The Role And Importance Of Partnership Working With Colleagues

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In a partnership, no one has full control for every situation; it needs to be accepted that some partners will be more independent than others and have more power or influence than others; a true partnership empowers the service user, their carers and professionals; there is respect and trust between the different partners.

1.2 (2.1, 2.3, 3.1)

a) colleagues

The importance of partnership working with colleagues, is to provide consistent

support for the service users, in a safe and person centred environment. It is important that all staff are on the same page with regards to each individual service users requirements.

My roles and responsibilities include conducting team meetings and supervisions and inductions; training
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It is important to work in partnership with families, friends etc. as the support would then be consistent and person centred.

I regular keep contact with families for those with poorer conventional communication skills, their friends and people in the community that provide many of their activities and services. It is also very important to I support individuals to make and maintain friendships in the community.


We can deliver better outcomes with proper partnership working when all parties have a good and mutual knowledge of the person they are delivering the service to and that they are aware of each other’s input and all have a similar or the same goal. Working in partnership means keeping good communication throughout the process and that high standards of care and support is delivered the service users.


Many partnerships are formed to solve complex problems so it is important to bring together people with different expertise and roles. You should always agree on priorities, delegate roles, have open and truthful communication and you accept challenges that each other may
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It is considered essential to delivering improvements in care to service users and it is seen as adding value by introducing innovation and change.

4.4 (2.3)

When evaluating my partnership working relationships with colleagues I need to consider my own strengths and weaknesses when dealing with: Service sector providers in health and social care; Professions such as nurses, social workers, doctors and therapists; Institutions and communities (primary and secondary); Organisation types for example public, private or voluntary and Care groups for acute and long-term care, children, adults, those with mental health issues or learning disabilities.

Monitoring and evaluation of procedures should make sure partners receive regular and relevant information regarding the results of their efforts. This then allows collaboration at management and practice levels to assess their effectiveness and adjust their plans based on outcomes. The assessment can be considered from various angles, such as: the overall purpose; value for money; responsiveness; sustainability and

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