The party emphasizes on the fact that it is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Breaking it into bits and pieces of the differing arguments, immigration might hold the biggest edge. While in charge, Harper’s party has made Canada less welcoming. Justin Trudeau, the frontline runner for the Liberals has a deep family history in Canadian politics. His father, Elliot Trudeau implemented the idea of welcoming immigrants to Canada to give them a fair opportunity about broadening their future. Family unification is also a huge part of Trudeau’s debate against the current immigration laws, which his son, Justin is eager to follow. Through a societal perspective, there are a few examples that could be differing the two parties. One of the major focuses we look at is the economy. Through various facts, the verdict comes down to the Harper plan not working. It’s been 10 years of budget deficits. Based on current statistics, Canada currently has a 7% unemployment rate versus the 5.2% of the United States. Liberal party has an initiative in plan where they would like to invest 125 billion dollars in our …show more content…
Many students who are currently enrolled in post-secondary institutions have a loan to pay their tuition. By the time they graduate, they are buried so deep into student debts, that they are working the same job they took the student loan for. The conservative party expands their horizons by assisting this plan. They would like to increase the amount they match for a Registered Education Savings plan. They also would like to increase student support by not letting the income students earn be assessed when applying for student loans. Trudeau’s plan in this focused area is to increase student loans and decrease the debt load for students. He plans to increase the level of non-repayable grant assistance to students by $750 million per year, which could result in $850 million per year by