Learning Through Play: Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated bibliography

Bruce, Tin, Learning Through Play, London: Hodder & Stoughton Educational, 2001, Print.
This book features a lot of key topics associated with learning through play. Throughout the book Bruce describes how children learn during the early stages of their life. Bruce highlights key theories and practices on how aspiring teachers can promote learning through play. She believed the purpose of play is to bring together what they know in a connected and whole way. She suggests that play helps children to make connections in their learning.
Many of her examples show how this relates to learning such as being effective symbol users, being able to think in abstract ways, being able to develop their own theory of mind, being creative and imaginative as well as being flexible thinkers. Bruce also gives us a little insight on Key theorist such as Friedrich Froebel and how he adopted natural play of children. This influenced other works of key theorists such as, Margaret MC Millan, Susan Isaacs.

From this book I came across a range of theories and approaches surrounding play and learning. The text elaborates on observation and how they experiment learning in a variety of settings. Bruce quoted other
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Sue Waite has included two sides of the argument of whether learning outside the classroom is beneficial to a child’s learning and does the child actually learn from it. For example some children might be use to the norms of the classroom that when they are taken outside they still follow the classroom rules which results in them not learning. By getting two sides of the argument I have found this useful in getting the whole picture. Furthermore, throughout her book she reflects back on a lot of research undertaken by different theorists, I believe this makes her work more effective and reliable when establishing how children learn outside the

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