I 'm writing this letter today to address what I believe to be considered as "Workplace bullying"; the workplace bullying has occurred for around two years now.
Whilst I should have 'spoken up ' earlier about this matter, I have been too scared to say; do, or act on anything; as it may result in myself being removed from the Nolan Street roster.
(DW), (JM) and (GM) are good individuals; I hold no personal grudges or other personal feelings against these individuals, however on a professional basis; I believe the aforementioned co-workers have treated/dealt with me in an unsatisfactory professional standard. These individuals have done nothing but bully me with rosters, yelled; intimidated and threatened me by absolute absurd means.
When I …show more content…
I volunteered to help to fill in parts of the LAC forms, which were nearly complete. I asked if I had to fill the entire lot out; as I am very conscious of my handwriting and did not know whether or not my writing was eligible enough. I asked if anybody could please help or guide me on this; (GM) and (DW) both yelled at me stating: "I told you to do them last time, you volunteered to do them; so you WILL complete them ASAP." After this, I explained that I was, in fact completing them; but was unsure if whether or not they were of an adequate standard.
Most recently, on Sunday the 20th of March, I had just completed changeover with both (JM) and another staff member. Staff member (JM) yelled at me regarding a fire safety form I had not yet completed.The form was incomplete as both the other staff member and myself took a coresident out on an all-day activity.
(JM) said "I left you a note there in the book, I did not see this note, "I then read the note and quickly checked my watch; as I needed to attend to important home duties - (JM) turned to me and yelled: "Don 't look at the clock, do your and fill them in