Post Secondary Education In Canada

Superior Essays
In this paper, I argue that neo-liberal policies effect post-secondary education in Canada. I determine what the barriers are and how we can overcome them. I will look at the rise of tuition, disability and cultural differences to see if they aid as a barrier. Post-Secondary education in Canada has become very demanding the last couple of years. Many students want to pursue careers and get an education that helps them in the future, from a neoliberalist approach young people have to “chase credentials” to gain security in future education (Lakes & Carter, 2011). For this paper I choose to do my research in Canada as many people attending post-secondary school have difficulty with the high tuition rates. According to StatsCan (2015), tuition …show more content…
Parental pressure to attend post-secondary education, peer influence, and a student’s own willingness to attend are some important factors of academic achievement (Vacarro, 2012). Support from family is a big acknowledgement for a student; this brings up the confidence and willingness to learn. Those with family support know that attending post-secondary education is a must because it becomes ingrained in a child’s mind from childhood. They are left with no other option than to obtain a degree or a certificate of some sort. Immigrant children have a higher ratio of attending post-secondary institution because of specific culture they embody surrounding education (Vacarro, 2012). First generation immigrants have 19% chances and 2nd generation have 15% more than native-born Canadians (Vacarro, 2012). This is due to knowing the importance of education in immigrant families, the parents work hard and then educate their children so that the child does not have to endure what they have. Along with the knowledge to attend, immigrant parents also save more in their child’s resp than native born Canadians (Vacarro, …show more content…
Financial aid may not be the biggest barrier in post-secondary education like I had predicted. Many students who go to secondary school are not legible to attend post-secondary due to grades and dropping out rates. This solution may weaken the quality of post-secondary education and may not make Canada a global competitor. Students may be under prepared, which would demand more attention from the university and, consequently, more finances to run the institution. As a result, tuition fees increase and grants turn into loans and debts, ultimately creating further access barriers to students from low-income

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