Love (noun): “And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.”
Over the years, Blake and I had managed to get part-time jobs and get accepted into universities. Although we ended up completing our educations in two different schools, we still managed to make it work, just like we always did. However, there was no cross dressing over that period of my life. The key events that had taken place between where we left off to now included; me getting a job at the animal shelter, Blake getting a job at a comic book store, Scott and Haleigh delivering a healthy baby boy after getting married, Eliza finding a boyfriend, and most importantly, …show more content…
No sexy times for you" I told him as he came to kiss me gently.
He pulled away with a pout. "Rude. Fine, I'll unpack the clothes and put them into the wardrobe. But after everyone's gone, then we can have some fun."
I shrugged, frowning. "Actually, Scott and Haleigh are staying the night. Their house is getting pest removal done and it's dangerous for Luke to breathe in."
He smirked. "Yeah, that's not going to stop me."
I pulled out one of the boxes that had clothes in it and started taking them out, handing each item of clothing to Blake who placed them into the wardrobe. "See, it won't take that long to do this shit."
"Yeah, but half of our clothes are sweaters that you make me wear and then you wear them the next day" he stated and I nodded.
"Yeah, that's true." We kept unfolding and re-folding the clothes until they were all put away and out of the boxes.
"Are you working tomorrow?" He asked me, taking one of my hands.
"Yeah, I'm going to take Daisy in with me. She needs a checkup" I told him and he chuckled, leading me downstairs to see that the entire kitchen was packed.
"Aw, thanks guys" I said walking into the room.
Scott shrugged. "Eh, it was all Haleigh and Eliza. I was just holding …show more content…
He wrapped his hand around my finger, making Blake aw.
"You know that you can adopt, right?" Scott asked, making Eliza laugh.
"No, they're going to have real kids. I'm going to carry a baby for them" Eliza said, walking up to us, Haleigh close behind her.
"Okay, we never spoke about that" Blake said, but then walked over to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and kissing my forehead.
"Don't tell me that seeing Mason with a baby isn't the most adorable thing you've ever seen" Haleigh said, laughing.
"It is the most adorable thing" he said, resting his head on top of mine and I sighed.
"Yeah, I want to have kids" I said, making him sigh.
Haleigh smiled. "Well, if you want to have a kid that has Blake's DNA as well, I can carry the baby, because with Eliza, you can have a kid from Mason, but with me, Blake can have a baby too."
Scott frowned. "You want to have sex with another guy?"
Eliza rolled her eyes. "No, it's an artificial procedure."
Scott smiled. "Oh, well in that case, go for it. I don't want any more kids on my part though. No offence to Luke."
"I've got to go now, but just think about my offer, alright?" Eliza said, walking outside and I realised that Jeremy was