Why Don T We Complain? By William F. Buckley

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In today’s world, it’s hard to always try to get your point across without stepping on somebody’s toes. Whatever you say can be offensive to multiple people, even if you are meaning it in a positive way, somebody will try to look at it in a different way to make you look like the bad person. Some people are more open with being able to complain about something they don’t like while others will wait until someone else takes care of it for them. It can be hard for some people to be comfortable to speak their minds because they are afraid that they will be wrong.
What some people don’t understand is the difference between being respectable about giving your ideas or opinions and being an ignorant person about their own views. This point goes along to all three essays that we read.
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Buckley, complaining is a huge factor in the story. He notices everything that is going wrong, but he doesn’t want to complain because he’s afraid that he will get shut down. Throughout the story, I think that he kind of implies that he hopes someone else will take care of the complaining for them. Buckley has personal situations where he complains, like: being too hot on the train, the movie being out of focus, needing a screwdriver at the lodge for his ski that needed fixing. We read that when he noticed it was too hot in the train, that when he thought about going up and asking someone to fix it, he noticed somebody else thought it was almost insane that he’d get up and complain about it. Which made him even more bound to not being able to want to stick up for himself

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