The first few years are the most crucial for brain development and research has shown that stimulating play and learning experiences for children help to build connections in the brain called neural pathways which are essential for cognitive development. Lack of these opportunities restricts the development of these pathways, slowing down or delaying learning in the short term and affecting a child’s chances in the long term.
Play is one of the main ways in which children interact with one another and form relationships. Lack of social interaction can lead to a child not being able to learn how to co-operate, develop confidence as well as problem solving and thinking skills. There could be serious …show more content…
The key person approach allows practitioners to carry out focussed assessments of each child’s needs because they get to know the child, their family and their interests at home.
Every child’s development is individual and each child has their own strengths and weaknesses. Observing children through their play is therefore essential in providing an appropriate learning environment as well as resources to support effective play. Key Features of an effective play based learning environment
Learning through play enables children to make sense of the world around them. Through play they can develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally, and gain the self-confidence required to engage in new experiences and environments.
Young children learn and make sense of the world around them in a different way than older children do. They need to manipulate materials, engage with their peers, engage all of their senses, and work through their thoughts and feelings. An effective play-based learning environment should be one where:
There are opportunities for safe and secure indoor and outdoor play
Resources are fit safe and fit for …show more content…
If outdoor space is limited, look at how play that usually takes place outdoors can be incorporated in doors i.e. planting in pots can be moved to indoors or moving furniture to make room for ride-on toys. The same applies to lack of space indoors by taking resources and equipment from inside to outside.
Attitudes to play based learning can be more difficult to overcome but should be challenged. Parents may not understand the importance of play for learning because of their own experiences or their culture. This could be approached by visiting the setting and talking to professionals as well as providing them with written information on the benefits to play based learning.
Staffing levels should always be sufficient in-line with the requirements of the EYFS, for monitoring and supporting indoor and outdoor play opportunities. Play activities with a higher risk will need additional supervision and need to be well planned at a time when qualified practitioners and support staff are available instead of not providing challenging play based