Child Education: Assessing And Scaffolding Make-Believe Play

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The rapid economic development has impacted our life tremendously. Life is getting much easier and more convenient thanks technology and quick accessed information. However, we do not have everything for granted, we have been working so hard for it. As parents, we spend more time working to bring home money and at the same time dealing with the stress of keeping the job. Consequently, we spend less time with our family, especially with our children, to play with our children or read them a good story. Taking the Human Development class allows me to study more about children and the role of play in their growth and development. As one of the assignment, we were sent to the daycare center to observe children play. I went to One Hope United, a …show more content…
Peer-interaction is a great foundation for logical thinking and language development. Many of the play skills that children are learning by observing and imitating the other playmates. According to the article “Assessing and Scaffolding Make-Believe Play” by Deboral J. Leong and Eleba Bodrova, the different type of play in Ms. Petrece’s helped the children expanding their language and their imagination. Their vocabulary is developing and their social skills are enhancing. The ability to calculate and logical skill in math are also strengthen from “hide and seek” game where the kids guessing the position to locate his friends. According to Vygotsky’s approach to scaffolding play, toddler “take more steps towards development mature make believe play as they move from mastering simple acts of putting on their clothes or brushing their hair to applying these acts to their dolls and stuff animal”, which was what I observed a little girl playing with her dolls and puppets. It is very important to recognize the importance of play in child development both physically and mentally. In schools, instead of reducing play and gym hours, play should be preserved and nurtured as one of the “uniquely preschool” activities that provide most beneficial context for children’s development. At home, by spending more time exploring and playing with their children, we will be able to help their intellectual and mental develop gradually every

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