In The Divide, Matt Taibbi conveys to the reader the different, and often overlooked, side of policing. Taibbi argues that large cities started arresting anyone who looked suspicious or may have committed a crime. Even though violent crimes and felonies had decrease, New York's mayor Rudy Giuliani created a policing system where anyone could be stopped without probable cause. Taibbi states that police began to "fan out into neighborhoods like commercial fisherman, throwing nets over whole city blocks and making as many arrests as they could.…
The Film “Serpico” starring Al Pacino, Follows the career of a fresh face rookie cop from his graduation at the academy to the unfortunate end of his career. Based on a true story, Serpcio discovers that he is one of the very few officers within the New York City Police Department who has no interest in accepting under the table money or participating in unethical and illegal behavior. This film highlights many errors of the NYPD in the 1960’s. It shows that at this time the police were not held to a high standard of integrity or accountability. That laziness and greediness were the 2 words best used to describe many officers at the time.…
Bryan Burrough was previously a writer for the Wall Street Journal, and won three John Handcock Awards in financial journalism. As an author he wrote six bestselling books before The Big Rich, including Days of Rage and Public Enemies. Burroughs grew up around the families of the Big Rich and was amazed by them. He wrote The Big Rich in response to the lack of knowledge about the families who were once considered Texas nobility. The book focuses around the lives the Big Rich, Roy Cullen, Sid Richardson, Clint Murchison, and H.L. Hunt.…
As with most other city departments, the pay scale is top-heavy. Fire Commissioner Jose Santiago, the fourth-highest paid city employee, has an annual base salary of almost $203,000. Pension, benefits and bonuses are extra. His base salary is only $13,000 less than Mayor Rahm Emanuel; Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson’s base salary is $45,000 more than the mayor.…
The political era of policing was between 1837 and 1910. Some of the main characteristic of the political era was that officers were hired and fired by the politicians within their areas. The officers’ were very loyal to the politicians that hired them. During election years, police officers would encourage the citizens to vote for the politician they supported so they could stay in office and the officer could keep their job. Hiring standards during the political era were nonexistent.…
In the study conducted by McElvain et al., data was studied involving 186 officer shootings with just over 300 officers involved (McElvain & Kposowa, 2008, p. 506). The data that was examined occurred over a 15 year period of time, enough time to provide an adequate amount of data (McElvain & Kposowa, 2008, p. 506). The department involved, Rivereside County Sheriff’s Department, deals with a large amount of diversity for a population. The county consists of 47% Hispanics, 37.8% Caucasian, and 6% Asians (California). The county has a 16.8% poverty level, much less than the poverty level located in the New Jersey cities found in Chapman’s study (California).…
Mayor Dinkins implemented a police reform during his tenure at city hall from 1990-1993. His plan included 1.8 billion dollars to hire eight thousand new officers and he hired Lee Brown as commissioner, whom favored community policing. Under Lee Brown, officers were required to regularly patrol neighborhoods, start a personal rapport with the residents, and help solve problems other than 911 calls. Mayor Dinkins successor was Rudy Giuliani, whom help strong convictions towards the crack down on petty crime. During his time in office, Mayor Giuliani employed 3,660 new officers and hired the notorious Bill Bratton to be police commissioner, whom strongly believed in the effectiveness of broken windows policing.…
It is believed that perpetuators behind the mass shooting of police officers in Dallas were driven by their hatred for white cops and urge to seek vengeance for the shooting of black Americans. Consequently, several congressmen claim that the anti-cop ideology that the Obama administration and the Black Lives Matter movement advocated for, ultimately led to the tragic incident. On the other hand, statistical data from multiple sources suggest that under president Obama, the occurrence of intentional acts of violence against cops has declined. Compared to Obama's predecessors like Bush, Clinton, and Reagen, officers are faring better under president Obama. However, the safety of police officers has little to do with the president who happens…
Throughout No Way Out, law enforcement officers have been seen as a negative influence in the Lyford Street community. This insider/outsider dynamic is an extremely important feature in the community. When most outsiders come in, they disrupt the established social order that the residents work so hard to maintain, so the residents see outsiders as a threat to their community. Duck describes one patrol officer assigned to Lyford Street who’s presence seems to be beneficial in this community. This police officer rarely arrested people in the community, rather she would organize for other officers in different parts of town to make arrests involving the drug trade.…
Brooklyn’s Finest Reaction Police officers have to deal with many dangerous situations while on the job; this is why police work is by far one of the most stressful job in today’s society. Imagine having the responsibility to protect the lives of those who cannot help themselves or even the constant exposure to people in pain or distress, all while having to deal with any personal issues that the officer may be experiencing in his or her own private life. Needless to say police work is an extremely hard job to do for a very small compensation considering the danger and the stress of the job. In the film Brooklyn’s Finest we are introduced to Sal, who has a growing family with a pregnant wife who is sick because of the mold that has accumulated…
In today’s world, it’s hard to always try to get your point across without stepping on somebody’s toes. Whatever you say can be offensive to multiple people, even if you are meaning it in a positive way, somebody will try to look at it in a different way to make you look like the bad person. Some people are more open with being able to complain about something they don’t like while others will wait until someone else takes care of it for them. It can be hard for some people to be comfortable to speak their minds because they are afraid that they will be wrong. What some people don’t understand is the difference between being respectable about giving your ideas or opinions and being an ignorant person about their own views.…
Noble Cause Corruption has received much attention in police culture lately. Noble Cause has been used in ways it shouldn’t. But it’s something we need to fix before it gets worse. Police officers face ethical dilemmas and ethical challenges a lot. But when we think of these decisions being down we look at two ethical systems that many people do use.…
One of the findings by the DOJ was that there was over time given to police officers so that they could hand out more vehicle violations to produce more income, the "traffic enforcement initiative". In another example a judge that had been conplained about by a council member retained his position so that revenue was not hindered or lost (Wofford) . This is an action of an elite few to control, or gain, more of the local resources (Henslin, p. 10) instead of using the overtime to protect and serve. The detaining of suspects, until a warrant search is done is lucrative (Wofford) and was business as…
The Political era of policing stemmed through the 1840s to the 1930s. This particular method relied highly of political gain. Police officers were used by Politicians as way to control neighborhoods. The advantages of the political era of policing allowed community interest to be main priority; therefore, community policing was said to be an effective tool. The disadvantages of the political era were politicians had immediate control over the departments and unfortunately recruitment was entitled to the politician’s discretion.…
The Broken Windows Theory, first introduced in 1982, asserts that disorder and crime are connected and that disorder can negatively impact society, leading to a high incidence rate of crimes, both misdemeanors and felonies. Through order-maintenance policing, disorder can be controlled, creating a safe and orderly atmosphere, instilling trust between law enforcement and civilians, and the crime rate can be maintained at a low rate. While there is evidence that correlation between Broken Windows policing and crime may be more coincidental, it has been asserted that law enforcement feel that the theory presented by Wilson and Kelling is workable and precisely describes the preferred method of urban jurisdiction maintenance. According…