Blanca Fransisco-Hernandez is a fourteen-year-old Hispanic female who attended the assessment with her mother and sisters. Blanca was referred by AVID initially, where she previously participated in outpatient therapy, as they are currently close. Blanca was referred to these services following reports of sexual abuse by her older brother, who is now 15 and no longer living in the home. Blanca has been receiving outpatient therapy services with CAN, LLC since 12/2014 and has been compliant with attending sessions.…
CCIB Intake received a SOC 341 from reporting party Donna Meekins Kaiser Home Health Social Worker/Case Manager (626) 826-6993. The reporting party stated that resident Louis Morales DOB: 8/26/46 has dementia with behavioral disturbance and resides in the facility where he has easy access to leaving the facility. The reporting party stated the resident is a health and safety hazard to himself. Subsequently there are no safety locks to prevent the resident from leaving the…
Supervisor File and Supervision Plan Review: (Case Management and Treatment) Since the last file review, Mishai continues to adjust poorly. She has acquired multiple major and moderate infractions for failure to comply and threats to institutional infractions. She had several SIB incidents, and PO has attempted to address this issue with her to no avail. The Comprehensive Re-Entry Case Plan has been addressed with Ms. Harrington (PDSS), Mishai, the grandmother, and the JCC counselor.…
CHILD ONE: In order to complete my application assignment, I received help from Cassandra. Cassandra is: 4 years old, a female, and has not started school. Cassandra’s first language is Spanish. She has not had a nap.…
CCIB received CPS referral #0993-5233-4987-7020052; Reporting party (RP): Anonymous; Foster children: Gabrielle Brown, DOB: 02/22/01; Kaylesha Hardgraves, DOB: 01/04/03; Jatia Raymond, DOB: 07/11/00 and D'Shalla Wyrick, DOB: 02/22/00. It was reported that foster mother (FM) Paula Hastings allows the foster children to use alcohol and drugs (not specified) in the home and foster children are allowed to have parties where males between the ages 18-19 attend. RP stated that there are boys and girls gang members of East Coast Gang who "Jumped" the foster children on 10/17/17; the foster children went to the police department and filed a police report on 10/18/17.…
I transported Demarion Tailor and Bureisha L. Williams from their individual placements to be to visit their mother Lashawn Railback. Mrs. Railback arrived on time with snacks for the kids. The child conversed with their mother and the meeting ended amicably. The worker while transporting both clients overheard Demarion saying he didn’t want to return to his foster home. I asked why Demarion didn’t want to return to his foster home.…
Ahley is currently attending Phoenix Charter Academy in Chelsea, where she is provided with the daycare service for Kiana while in school. D. Communication The child speaks Spanish and English. It is not stated, but she seems to be comfortable in her school environment meaning she can communicate in some form.…
This 25- year old African American, single, mother of three children comes to Terrell County Department of Family and Children’s services from The Department of Foster Care Services, as a referral intake following her first allegation of an unfit parent due to substance on June 11, 2015. The client was not tested because she admitted drug use and she was positive for marijuana at the baby’s birth. Ms. Jabez admitted she was stressed out and this was why she used marijuana. Ms. Jabez stated she was sexually abused, raped, and was in foster care. Also, she reported she has a psychological process with the Renaissance Center and diagnosed with Anxiety and PTSD, she denied any mental health treatment since 2013.…
Texas A&M University-Kingsville recently held an event called Rec’N Tech, promoting exercise and iTech services. The event was held in the Student Recreation Center and was extremely fun! They had several stations set up throughout the gym which included the following activities: Just Dance, a bean bag toss, around the world basketball, an iTech information table, running laps, Angry Birds, and a brains versus brawn test. Each event was worth a certain amount of points. Thus the more activities the student participated in, the more points they could accumulate.…
Penny Lane Centers is a leading social services agency in Los Angeles County. The agency’s mission is: “to foster hopes and dreams by empowering children, youth and families to reach their highest potential”. The non-profit’s target population are needy families, families who are at risk of separation due to child neglect and/or other forms of child abuse, and children who have been detained and are in the Los Angeles child welfare system. Services are also provided to veterans and children who have emancipated from the foster care system. Programs and services include and not limited to a foster family agency, residential group home, outpatient mental health, family preservation, wraparound and veteran services.…
Before attending Gary Comer College Prep, I had no experience what so ever with college. Ever since my first day in ECS,Early Colliegate Scholars, class, I have begun to feel more prepared for college than I ever have before. Gary Comer ensures that it's students are prepared for college and not only college but to graduate college. Many of my friends that I speak to about the college process are behind, but foruntaley, I was able to attend Gary Comer College Prep and begin to learn what the EFC was before many students even figured out what they wanted to pursue in life.…
Error 1 Perhaps the most noticeable micro-level practice error displayed in the Gabriel Myers case can be seen in the case worker’s careless effort to provide informed consent for Gabriel’s medical treatment. According to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics, “In instances when clients lack the capacity to provide informed consent, social workers should protect their clients’ interests by seeking permission from an appropriate third party, informing clients consistent with the clients’ level of understanding. In such instances, the third party acts in a manner consistent with clients’ wishes and interest” (, 2008). To address certain behavioral issues related to traumatic experiences, case workers…
Identify the evidence of goal attainment/progress including the impact on student achievement. I have developed good rapport with the parents of my students. As evidence, the parents contact me if they have any concerns. I also have contacted my student’s parents to inform them of positive behavior, future projects, disruptive behavior, and academic issues. I have encountered positive interaction with parents which has facilitated into achieve the behavior or action I desired from the student.…
Social problem The Fostering Connections Act is a federal child welfare law that places requirements on child welfare agencies to work with schools to support the education needs of children in foster care. Since its passage in 2008, the Fostering Connections Act has also brought much needed attention to the importance of connecting children in the system to their blood relatives for a possible new permanent home. The act made numerous changes to the child welfare system, which covers federal payments to states for foster care and adoption assistance.…
Foster Children Deemed Unadoptable Lisa is a teen who has been in foster care since she was born. She was placed in foster care because her parents sexually, physically, and emotionally abused her. Lisa has severe anxiety and anger issues because of this. Her issues worsened when she was placed in foster care because she did not know if she could trust her new foster parents. Many times, Lisa could not trust her foster parents because many of them did what Lisa’s biological parents did to her.…