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471 Cards in this Set
- Front
- Back
Superman has the apility to fly |
قدرة |
I'm able to control you |
قادر على |
The bird flew above me |
فوق |
We have about the animals
I watched this movie was about 2 hour |
عن / حوالي |
According to the teacher's say. I'm clever |
وفقا / على حسب |
I have a lot of bank accounts |
حساب |
Did you accept my apology |
يقبل |
We travel across the world currently My house is across the library |
عبر / على الجانب الاخر من |
Accusation Accuse
I didn't accusation you from before |
اتهام / يتهم |
He act like stupid |
يتصرف |
Your action didn't be good |
تصرف |
I have done it actually
Actually my name's hussam |
فعلا / في الواقع |
We have school activity next week |
نشاط |
Addredss Please your address |
عنوان ( موقع ) |
My son learned how to add in school |
يضيف / يجمع |
Administration The administration refused me |
ادارة |
The criminal admitted to police that he stole money
My mother admitted to my son |
يعترف / يسمح بالدخول |
Admit the adults only |
بالغ |
I give you a just advice |
نصيحة |
I'll study after ahmed goes |
بعد |
The techar said that he will test me again |
مرة اخرى / يعيد |
Mom , Don't affect my husband |
يؤثر |
Against Today the compitetion betwen messi against mohamed |
ضد |
I have bought my car from agency |
وكالة |
Agent Mohamed is my agent business |
وكيل |
I agreed with biggest business man in all companies
I have agreed you |
يتفق / يوافق |
Agreement We are agreeing the beggest agreement |
اتفاق |
Air The air pure here |
هواء |
Allow I have allowed you to play in out |
يسمح |
Actually his age 14 years
We are in age is new
The woman age day after day |
عمر / عصر / يكبر في العمر |
All I met all pepole |
كل |
I have long road ahead of me |
امام |
Also He also bought car same my car |
ايضا / كذالك |
Almost He have 17$ almost |
تقريبا |
Although the whethr hot he walking |
برغم من |
I have already done my homework |
قبل شوي / سابقا |
Always I'll love the live always |
دائما |
Alone set in the room alone |
وحده |
American I love all pepole american |
امريكي |
Amount Amount the birds here is many |
كمية |
Among My brother set among us |
بين |
Answer Answer a right answer |
جواب / يجاوب |
Anyone I don't want do hire anyone |
اي احد |
Anlaysis Your anlaysis for the match is wrong |
تحليل |
You're not my daughter you're another girl |
اخر |
And I and you are smart |
واو العطف |
Any Feed me any a food |
اي |
Anything Say anything say anything my sooon |
اي شئ |
Apply the accent american is very esay it need some train I applyed to stady abroad already it don't reply |
يطبق / يقدم طلب |
We approach to the new place
Saudi arabia approach with minority is very bad |
يقترب / اسلوب التعامل |
Appear that you are working now |
يظهر |
The area which i live in it too big |
منطقة / مساحة |
Don't argue me now |
يجادل |
Arm I did broke my arm in my school |
ذراع |
I travelle around the world
The movie was around 2 hours |
حول / حوالي |
Arrive I arrived my home |
يصل |
Your article is good |
مقالة |
As i agreed with you i won't say to you hello anymore
I as smart as robot |
كما / مقارنة ( as صفة as ) |
Ask I don't ask where'er you went her i trust her I want ask from you older |
يسأل / يطلب |
Assume We assume that you stool the bank |
يفترض |
At I went to work at 5:40 |
في |
Artist I work as artist |
فنان |
Art We love arts |
فن |
Attack I don't attack her and she alone We will attack a biggest attack |
يهجم / هجوم |
Attornay My attornay is smartest |
محامي |
Author Movie author is mohamed alkady |
مؤلف |
Authority The authority not stronger smart |
سلطة |
This product is availabel is store |
متوفر / متاح |
Avoid I don't know why dosen't she avoid me |
يتجنب |
Audience I love my audience is freindly |
جمهور |
All i wanted that give me some attention |
انتباه |
Away You ran away from me |
بعيد |
Back My back very hurt me from work Don't look back |
ظهر / خلف |
My bag is so heavy |
حقيبة |
Ahmed's idea is so bad |
سيئ |
Ball Pass me facking ball |
كرة |
Home's base was weak
I lifed base the smart |
( اساس / قاعدة ) / بني على اساس |
I have account in the bank |
بنك |
Baby Your baby is so cute |
طفل رضيع |
Be I'll be doctor in future |
يكون |
Beat You always beat me in those game |
يغلب |
Beautiful Your sister is beautiful |
جميل |
Because All women want me because i'm beautiful |
لان |
Become I'll become biggest business man |
يصبح |
Bed My bed is so beautiful |
سرير |
Before I don't hurt you before |
قبل |
Begin Let's begin |
يبدأ |
Behavior Your aehavior is unacceptable |
سلوك / تصرف |
Behind The bank behind you |
خلف |
I believe you my son
Thay believe in this a myth |
يصدق / ( يعتقد / يؤمن ) |
This is for your benefit
You dont benefit me in anything |
( فائدة / مصلحه ) / يفيد |
Best My boss . You are the best in world |
الافضل |
Better I feeling better |
افضل |
Beyond I'm beyond the car To infinity and beyond |
وراء / الى ما بعد |
Big My car is big |
كبير |
Bill My bill is expensive |
فاتورة حساب |
Billion My account in bank al-rajhei 3 billion |
مليار |
Bit I feeling bit sad |
القليل |
Black My Coat is black |
اسود |
Blood Always the blood be light red or dark red |
دم |
My T-shirt is blue |
ازرق |
I just now board on the plane
The board small it's break esaily |
يركب على متن طائرة او سفينة / لوح |
Body I have the right mide in yhe right body |
جسم |
Great. The book is translator |
كتاب |
I'll put my friend inside the small box |
صندوق |
Both Which car will you buy ? I'll buy both |
كلاهما |
Boy This toy is not for girls is for boys |
ولد |
I didn't break the board
We have now break |
يكسر / استراحة |
Brother My brother is annoying |
اخ |
Bring Can you bring for me the milk |
يحضر |
Build I buliding my house |
يبني |
this building is new in neighborhood |
بناية |
Business I'm biggest business man in my country I love my business |
عمل / تجارة / عمل تجاري |
But I love you but you are donkey |
لكن |
Which car will you buy ?I'll buy both |
يشتري |
I go to my work by the car because it is fast This home built by me |
بواسطة / من قبل |
I born beautiful boy
I was born at 2003 |
يلد / مولود |
Budget My home's budget is weak |
ميزانية |
Call Call me tonight My call is you didn't like. Right Do you call me |
يتصل / مكالمة / ينادي |
Campaign My campaign will win |
حملة |
Can I can fix it |
يستطيع / يمكن |
Cancer I had cancer last year |
سرطان |
Candidate Donald tramp was candidate for presidency |
مرشح |
Cairo is capital of egypt |
عاصمة / حرف كبير |
Car My car is lamborghini |
سيارة |
Card I did pay by credit card |
بطاقة |
Care I don't care about you |
اهتمام / رعاية |
My career is so bad |
مهنه |
I was carry you when you were young |
يحمل |
Camera My camera is great |
كاميرا |
Cause The cigarettes cause the cancer |
يسبب |
Case Today my case is so bad |
حال |
Cell The cell is smallest thing in our body |
خلية |
Catch I catch the ants by this the small tongs |
يلتقط |
Center The sun is center solar system |
مركز |
Central I work is central asia |
وسط |
We are in century the people wears hat |
قرن |
This happen certain
I want certain thing |
مؤكد / معين |
I was love you cerntainly but you..😢 |
بالتأكيد |
Chair I set always on my chair |
كرسي |
Chance Give me one chance We met by chance |
فرصة / صدفة |
Ahmed challenge me but i'll win at him |
تحدي / يتحدى |
Change You have changed a lot after you became famous Happen big change in the world |
يتغير / تغير |
Character My character in the new movie is strong |
شخصية |
Charge I want charge my phone because its power is low I don't have any charge |
يشحن / اتهام |
Check I have to check your car |
يتحقق من |
Child It's okay he's child |
طفل |
Choice His mother affected at his choice |
اختيار |
Choose Choose the choice by yourself |
يختار |
Church The christians actually going to church |
كنيسة |
Citizen I'm citizen in Aaudi Arabia |
مواطن |
City Washington d.c is beautiful city |
مدينة |
Civil I'm civil citizen |
مدني |
Claim I claim i be owner land |
يدعي |
My class is 233
I belong to middle class |
صف / ( فئة / طبقة ) |
Clear My name is clear |
واضح |
Clearly Understand me clearly |
بوضوح |
Close My work is very close I closed the store Sir |
قريب / يغلق |
Coach My coach train me everyday |
مدرب |
The weather is cold
I had cold since two weeks |
بارد / زكام |
Collection I have had big collectoin of video gams |
مجموعة |
College After you finish the high school there collegh |
كلية |
color The color of shirt didn't like them |
لون |
compare Don't compare me with loser |
يقارن |
My company biggest in the egypt |
شركة |
The teacher consider me the most clever in the class I did consider all the factors |
يعتبر / يأخذ بيعن الاعتبار |
Come Come to here now |
يأتي |
My computer stronger thab ahemd's computer |
كمبيوتر |
I'm controlling all dogs is the plant |
يتحكم |
Commercial This commercial is lie |
اعلان تجاري |
Compute Thanks to technology we can easily compute distance between tow plants |
يحسب |
Common The name Mohammed common a lot in Muslim world I love my things the common in you |
منتشر / مشترك |
My mom in bad condition
I agree but i have a condition |
( حالة / وضع ) / شرط |
Concern The old men concern about his health My life dosen't concern you |
قلق / يعيني |
Contain The juice contain at a lot suger |
يحتوي |
Community Our community is impolite |
مجتمع محلي |
Consume/r I did consume all my power in the work before i come We have to be consumer clevers |
يستهلك / مستهلك |
Continue I will continue the story later |
يكمل / يستمر |
Conference We'll continue conference later |
مؤتمر |
Cost This dish did cost me 5$ |
كلفة / يكلف |
Could I could do it |
يستطيع في الماضي |
Uasllay The rich countries be healthy |
بلد |
Course The english course is expensive at me |
دورة |
Couple Give me just couple weeks to finish the project I want couple of black sock |
اثنين / زوج |
Cover It's surprise. Cover your eyes My phone's cover is red and blue like barcalona |
يغطي / غطاء / غلاف |
Court The court fear me Football court is the biggest among other exercise court |
محكمة / ملعب |
Give me cup of orange juice |
كأس / كوب |
Cut The knife is for just cut |
يقطع / يقص |
Create god created the mankind He creates in the study |
يخلق / ينتج / يبدع |
Creative When i was in my youth i was creative in draw |
مبدع |
Crime The sence crime says that the criminal is man not woman |
مجرم |
I want learn english so that i know its culture |
ثقافة |
Current I love my current mode Yhe current trys pull us |
حالي / تيار / مجرى |
Customer Our customers is satisfied with our service |
زبون |
The dark is so dark |
ظلام |
Data All your data incorrect |
بيانات |
Daughter My daughter's teacher told me that she's the most clever in her class |
ابنه |
Day Have a nice day |
يوم |
Dead The buttery is dead |
ميت |
Deal This the biggest deal in saudi arabia I have a lot of problems to deal it |
صفقة / يعالج |
Death He too fear of death |
الموت |
Debate We don't have time to debate |
نقاش |
Decade My grandfather tring that be smat since tree decades |
عشر سنوات |
Decide I just decide here |
يقرر |
Desision The desision between your hands |
قرار |
Deep The well is so deep |
عميق / غامق |
Defense You must learn self defense so that beat the strong man |
دفاع |
My temperature body is 37.7 degrees Celsius I have degree in biology |
درجة مؤية /( شهادة / درجة دراسة ) |
I love democrat |
ديموقراطية |
Democratic I'm democratic |
ديموقراطي |
Con you describe him for me |
يصف |
Design The bedroom's design is awesome The best artist in Egypt design for me |
تصميم / يصمم |
Despite I love despite your faults |
بالرغم من |
Detail Tell me the all details please |
تفصيل |
Determine Determine for me all my foults |
يحدد |
Die My mom died since 5 years |
يموت |
Difference What's difference between the strong and week |
فرق |
Different My clothes is color different |
مختلف |
Develop You must develop your skills more |
يطور |
Development The development is fabulolas for me |
تطوير |
Difficult My sister has difficult character |
صعب |
Dinner Dinner of yesterday was delicious |
عشاء |
Direction What do you choose. The right direction or left |
اتجاه |
Director I'm wanting the director of my movie |
مخرج / مدير |
There a boy discovered treat for cancer |
يكتشف |
Do What are you doing morning every day |
يفعل |
Doctor My doctor say i have cancer |
دكتور |
Dog My dog is kind |
كلب |
Door Open the door |
باب |
Down The ant down the door |
اسفل |
Draw I love draw |
يرسم |
Dream Every night in my dreams |
حلم |
Drive When i drive my father's car i'm afride |
يقود |
I'm thirsty. I just need drop of water
I drooped from plane |
قطرة / ( هبط / سقط ) |
The drugs are illegal |
مخدر / دواء |
During I'm eating during lesson |
خلال |
Discussion I love the discussion in class |
نقاش |
Discuss We have a lot to discuss it |
يناقش |
Disease You move the disease among pepole |
مرض |
I love each them |
كل |
I love each them |
كل |
Early Early to bed. Early to rise. Makes am healthy and wealthy and wise |
باكرا |
East To east |
شرق |
Easy The exam was easy |
سهل |
Eat Eat in afternoon only |
ياكل |
Economic Ahmed is economic in his house |
اقتصادي |
Economy Egypt economy was weak |
اقتصاد |
Edge I was about to edge |
حافة |
Education You should begin education from home |
تعليم |
Effect My husband's mom has effect at him |
تأثير |
Effort. To reach |
جهد |
End The end What did it end movie |
نهاية / ينهي |
Energy My energy is don't enough |
طاقة |
My energy is don't enough
I didn't enough
Enough |
يكف / كاف / كفى / |
Either You either agree or don't agree Either way. I win |
اما / كلا |
Election Donald Tramb won in election |
انتخابات |
Else Anything else |
اخر |
Employee You all an employee in my company |
موظف |
Enter I entered the running competition |
يدخل |
Event Event of YouTube was in it Fhad Sal |
حدث |
Ever You won't ever change |
ابدا |
Every I clean every rooms |
كل |
I want everybody enjoy. Tonight |
كل واحد / الجميع |
Everything I want learn everything about english |
كل شئ |
Everyone I want everyone enjoy. Tonight |
كل واحد / الجميع |
Exactly Do i have to learn english in my life. Exactly |
بالضبط / تماما |
Example I don't understand. Please give me example |
مثال |
Evening How was your evening |
مساء |
Even I don't even love you |
حتى |
Entire I read the entire book |
بأكمله |
Environment The environment which we live in it is unhealthy |
بيئة |
Environmental We studied about the environmental pollution |
بيئي |
This gift especially for you
I feel especially good today |
بخصوص / كثيرا |
my compnay was establish myself |
ينشئ |
Evidence Give one science evidence of this talk |
دليل |
The ghosts don't exist |
يوجد / يتواجد |
Expect I don't expect that from you |
يتوقع |
Science experience
I have experience in this science We experienced a problem |
تجربة / خبرة / يواجه |
Expert I have to talk with expert in this purview |
خبير |
Explain Explain to us more |
يشرح |
My brither's eye is blue |
عين |
Face Egybt facing an ecocomic problme |
وجه / يواجه |
Face Egybt facing an ecocomic problme |
وجه / يواجه |
Fact It's a fact. You can't deby In fact. I don't life with my mom |
حقيقة / واقع |
Factor It's the most factor in create the mankind |
عامل ( مؤثر ) |
I not failed before |
يفشل |
Fall I'm not fall Fall is cold |
يقع / سقوط / خريف |
Family My family is greatest in the world |
عائلة |
Far Don't go far |
بعيد |
Fast Ahmed is faster than Ali I fast every Tuesdays and Mondays |
سريع / يصوم |
Father My father is kind |
اب |
The children has fear of darkness |
خوف A feeling makes you don't do it cause it |
Feel I feel safe |
يشعر |
Feeling What's your feeling now ? |
شعور |
Few A few of smart student in this class |
قليل ( معدود ) |
You should consult expert in this field
I run around the field |
مجال / منطقة A thing you are specialist at it
Place of ground |
Fight You should fight I and he were fight |
يكافح / شجار |
Fill My dad fills the bottles water for us every week |
يملأ |
I'm filming
There film above us. For keep us |
يصور فيلم / غشاء طبقة رقيقة A small cover |
Fainal This is fainal exam |
نهائي |
Finally I completed my homework finally |
نهائي |
I want financial advice |
مالي A thing has link the money |
Find I'm trying find it |
يجد |
I'll be fine tomorrw
Fine of this thing 500$ |
بخير / غرامة يغرم |
Finger My finger pain me |
اصبع |
Finish I finished my exam |
ينهي |
Fire When put your hand on fire you will pain Fire. Fire. Fire The boss fired me of work |
نار / يطلق النار / يطرد |
My belief is firm |
ثابت A thing doesn't change |
First Ladies first |
الاول |
Fish The fish dies when out from ocean |
سمك |
Fix I fixed the car |
يطلح |
My friend's floor of home is dirty I live on 5th floor |
ارضية / طابق |
Fly The bird can fly |
يطير |
Foucs Foucs on your goals |
يركز |
Follow Don't follow me |
يتبع |
Food We eat our dad's food everyday |
طعام |
Foot My foot is hurts |
قدم |
For This gift for you I study for 3 hours |
/ ل / لمدة |
Don't force your son
I work in air force |
يجبر / قوة - قوات جوية / جيش Action makes you must do something A people are guard us and our home |
I try learn foreign language |
اجنبي Things in europe |
Forget I always try that don't forget your name |
يتسى |
I didn't like the form
There a lot forms of exercise The form of circle is beautiful |
استمارة / ( شكل / نوع ) / يشكل |
Our teacher former is kind |
سابق / مكون A thing ended and now anothe thing |
Forward Move forward I will forward the email to my dad in NYC |
الى الامام / يبعت |
Formal/ official
This's happening is formal |
رسمي |
Free Free sofa I'm free |
مجاني / متوفر |
Our front is more strong than their front
I study from 6:00pm till 8:00 pm |
من / منذ |
Front My front is break The pen is in front of book |
( جبهة / امامي)/ امام |
Full The bottel water is full I'm full What's your full name |
ملئ / كامل / شبع |
Future I will change world in future |
مستقبل |
Game I have play vidoe game everyday |
لعبة |
We're going to garden
I garden |
حديقة بستان / يعمل في (البستان الحديقة) |
Gather I will gather some information for my research |
يجمع |
I will convert my video YouTube from private to general
My uncle works as general |
عام / جنرال Adjectiv as everyone can see it |
Generat Generation
Egypt generat one hundred baby evrey day
Your generation wear hats |
توليد / جيل
Ceartive same thing but us new Time for every people |
Girl This girl is beautful |
فتاة |
Give Give me one chance |
يمنح / يعطي |
Glass Tbe glass is wesker than iron Glass of water |
زجاج / كوب |
Goal Meet your goal |
هدف / |
The Egypt government is loser |
حكومة The people who judge us |
Ground The ants live in under ground |
ارض |
Let me creat whatapp group |
مجموع |
Grow The tree grow in the summer |
ينمو |
Growth Growth of person egyption's is slow |
تطور / نمو |
Your guess is not right |
تخمين Action is un the mind |
Guilty You're guilty at god |
مذنب |
Guy Let's go guys |
رجل / شاب |
Hair My hair is too bad |
شعر |
Half The glass os half full |
نصف |
Hand My hand is hurting me |
يد |
Hang Hang your hat here |
يعلق |
Happen What's happening now |
يحدث / يحصل |
Happy I'm happy for you |
سعيد |
Hard This exam is hard I was work hard last 5 month |
( صعب / قاس ) / باجتهاد |
Hardly Your mother hardly love you |
بالكاد |
I hate you |
يملك |
Have / has I have a pen You have to go to there |
يملك / يجب على |
He / him / himself |
هو / ه / نفسه |
Head Messi shot the by his head Din't head to right |
رأس / يتجه |
You must read headlines of lessons |
عنوان رئيسي Boss Title |
Health health of cancer sickes |
صحة |
Healthy Run everyday for life healthy |
صحي |
Hear Can you hear me |
يسمع |
Heart My heart's love |
قلب |
Heat Heat of egypt is 50 c Let me heat my egg |
حرارة / يسخن |
Do good for enter the heaven |
جنة The place will enrty if you do good in life |
Heavy Your bag is too heavy |
ثقيل |
Height everest is around 8000 |
ارتفاع |
Hell What hell |
جحيم |
Helpful These advice is helpful |
مفيد / مساعد |
Here Come here |
هنا |
High This is high level |
عالي |
Help Help me help me I want just help |
يساعد / مساعدة |
History Messi is the best player in the history |
تاريخ |
Hit Syid hitting youssef |
يضرب / ضربة |
Hold Hold the umbrella |
يمسك |
Home Let's go home |
بيت |
Hope Our hope at you, salah I hope that you improve |
امل / يامل |
Hospital I fear from hospitals |
مستشفى |
Hot The frige make the food is hot |
ساخن |
Hotel That hotel is expensive |
فندق |
Hour We meet in one hour |
ساعة |
House Will you come to house of my friend |
بيت |
How How am i fix it |
كيف |
Huge Wow you hand is huge |
ضخم |
Human The humans are smart |
بشري |
Hundred Give one hundred dollars |
مئة |
Husband Her husnand is handsome |
زوج |
Idea This not good idea |
فكرة |
Can you identify the man in the picher |
يتعرف |
Identity That man is unkown identity |
هوية |
Ignore Don't ignore me |
يتجاهل |
Image Are you in the image |
صورة |
Imagine Imaging that |
يتخيل / يتصور |
Immediate The unhealthy food has affect immediate |
فوري |
Immediately Do it immediately |
فوري |
There tow cars impacted yestarday
The humidity impact in weathr |
اصتدام / يصتدم / يؤثر في / تاثير |
Important I have a important news for you |
مهم |
Improve How am i improve my language english |
يحسن |
Include This food include pork |
يتضمن |
Increase My level in english increases |
يتزايد / يزيد / زيادة ونمو |
Indeed |
في الواقع / فعلا / حقا |
Indicate Your hard working indicate you want meet your goal |
يشير / يدل |
Individual |
فرد |
Industry The industry of egypt is weak |
صناعة |
Information I want information about your CV |
معلومة / معلومات |
In / inside |
داخل |
Instead Do another thing instead that |
بدلا من |
Instutition That hospital is one of the best instutition in the town |
مؤسسة / منشأة |
Interest Your son has no interest in the exam for tomorrow |
اهتمام / فائدة في مجال الاقتصاد |
Interesting That girl is interesting |
مثير لاهتمام |
International |
عالمي |
Interview The shirt for tomorrow interview I'm interviewing messi |
مقابلة |
Into Hulk change form human into monster |
الى (تحول من شئ الى شئ / من مكان الى مكان) |
Investment I don't love the investment in the selling food |
استثمار |
Involve Thus talk doesn't involve me |
يشمل |
Issue I'm not in that issue |
قضية / مسألة / مشكلة |
The apple isn't item of my list |
(عنصر / مادة ) / جزء ومن مجموعة |
Job My job is great |
وظيفة |
Join Come on join to us |
ينضم |
Just |
( مجرد / فقط ) / للتو / عادل |
Keep |
يحتفظ / يبقي |
Key Put my car key here |
مفتاح |
Kid Don't kid with me |
يمزح / طفل |
Kill |
يقتل |
I don't love this kind of the food
You're kind |
نوع / طيب القلب |
Kitchen Mom's kitchen is beautiful |
مطبخ |
Knowledge You must have the knowledge |
معرفة / علم |
Land The land in the world form 30 percent of the area We land we land |
يهبط / ارض / يابسة |
Last My studying lasted 1 hour |
يدوم / اخر |
Late |
راحل / متأخر |
Laugh |
يضحك |
Law The police officer took him for breaking the law |
قانون / شريعة |
My lawyer diffenced me in the court |
محامي / attorney |
Lay He's layed on her bed |
يستلقي / يضع |
Lead I lead my group everyday |
يقود قيادة عنصر الرصاص ( ينطق led ) |
Leader I'm leader of my group in scince class |
قائد زعيم مرشد |
Little / less / least |
قليل / اقل / الاقل الادنى |
Leave |
يخرج / يغادر / يهجر |
Leg |
ساق |
Legal Walking your dog isn't legal in our area |
قانوني |
Likely He's likely tests us tomorrw |
محتمل |
Main My main goal in this life is i bget doctor |
اساسي / رئيسي |
The good friend is who maintain the promise |
يحافظ / يصون |
Major I major in psychology We faced a lot of major problem |
يتخصص / مهم كبير رئيسي / ظابط في الجيش عالي الرتبة |
Majority The majority of students don't like math |
الاغلبية |
Manage My dad manages our house |
يدير |
Management |
ادارة |
Marry / marriage |
يتزوج / زواج |
Material This material is made of ketchup That's material deal |
مادة / مادي |
Matter It doesn't matter now We'll talk about that matter later |
يهم / مسألة |
May |
قد / يمكن / مايو |
Mean |
لئيم adj يعني / يقصد |
My brother is so mean |
يعني / لئيم |
I want a immediate medical fix |
طبي |
Member |
عضو |
Memory |
ذاكرة / ذكرى |
Media Social media |
وسائل التواصل والاعلام |
Measure Go to the doctor to measure your tall |
يقيس / قياس |
Medical |
طبي |
Member |
عضو |
Memory |
ذكرى ذاكرة |
Message |
رسالة |
Method Our teacher has a smart teaching methods |
طريقة / اسلوب |
Middle |
وسط / منتصف |
Might He studied with all his might |
قد / قوة وقدرة |
Military The Eygption military is one of the most important factors to be Eygpt not poor |
جيش |
Mind Reading minds Mind you wife |
عقل / يهتم |
Miss My father always missed his flight |
انسة / يفوت / يفتقد يشتاق |
Mission The FBI gave me a dangerous mission |
مهمة |
Model I'm a model student in my class |
نموذجي / مثالي / عارضة ازياء |