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11 Cards in this Set

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Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) = Intrinsic pathway, heparin

Prothrombin Time (PTT) = Extrinsic pathway, warfarin

Coagulation/Fibrinolysis Pathway

-여러 가지 coagulation factor 가 서로를 activation 시킨다. Factor10 이 활성화되고 Ca 도 관여한다. Factor 2 (prothrombin)가 activation 되면 이게 fibrinogen 을 잘라서 fibrin을 만든다. 이게 intrinsic pathway.

-(tissue injury 에 의해) Factor 7 이 activation 되면 factor 10을 활성화 시키는데 이게 ext pathway 이다.

-응고되는 걸 녹이는 기전도 존재한다. Fibrin을 녹이는 게 plasmin 이다. Plasminogen 에서 잘려야 활성화 된다. 여기게 관여하는 게 tPA 이고 endo 에서 나와서 혈관벽에 응고가 되는 것을 막는다.

-Anticoagulant target 은 common path 를 target 으로 하면 가장 효과적이다. Ca 을 막거나 factor 10, thrombin 등을 막을 수 있다.

Anticoagulant Drugs

Activated clotting factors = Heparin

Clotting factors = Warfarin

Thrombin = Hirudun, lepirudin, bivalirudin

Bleeding tendency 있는 경우 사용 x.

아스피린 복용할 사용 x.

Thrombin Inhibitor = Heparin

종류: extracted heparin, Low MW heparins, synthetic heparin derivatives (fondaparinux, idraparinux)

부작용: HIT (heparin-induced thrombocytopenia)

작용기전: Antithrombin의 결합력을 증가시킨다.

효과: aPTT 증가, PT 그대로.

Advantages of LMWH over H

a. More predicable and reproducible pharmacokinetic profile (no need to monitor)

b. Longer plasma half-life

: 4~6 h vs. 0.5~1 h

c. Lower incidence of thrombocytopenia and thrombosis

: less interaction with platelet factor 4

: fewer heparin-dependent IgG generation

Clinical Uses of Heparin

Clinical Use: IV infusion or SC injection.

initial management before oral anticoagulant Tx.

Side Effect:

-Rebound thrombosis

-Liver toxicity


-Low aldosterone, high K+

Heparin-induced bleeding 막는 법 = Protamine 사용

Protamine Toxicity

-protamine: + charged, heparin 억제

-Bleeding tendency by interacting with platelet and fibrinogen

-Anaphylactic response occur in diabetic patients who have been presensitized by protamine Zn insulin

Direct thrombin inhibitors

=Hirudin, Lepirudin, Bivalirudin

-오래 사용하면 Ab가 형성될 수 있다.

-Bivalirudin: synthetic thrombin binding peptides, less immunogenic.

Coumarin Anticoagulants

-Coumarin, Warfarin

Clinical Use: p/o, thromboemblism, arterial occlusion.

Side effects: bleeding. 시금치 등으로 예방 가능.

+ Drug interaction (enhancement || inhibition)

Thrombolytic Agents

a. Streptokinase: binds/induces conformational change of plasminogen to be activated.

b. Tissue plasminogen activator: a proteolytic enz from vascular endothelial cells, useful for treating coronary thrombosis.

c. Urokinase

Antiplatelet Agents

a. Aspirin: inhibits ADP release, prostaglandin/thromboxane A2 synthesis in platelet

b. Ticlopidine, clopidogrel: Bind and inhibit P2Y12 receptor on platelet surface, thereby inhibiting platelet aggregation. 참고로 clopidogrel은 prodrug.

c. Glycoptn IIb/IIIa inhibitors:

-Abciximab, Eptifibatide, Tiorofiban

-A platelet surface integrin (Gp Iib/IIIa) is a receptor for fibrinogen and final common pathway for platelet aggregation

-Administered parenterally