State the location of the endoneurium

innermost layer; an additional sheath that surrounds the myelin sheath

State the location of the perineurium

middle layer; bounds groups of fibers, forms bundles of fibers

State the location of the epineurium

outermost layer; bounds fascicles together, forms the cordlike nerve

What is the function of the connective tissue wrappings found in a nerve?

to insulate from other processes and to bind and form bundles, and to protect

Define mixed nerve

a nerve carrying both afferent (sensory) and efferent (motor) fibers; most nerves in the body including all spinal nerves are mixed