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16 Cards in this Set

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혈압 조절 기전

a. Baroceptor

b. Renal mechanism

c. Neuronal mechanism

d. Autoregulation

고혈압으로 인한 사망 원인

a. MI (myocardial infarction)/ CHF (congestive heart failure)

b. Stroke

Anti-hypertensive agents

1. Diuretics

-Depleting Na

-Reducing blood volume

-Other mechanisms

2. Sympatholytic agents

-Reducing peripheral resistance

-Inhibiting cardiac output

-Increasing venous pooling

3. Direct vasodilators

-Relaxing vascular s.m.

-Dilating resistance vessels

-Increasing capacitance

4. Agents that block RAAS

- Reducing peripheral resistance and blood volume


Early: reducing blood volume and cardiac output

Later: reducing peripheral vascular resistance (lowering Ca2+ in v.s.m.)

- Major effect: decrease Na+ in interstitial space of vascular s.m. - decrease Ca2+ influx

- Minor effect: K-channel opening of v.s.m. - hyperpolarization


•Normally used in mild or moderate hypertension with normal renal and cardiac function

•Low dose alone or with K-sparing agents/ ACE inhibitor or ARBs

- If not effective, better add a second drug rather than increase dose


-K loss (hypokalemia) : common in diuretics

-Digitalis toxicity in patients with chronic arrhythmia, acute MI, or left ventricular dysfunction

-Hyperuricemia (Gout by uric acid retention)

-Electrolyte imbalance (low Na+, high Ca2+): epi cell 의 입장.

-LDL elevation

-Erectile dysfunction

Loop Diuretics

Low Ca2+ 이 문제다.

#1. Sympatholytic agents-centrally acting

-causes compensatory retention of Na+ by the kidney.

-Most effective when used with diuretics.

eg) methyldopa (m-DOPA):

-agonist of presynaptic a2 in brain stem

-> prevention of LV hypertrophy

-renin/angiotensin reflex 가 있을 수 있다.

eg2) Clonidine

-withdrawal may cause fatal hypertensive crisis (rebound HT)

Centrally acting agents toxicity

a. Dry mouth (xerostomia)

b. Cardiac effect: bradycardia

c. Hyperprolactinemia: gynecomastia, galactorrhea

Clinical Use: hypertension during pregnancy.

#2. Sympatholytic agents -neuron blocking

eg) Guanadrel: uptake like NE (NET)

Reserpine: interferes the transport of biogenic amines



-too polar to enter CNS : less CNS toxicity


-readily enter CNS

:CNS amine depletion (sedation, depression)


-Cardiac effect : bradycardia, sinus arrest

-Increased parasympathetic in GI: diarrhea

#3. Adrenoreceptor antagonist - b adrenergic blocking

eg) propranolol, atenolol


1) Reduce contractility, cardiac output in heart

2) Reduce renin secretion in kidney

Side effects:

- Bradycardia or cardiac conduction disease

Bronchospasm (asthma)

Rebound symptom

Alpha stimulation in vascular s.m.

#4. a1-adrenergic blocking

a1 blocker = Prazosin


a.Artery, Vein vasodilation - continuous effect

b.Reflex tachycardia, Renin reflex - transient effect

Side effect:

a.Renin reflex: sodium and water retention

b.Postural hypotension within 90 min after first administration

c.Reduce TG and LDL but increase HDL

Clinical Use:

a. not used alone, but in combination with diuretics, b-blockers, or others

b. not be combined with vasodilators (e.g. dihydropyridines): tarchycardia

c. good for HT patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia

cf) combined a1, b adrenergic blocking: labetalol, carvedilol


Hydralazine and minoxidil

- Oral vasodilator for long-term outpatient therapy of hypertension

Nitroprusside and diazoxide

- Parenteral vasodilators to treat hypertensive emergencies

Calcium channel blockers - used in both

Vasodilators work best in combination with drugs that oppose the compensatory response!

Sodium Nitroprusside

a. BP 감소 (치명적 고혈압 또는 surgical bleeding이 있을 때 사용)

b. Pre/afterload 감소

-aortic dissection

-severe CHF

-acute MI


a. mitochondrial inhibition -> lactic acidosis

b. hypothyroidism

c. Renin 증가 (rebound HT), V/Q mismatching

Arterial Dilators (Hydralazine, Minoxidil, Diazoxide)

cf) 참고로 vein이 dilate되는 효과는 덜하다.

Hydralazine: unknown target – decrease Ca2+

Minoxidil: KATP opening

Diazoxide: KATP opening

-Hemodynamic Effects: BP 감소 (체위성 저혈압 x)

-sympath. reflex:

a. 심박동, 심수축 증가

b. afterload 증가

c. O2 demand 증가

-renin 증가

a. fluid retention

b. preload 증가

c. O2 demand 증가

--> Coronary steal 때문에 ischemia 환자에 사용 x.

Vasodilator Toxicity

Hydralazine - immune rxn.

Minoxidil - T wave inversion/hypertricosis, hyperglycemia

Diazoxide - T wave inversion, hyperglycemia

Ca-channel blocking

artery dilator 로 nifedipine 사용 가능