D1 Unit 3 Child Care Analysis

Brilliant Essays
Throughout my assignment, I am going to be exploring the ways in which practitioners in child care settings can influence children by working in partnership with families, multi-agencies and more than one team. I will be covering the key issues when working in partnership, as well as theories, approaches, legislations and how that impacts upon professional practice.
D1: There are many key issues that are important for practitioners, parents and agencies to consider in regards to working in partnership. Some of the will key issues include, confidentiality, Legalisations and polices, sharing and communicating information, team working and respecting and valuing others.
Confidentiality/sharing and communicating: It is important for practitioners
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For example, a speech therapist would use a range of methods to support the child using their specialist knowledge. Therefore, if they feel this is working well, they would then report to the child’s teacher who should respect their ideas, and use them to support the child in the classroom. “Gaining support and advice from specialist professionals are important and should be valued, as this could support the child further.” Classroom activities could be adapted to allow for the child’s needs to be catered for. By respecting and valuing the other agencies support, the practitioner and parents can take it into their own hands to use it further to support the …show more content…
It is important for practitioners to implement strategies to support children and young people within their care. This can be supported by working with the internal polices and procedures for the setting. Practitioners and multi agency teams can also be influenced upon theories as well as current statutory frameworks. Cross-functional teams will work together using their specialist skills to provide relevant support to children and young people. For example, a cross functional team could include, a practitioner to support with learning, a speech therapist to support with the child’s speech and language development, and a social worker to support the child and parent at home. It is important to have cross-functional teams, as this will support the individuals, as all team members will have knowledge of the child and family, and ways to support them efficiently. Meredith Belbin’s theory supports cross-functional working and team working which was one of the key issues explored in D1. When working in a team, most teams usually have allocated identified roles. Belbin’s theory suggested that to be a successful team, a team should use their specialist expertise to work together in partnership to contribute in supporting a child. In addition to this, Belbin believed that a professional leader would encourage and support

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